MSI Monitor Cheats for You


VP of Extreme Liberty
Jul 13, 2005
Believe it or not, MSI just brought online game cheats to monitors

At CES 2024, MSI detailed its new PC monitor, the MEG 321URX QD-OLED. Now we don’t usually share any PC monitor news but MSI did something that will shake the online PC gaming industry. The team has implemented an AI-powered cheat on this monitor which cannot be detected by games.

As MSI stated, the MEG 321URX QD-OLED has an onboard AI module that can detect enemies in League of Legends and put an icon on the screen to show you where they are coming from. Not only that, but their owners will be able to train this AI module for other games too. So, for instance, you’ll be able to train it so that it can show you your enemies in other games, like Call of Duty, Counter-Strike 2 or PUBG.

From what I understand, the monitor will visualize the information it can get from a game’s minimap. So, instead of looking at the minimap, you’ll be able to see on your screen where your enemies are. And yes, I do consider this a cheat.

Owners of this PC monitor will get a big advantage over everyone else. And I seriously don’t know how game studios will combat this. Will they automatically ban players who use this monitor? Or will they remove the minimap from their games?

All in all, this is another reason why I don’t fancy modern-day competitive games. Long gone are the days of pure competition. Hell, even back in those golden days, I always preferred local battles/fights. That way, you could at least curse the other guy in his face. And I know, I know, there are also cheaters in Tekken (and you all know I love Tekken). However, I’m also against the “modern” controls of fighting games. Modern controls feel like the macro cheats of the past. So, if we are now cool with these modern controls, why we were against them when they were macro cheats? That’s the definition of double standards.

So, let’s see now which company will follow MSI’s example. Will LG release a monitor with similar AI capabilities? Or how about ASUS and Alienware?

Stay tuned for more!

Man and to think putting a dot of dry-erase marker on the center of the crosshairs was a big-brained move...
That's such a weird thing to do.
It's sort of cheating but not totally I guess. It would be like having your friend sit with you and say where the enemies are.

This borderline cheating seems like something a reputable company would not risk tarnishing their reputation on.
Gaming hardware that cheats for you is a gimmick? Have you been in any real leagues?
A big problem in Apex Legends is that all of the guns have "recoil patterns" - you learn them as you become familiar with the guns.

But you can buy a controller interface that lets you program a counter pattern to negate the recoil.

You'd think they would either randomize it or remove it as all it does at this point is penalize people who want to play cleanly.

Hardware level cheating is here and getting worse all the time.
Gaming hardware that cheats for you is a gimmick? Have you been in any real leagues?
You could've picked a better example. There are far worse instances of hardware that help people cheat.

No, I haven't been in any "real leagues". I've never seen anyone gaming at a real league with hardware designed for cheater. Usually they have rules against things like that. This really isn't new.

You're basically just spreading clickbait that is really nothing more than an advertisement for some shitty gaming monitor. And if you care about gaming leagues, at all, I'd suggest you re-think your life.
You're basically just spreading clickbait that is really nothing more than an advertisement for some shitty gaming monitor. And if you care about gaming leagues, at all, I'd suggest you re-think your life.
No, he's not. This is cheating, and it is disturbing that mainstream hardware manufacturers are starting to implement it in their products. Also, what's wrong with caring about sports that you need to rethink your life because of them? :ROFLMAO:. Some people value skill and fairness in games.
I can't imagine the amount of conditioning you've been through to get to where you're at. But yes, generally people who care a lot about sports are generally losers, but people who think videogames are sports on another tier. They really didn't do you guys any favors with the anti-bully initiatives. You'd have to be living in absolute nerd-land to care about any of this. Now I'm stuck questioning what you guys look like behind your keyboards.
Spoken like a 10 year old.

You're wrong!!! I don't even care!!!! You're ugly!!
I was concerned about the monitor adding a non detectable game cheat, but then I saw a keyboard warrior questioning the [H] about being in nerd land on a nerd land forum.

Are you some kind of russian troll who does not understand what kind of forum you are posting on?
At a glance here, I don't see how it's "cheating" since it's not showing you something you wouldn't already be able to see anyway. I'm sure they've researched and studied everything and consulted with their gaming pro's and a few dev's before coming out with this.
Great, so it's probably practically undetectable besides presumably just blanket banning the hardware.

Which I kind of hope is the outcome and kills any and all of this kind of garbage. Crosshair I could let slide because tape exists.

