Moved site to new host - 10% of traffic as before...


Fully [H]
May 15, 2006
I changed from Hostgator to IWF Hosting, and now I'm not getting anywhere near the same traffic. I went from 100-200 visitors per day down to 10-20 after the move. It's reachable by other people, and the demographics are showing various locations (using Google Analytics). Just not getting close to the same traffic as I was before. Started from day 1 after the switch.

Any ideas on what would cause the huge drop in traffic? Just from the day of the switch it just dropped like a rock.
Shot in the dark, but maybe on the old host you had tons of bots, and for whatever reason they were connecting by IP instead of by hostname. So now they're still hitting the old host.

Could also be that DNS is being slow to propagate but if you did things right (ex: lower TTL ahead of time) it should not take that long.
I don't think bots trip Google Analyitics, and not often if they do. So it's been only one day since the switch? Slow DNS could explain things if the switch is only one day. Did you shut down the former server right away? If so, that might be your problem.
It's been a couple months. I was thinking DNS propagation at first, but it never improved... Don't think it was bots, but it could have been. I was thinking it was blocking some places, but it shows world wide visitors.

I don't think there would be just a huge drop like that...
Does your new server work with both www. and without it? I've seen some sites that don't. Most people just assume the site is down.
Hi Ur_Mom, HG actually has steps on diagnosing this. Maybe you can find the equivalent steps on your new hosting provider.

Or, you can always ask your new provider's support team if they have some thoughts on this.
Wow. Holy thread return! :) Yea, it fixed it self eventually. I don't know what caused it, but it eventually just came back up. Bad tracking info or something. It's back to doing alright for traffic. Now, I'm just slacking on the updates on it. :/