Microsoft sued over Xbox 360 "red ring of death"


Jun 1, 2004
Microsoft sued over Xbox 360 "red ring of death"

Class action starts

By INQUIRER staff: Friday 20 July 2007, 12:10

ANOTHER CLASS ACTION started in a California district court alleging that general hardware failures damaged expensive computer games. According to the writer, issued in the names of Christine Moskowitz and David Wood, Microsoft rushed to market with the Xbox 360 but suffered from "numerous hardware defects", known as the "red ring of death".

But the Xbox 360 unit doesn't only have this problem, but scratches the surface of game disks. Moskowitz wanted Microsoft to refund the price of a number of disks but claims that she was advised to replace the games by buying extra disks for $20 a shot. µ

Microsoft is now facing two $5 Million lawsuits over allegations that the Xbox 360 scratches discs.

Here's the PDF, another source also
Looks like everyones starting to wake up already. Its a new class action different than Florida so hopefully everyone can get something in this ;). Probably few new games or something. I know its the inquirer but news is news :)
Honestly, I'm tired of all this class action bullshit.

Why not just call up MS, tell them your xbox is broken and have them replace it free? It's as simple as that.
MS will replace any RRoD 360 with a new system.

WTF is the point of this suit?
Only in America are people allowed to sue for stupid shit like this. "Omg i moved my xbox while it was playing a game, and now my disks are scratched, even though microsoft said not to move my xbox while games are playing, cause it could scratch my disks, but ...err....lawsuit? yes :) " stupid shit i hope these get thrown out of court and the people that file the suits get nothing but fined for court fees and the like
lol the people that filed probably went on their 5th+ console already and probably already turned it in. Only excuse i see if they already tried to fix it. I guess some people just get really mad at times ;)
Honestly, I'm tired of all this class action bullshit.

Why not just call up MS, tell them your xbox is broken and have them replace it free? It's as simple as that.

If your system is out of the one year warrenty it will not be covered, the new 3yr warrenty coveres hardware failures not a system that scratches discs.

This happened to my friend but he was under warrenty. He never moved his unit, it sat horizontal all the time yet 3 of his games got this circular scratch due to it. System was replaced but the games still wont work and theirs no warrenty for that...
If your system is out of the one year warrenty it will not be covered, the new 3yr warrenty coveres hardware failures not a system that scratches discs.

This happened to my friend but he was under warrenty. He never moved his unit, it sat horizontal all the time yet 3 of his games got this circular scratch due to it. System was replaced but the games still wont work and theirs no warrenty for that...
So you are telling me that my launch system 360 that has RRoD can't be replaced?
Honestly with the path ms is taking, does anyone see this system lasting more than another 2 years?

They really have done absolutely nothing to fix the problems.
Xboxes don't scratch cd's. That is all user error.

Bullshit, my first 360 which lasted a whole 2 and a half days before it died scratched 2 game discs while the console was lieing flat and was'nt knocked or thumped in anyway, one game was on far cry instincts so I didnt give a shit bout that, but the other was GRAW which I liked at the time, so yes they do scratch discs, not all of them mind you but they are atleast capable of scratching discs without anyhelp from the user.
Conker, you really need to check the news you're posting. This is another class action for scratched discs, it's got nothing to do with the RROD. Just look at the PDF, they are using the RROD stuff to prove that MS's hardware isn't as good as it should be.

...and the inquirer, again? Wont you people learn?

Just because I know people still wont read the thing:

The Class includes all persons and entities who purchased Xbox 360 consoles and whose game discs were scratched as a result of the defects in the Xbox 360.

[Edit - Oh, and don't hide behind the fact that the inq used that headline themselves, you've already admitted they're a dubious news source]
So you are telling me that my launch system 360 that has RRoD can't be replaced?

No, RROD is covered by the new warrenty, thats a system failure. The new suit is that the system scratches game discs, there are two law suits for this now.

Apoxi, Not my fault that Conker goes around making a post that points to wrong information, read the PDF from the article, it has nothing to do with RROD.
lol i posted another source at the bottom. Wasn't just the enquirer. ;)
Yeah, now take a look at the second source and the headline on both. One is utter bullshit, another is the truth about a class action lawsuit on scratched discs.
The vast majority of the problems with scratched discs is user error. However there are some drives which were manufactured poorly (not Microsoft's fault really, they can't be expected to test every drive, they don't make them). The laser assembly juts up too far and can scratch discs even when the system is stationary.
Consumer loyalists and rich lawyers = FTW. Everybody else = owned.

Really though I have to say I think it's fascinating that people are so protective of microsoft.

Mechanical defects in the product they sell isn't microsofts problem?


"It has to be user error, since my 360 isn't broke and yours is, you must be a retard."

The vast majority of the problems with scratched discs is user error. However there are some drives which were manufactured poorly (not Microsoft's fault really, they can't be expected to test every drive, they don't make them). The laser assembly juts up too far and can scratch discs even when the system is stationary.
ummm, what? this may not directly be Microsoft's fault, but its their problem, its thir job to have standards and then enforce them. They have definitely done better in acknowledging the problem, but its not as if they are innocent or anything.