At a glance here, I don't see how it's "cheating" since it's not showing you something you wouldn't already be able to see anyway. I'm sure they've researched and studied everything and consulted with their gaming pro's and a few dev's before coming out with this.
I severely doubt any dev or pro would approve this.
I'd consider it cheating. It literally gives you a visual indicator that other players without the monitor don't get. If they wouldn't allow a third party mod that does what this monitor does, why do people with the monitor get a pass?
I was concerned about the monitor adding a non detectable game cheat, but then I saw a keyboard warrior questioning the [H] about being in nerd land on a nerd land forum.

Are you some kind of russian troll who does not understand what kind of forum you are posting on?
I'm russian, but I only troll my friends. So either way it's disrespectful lol

This is the dark side of AI. It'll become software soon enough or on webcams
It is cheating, but done outside of the game itself. This just means that if that monitor is detected by the anti-cheat, then you're banned from playing the game.
I'd consider it cheating. It literally gives you a visual indicator that other players without the monitor don't get. If they wouldn't allow a third party mod that does what this monitor does, why do people with the monitor get a pass?
If it's using minimap/radar information then the monitor wouldn't be able to pinpoint where the blip is in a 3D environment. I don't see what the difference between this and looking at your minimap/radar is.

In my opinion games need to get rid of the minimap/radar crutch. Lets go back to actually learning maps, spawn points, and general strategy to best opponents instead of just waiting for the game to tell us.
There have been other overlays that have done similar things in the past, those weren’t always considered cheating but it was frowned upon and it eventually stopped being a thing. Was that because the Developers said “can you not?” Or because the overlay developer just said, nah not worth the effort of maintaining it.
Some were getting players banned which started the whole “I wasn’t cheating, I was running my <insert shitty streaming/chat overlay>” trend. So maybe players just stopped using them because there was a chance of being banned.

Too much to unwrap there, is using a 3’rd party tool to highlight areas of interest on your screen a cheat when it does it using only information already available on the screen.
Is it a useful tool or a crutch for new or casual players.
Experienced players or good ones at least would probably see that coming where a new player would see a flash and then instinctively look.

I don’t believe that the current implementation constitutes cheating. But you bet your behind there’s already a group of developers out there wondering how they can utilize the hardware in that monitor to build something that 100% is.
I'd consider it cheating. It literally gives you a visual indicator that other players without the monitor don't get. If they wouldn't allow a third party mod that does what this monitor does, why do people with the monitor get a pass?

Because it's undetectable.
It's like getting away with bringing a gun into an airport since you have it consealed.
They're not getting a pass. They're just getting away with it.
If it's using minimap/radar information then the monitor wouldn't be able to pinpoint where the blip is in a 3D environment. I don't see what the difference between this and looking at your minimap/radar is.

In my opinion games need to get rid of the minimap/radar crutch. Lets go back to actually learning maps, spawn points, and general strategy to best opponents instead of just waiting for the game to tell us.
Like a competitive play mode?
Like a competitive play mode?
A competitive player would already be watching for these things and it would likely serve as a distraction for them, not a benefit, it helps the casuals and may serve to prop them up at the expense of long-term development but let's face it a casual LoL player isn't putting in that time.
So as the implementation currently stands this isn't cheating, because it's not going to suddenly bring somebody from the bottom to the top, it's at best a trainer or at worst a crutch, but it's not doing or displaying anything that isn't present, it's not generating new data it's highlighting and emphasizing data that's already there.

Could this hardware be modded to cheat though, would there be a way to train it to track details that are otherwise hidden or extremely difficult to see, could it be triggered to work in conjunction with a camera or an overlay for snap-to-headshots? Like the monitor changes the target's critical hitboxes to display as a red box, that an overlay or camera facing the screen monitors that could trigger a mouse-based macro for a snap to headshot? Streaming software runs on the output of the GPU so it would stream up the normal output the monitor would then display the modified output, and then their cheats would be running off the modified output, somehow tying that into some monitor-based USB ports that the monitors AI can work in conjunction with without sending the signal back through the full USB bus through the CPU and that traffic would be undetectable without some really intrusive anti-cheat. It would certainly do away with the Streamers accidentally outing themselves issue because they rarely show their monitors, they show themselves and they stream their displays. Even if the existing cheat software out there could get the monitor's internal hardware to run their interfaces so the menus never hit the display buffer and instead was something accessed from the keys on the monitor that would make cheating easier. Again because most big streamers get caught cheating when their software pops up on the screen when they hit a hot key by accident, so even that little thing there would aid the cheaters out there.

