Minecraft can't run on a Q6600?


Feb 10, 2011
Okay, so up until now I have only tried to play Minecraft on my netbook - single-core Atom.

I was told it's not possible because (obviously) the game is java and uses the CPU to render.

So, now.. I tried it on my Q6600 at stock.

And it lags!

First of all, it takes 25-30% of the CPU, which I am assuming means the entire first core :eek:

And even with that.. it lags often and sometimes skips.

What gives?

OBVIOUSLY 95% of the people who are playing Minecraft don't have a Quad-Core..

125 people and not one can give me ANY insight into this?

are you running a 64bit OS? if so make sure you do not have the 32bit java app installed, make sure its only the 64bit version. last i remember there was some issues with the 32bit and 64 bit conflicting when the 64bit version of java was being accessed in minecraft. see if that helps(i could be wrong though since i don't play the game).

btw your atom even as slow as it is should still be able to play minecraft, most people can play the game on a crappy old p4.
are you running a 64bit OS? if so make sure you do not have the 32bit java app installed, make sure its only the 64bit version. last i remember there was some issues with the 32bit and 64 bit conflicting when the 64bit version of java was being accessed in minecraft. see if that helps(i could be wrong though since i don't play the game).

btw your atom even as slow as it is should still be able to play minecraft, most people can play the game on a crappy old p4.

This was my thought too, a friend of mine was having similar issues and he was on Win 7 64 bit but running 32bit java, he upgraded and the game started running smoothly.
Well, the 64-bit Java does seem to make it run smoothly.

But I still wonder what all those people who don't know anything about Java do..

Oh, and I don't know what was wrong with it, but Minecraft ran at like.. 3fps on the N270 on 32-bit.
most people run 32bit on old systems so 64bit java glitch doesn't really effect them..