Most Relevant PhysX Performance Tests for 2015?


Sep 5, 2008
Hey folks...just received a 750 Ti that I bought for cheap. Plan on refreshing my "dedicated PhysX PPU" research (link) that I last did with Borderlands 2, a GTX 690, 680, 640, 650, and 650 Ti.

My goal is to test the most relevant games/tests - and in my research, I have discovered that much has not changed since 2012 when I wrote that last article. Is PhysX nearly irrelevant? Possibly. Am I bored and looking for something "fun" and "different" to do? Definitely. If you have any thoughts/opinions on what tests/games I should benchmark - let me know.

Here is my current roster:

For hardware, I have 3x GTX 980 SC (although 2-way SLI will be the max, if I even do that - may stick to a single 980 as primary) and 1x GTX 750 Ti to play with (I have a 290X Lightning - but I'm not sure I want to delve into the realm of hacked PhysX drivers - has that been maintained? Back in 2012 it was pretty half-assed).

Anyway - appreciate any insight or thoughts. Thanks!
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I love PhysX, but I agree it's not getting much love these days.

Since I'm also running 3x 980, I would be interested if there is any benefit to 2-way SLI + dedicated PhysX w/ all 980's over 3-way 980's and PhysX auto (but I guess I could test this myself if I cared a lot).
test out Arkham City...while it may not be 'new', it was one of the few titles that made somewhat good use of PhysX
I love PhysX, but I agree it's not getting much love these days.

Since I'm also running 3x 980, I would be interested if there is any benefit to 2-way SLI + dedicated PhysX w/ all 980's over 3-way 980's and PhysX auto (but I guess I could test this myself if I cared a lot).

You will find this interesting - I plan on doing more tests. But a lot of the info is already there. Just recalled that thread this morning. :)

test out Arkham City...while it may not be 'new', it was one of the few titles that made somewhat good use of PhysX

Good point. I was going to skip it due to the 2011 release date (the new Batman game isn't due until Summer, I believe).

I was thinking maybe Shadows of Mordor but I saw that PhysX wasn't even implemented. Pretty crazy, especially because it reminded me so much of the recent Batman games.

Thanks for the replies!

EDIT: adding in Lords of the Fallen to the list - has PhysX support and it looks to be pretty extensive:
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I love PhysX, but I agree it's not getting much love these days.

Since I'm also running 3x 980, I would be interested if there is any benefit to 2-way SLI + dedicated PhysX w/ all 980's over 3-way 980's and PhysX auto (but I guess I could test this myself if I cared a lot).

You'd probably loose more performance than you gain.
Something to keep in mind is that PhysX is currently in a transitional stage. Current and past titles are still using PhysX 2.x which largely has not been rewritten or received optimization at all since Nvidia's acquisition.

PhysX 3.0 has supposedly had massive rewrites for optimization. As such the newer games about to come out which use it may have a very different performance representation than past and existing titles.
I may play the Witcher 3 which said it'll use at least cloth/destruction. Debating it. Looks like it's going to be brutal on systems.
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X-com Bureau with physX particles is killing performance so this might be worth testing.
Awesome! Thanks for researching this. I've thought a lot about adding a 750 Ti for dedicated PhysX (I had a 750 Ti before my 970 and loved it, but sold it to a friend).

Hawken, Mirrors Edge, Warframe all utilize PhysX. I just started playing "Two Worlds" (which is an older game, but it does use it as well)

Thing is, I already max out these games pretty well, so a dedicated card is super overkill. I really wish PhysX was utilized more. :(
Mafia II have great implementation of PhysX. specially in vehicle collision.. a good game to test.. =)
Sadly, it's true that at the moment, hardware-accelerated PhysX is practically irrelevant. The only recent AAA titles to use it well were Metro/Redux and the Batman Arkham games. My dedicated 750Ti sits largely unused next to my 780s.