So as it currently stands no I don't consider this very limited trainer to be cheating, but the bad person in me wants one to crack it open and see what I can make it do instead, and I guarantee I am not alone in that.
The only time I thought I was cheating with hardware was way back when I used some device that hooked up to the Xbox iirc and let me use a keyboard and mouse. I think it was an XIM or something from WAY back when.

It was the most fun I’ve ever had, just being able to slaughter everyone and everything with a KB/M over scrubs using a controller.

Then I’d go back to CoD4 on PC and be average lol.
Oh yet another b.s. AI usage.

When are you guys gonna stop defending this stupid AI crap. It needs to be mega banned globally. Humanity can thrive just fine without AI. Ban it now.
Nah. it's not real..... The internet says so!
I hope the monitor has a hidden camera and uploads the pics of the people that use this in online matches so we can all shame them lol.
I wonder if the processor doing this is at least as powerful as a Pi Zero…. Would be fun to build an NES emulator into the monitor itself.
I hope the monitor has a hidden camera and uploads the pics of the people that use this in online matches so we can all shame them lol.
I'm sure people will line up to buy a monitor that constantly uploads images of them cheating. :cautious: This should be a signal that it's time for online gets to moderate up to watch players to see if they cheat, because it's going to get much harder to catch a cheater with anti-cheat software.
I'm sure people will line up to buy a monitor that constantly uploads images of them cheating. :cautious: This should be a signal that it's time for online gets to moderate up to watch players to see if they cheat, because it's going to get much harder to catch a cheater with anti-cheat software.

Or they just set a precedent and just ban the hardware.
Or they just set a precedent and just ban the hardware.
Yup. Make only certified AI free Hardware. Games only work with certified QVL type devices. I support.

I'm pretty sure I'm probably correct in suggesting that some people on this very forum are so addicted to the lies of AI they wouldn't be able to consume oxygen without an AI powered Lung in the near future.

I'm like Will Smith in I robot. Kill em all. All AI all Robots.
Or they just set a precedent and just ban the hardware.
The problem is that even these MSI monitors can be made to look like a generic monitor with a cheap HDMI Pass-Through EDID Emulator. Which means the only way to effectively fight this is to whitelist monitors, but there's a lot of people who have monitors that just show up as a generic monitor. What about people with TV's used as monitors? All this to avoid paying for moderators?
While it is technically cheating by definition, I'm skeptical it provides any benefit. It doesn't change what is visible or perform any sort of interaction for you. Arguably, it's less significant than a hardware macro for a glitch or even simply going from 60Hz to 120Hz. Mass produced hardware with little more than a minor UI mod for a very specific game doesn't register very high on the slippery slope argument for me. It's just too impractical to matter or take off.

Fighting against machine learning at this point is dumb, fighting against any sort of technology is dumb. Let them waste their money, the useful and useless ideas will sort themselves out eventually. Just look at cryptocurrency.
The problem is that even these MSI monitors can be made to look like a generic monitor with a cheap HDMI Pass-Through EDID Emulator. Which means the only way to effectively fight this is to whitelist monitors, but there's a lot of people who have monitors that just show up as a generic monitor. What about people with TV's used as monitors? All this to avoid paying for moderators?
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It's a fucking disaster the second someone screws up, and it's effectively impossible at these scales.

You would need multiple thousands of full-time employees just to watch CSGO alone.
Without LAN can't prove legit. Always been that way. But this is clearly cheating. Only at the highest levels like top 0.1% are people NEVER missing something on the radar. As someone who was Diamond 1 back in the day when it was the highest tier even I could miss someone on the radar especially in an intense bottom 2v2/3 fight when there's a high mobility opponent on the other team. Not to mention the advantage this could have with against stuff like TF/shen/reksai/rengar/shaco etc. Not to mention just being able to grind games out with less fatigue to reach higher ELO faster because you don't need to look at the radar.
It's a fucking disaster the second someone screws up, and it's effectively impossible at these scales.

You would need multiple thousands of full-time employees just to watch CSGO alone.
At some point anti-cheats won't be effective enough. I doubt this monitor is going to be a huge concern because the idea doesn't sound useful, but eventually you'll see things like mice that auto aim and keyboards that auto dodge for you. Companies will make them, because people will buy them. What then?
At some point anti-cheats won't be effective enough. I doubt this monitor is going to be a huge concern because the idea doesn't sound useful, but eventually you'll see things like mice that auto aim and keyboards that auto dodge for you. Companies will make them, because people will buy them. What then?
You can make an AI bot to detect other AI bots and ban.

Even your password can be cracked based on your keyboard sound strokes over a zoom call.

Thanks for ruining mechanical keyboards hackers.