
Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2012
Me and my brother swapped gaming rigs, he got my 680 SLI and I got his PS3 :(. But I loaded up MGS4 last night and have not really slept or ate or done anything but play this game. It's so good... I guess graphics aren't everything.

I am thinking of playing some of the older games after this one. For a newb to the series, which one should I play next?
I am thinking of playing some of the older games after this one. For a newb to the series, which one should I play next?

Start with Metal Gear Solid then 2 then 3. You can probably skip the PSP-only games without missing much.
PS3 is getting an epic MGS collection in the not to distant future. Has almost all modern era MGS games.
Me and my brother swapped gaming rigs, he got my 680 SLI and I got his PS3 :(. But I loaded up MGS4 last night and have not really slept or ate or done anything but play this game. It's so good... I guess graphics aren't everything.

I am thinking of playing some of the older games after this one. For a newb to the series, which one should I play next?

As noted, play them in order of release. MGS3 is set before MGS, but it is written to have the most meaning and impact for someone that has played MGS 1 and 2. MGS is available on PSN. MGS2 and 3 are available in the MGS HD collection (disc or PSN download). I think you can also buy them individually on PSN. Peace Walker (a PSP game) is part of that HD collection, as well.
Playing the last game in the series before any of the others is dumb. Stop playing 4 and play mgs 1,2,3 peace walker and then wait for mgs 5 then play 4.
I gave up on 2 pretty early.
Loved MGS.
Need to pick up 3. Need to play through 4.
I'll get the collection. :D
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the METAL GEAR SOLID franchise, this PlayStation®3 exclusive package will include METAL GEAR SOLID, METAL GEAR SOLID 2: HD Edition, METAL GEAR SOLID 3: HD Edition (which includes the original MSX versions of METAL GEAR and METAL GEAR 2), METAL GEAR SOLID: Peace Walker HD Edition, METAL GEAR SOLID: VR MISSIONS and METAL GEAR SOLID 4: Trophy Edition. In addition, the collection will also include two Ashley Wood digital graphic novels.
One thing I love about the MGS series was the re-playability. Go normal, go guns blazing, then go 100% stealth. Hell MGS1 you had to beat 3 times just to get all the items.
I would play in chronological order by release date.
Me and my brother swapped gaming rigs, he got my 680 SLI and I got his PS3 :(. But I loaded up MGS4 last night and have not really slept or ate or done anything but play this game. It's so good... I guess graphics aren't everything.

I am thinking of playing some of the older games after this one. For a newb to the series, which one should I play next?

God damn... what a shame you didn't play the series in order. You missed a LOT of plot references and relevance. I'm also curious as to why you think the graphics aren't good. I still think it looks fantastic especially considering there is 0 lag and the cinematics use the same engine.

But anyway, being a huge fan of the series, you have to play Metal Gear Solid 1st. If you are complaining about the graphics in MGS4 you might have a seizure looking at MGS. But the story is the highlight of the game series. Once you play 1,2, and then 3 you will better understand a LOT more stuff from MGS4.

Since you are not familiar with the world of the games, then download the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database from the PS3 store. It is a cool app for the PS3 where you can view every connecting element from the Metal Gear Solid series. It shows the back-stories for all the characters and connects the various characters together and all the history of the series.

Since there are spoilers in the database, I would still suggest to play the games in order. Metal Gear Solid is my favorite. They even released a incredible remake of it on the Gamecube called Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes if you can get your hands on it, then just go ahead and play that rather than the original MGS if you can't stand the graphics of the first because it takes the exact same game but updates it to Metal Gear Solid 2's controls and graphics.

Being 27, I love the original because it was the first time I saw video games as more than a toy and a real experience and be emotionally involved. I rented a Playstation from Blockbuster for the weekend back in 1998 when I was 12 and even though I had rented a game, all I ended up playing was the MGS demo over and over again. The music, gameplay, and the vision Kojima achieved given the limited assets they had back in 1998 was amazing.

Anyway, enjoy the games. They are all great but I can't stress enough how important it is to play the games in order.
I second zamardii's recommendation of the database app, but I disagree on twin snakes. The original looks worse (obviously) but when twin snakes updated the game to the MGS2 engine they didn't do much to rework the levels for first-person shooting or the improved AI.
I second zamardii's recommendation of the database app, but I disagree on twin snakes. The original looks worse (obviously) but when twin snakes updated the game to the MGS2 engine they didn't do much to rework the levels for first-person shooting or the improved AI.

I only suggested Twin Snakes because OP seemes to have a problem with even MGS4's graphics. But I disagree about your first person shooter comment. The game was never meant to be viewed that way, so when Silicon Knights remade it they couldn't change the entire game to suit 1st person shooting. You can still shoot in 1st person, but the game wasn't designed to be played that way. Besides, the Gamecube controller felt so wrong for the game I hated doing it. The Z button to aim was so shallow... I think SK did a good job for what it was, but I still prefer to play the original. It's hard to come across a remake that is a true remake... Unlike for instance, the recent Goldeneye game.
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definitely stop playing 4 and start the first MGS. I'm partial to the original on PSX (i have played through it sooooo many times), but The Twin Snakes was a solid update if that's your preference. MGS 2 was crapped on for the amount of cutscenes (rightfully so), but I really enjoyed the game and played all night until about 7am to finish it when it was originally released. MGS 3 and 4 were even better. I haven't played Acid or Peace Walker, but I would say the series is one of the best all-around to play through.

Posted from App for Android
I find the voice acting much much better in the original MGS for PS1. Mei Ling sounds like an 18 yr old American girl. Natassia looses her accent also. The over-the-top cutscenes were a bit much on Twin Snake, even for a MGS game. The MGS2 updates turn Twin Snakes into easy mode too even on harder difficulties.

That said it’s a pretty good remake if you can look past those details.
I agree with the others. Start with the first metal gear solid on the ps1 and work your way up. They're all very solid games. Have fun!
MGS4 might still be the best looking console game to date, at least during the hours and hours of cut scenes. The actual "game" part isn't bad looking either.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPS
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
As noted, play them in order of release. MGS3 is set before MGS, but it is written to have the most meaning and impact for someone that has played MGS 1 and 2. .

I have to re-iterate this point. It's great that you guys are paying enough attention to create a chronological timeline for the games and their stories.

But MGS games should be played in the order of their release.
But MGS games should be played in the order of their release.

Yes. This is recommended in terms of plot and story information. For me, I would say I'm fairly on top of MG mythos (at least I think I do, which means I probably do not) My play experience in this franchise went thus-sly:

1. MGS 2
2. MGS 1
3. MGS 4
4. MGS 3
6. Awaiting 'The Phantom Pain"

I had to piece it all together myself and I avoided an "wikia" concerning the series for fear of finding out more than I'd want to. But there is a golden rule in Metal Gear that you guys know as well as I do, and that is that nothing, NOTHING is what it seems. Expect part 5 to turn everything upside down.

But yeah, anyway if I were to play this for the first time I would follow the release chronology.
I guess. Maybe. Or would I? Did I? Is it? No?
I played metal gear solid 1, saw a bit of 2 and played 4
I'm pumped about the legacy set so I'll be able to play them all.
I'll buy the legacy colection when it comes out ( I'll play them over from start to finish in chronological order, that's the way at they came out, and I want to experience it like that.

These two other metal gear solid games are coming but they seem to be 2 different games. I was under the assumption that there were the same game but wikipedia seams to say otherwise.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
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Yeah, Kojima said (now I'm paraphrasing here) --he said something to the effect that GZ and TPP are together MGS5. This would imply separate releases I would think. Not a clear answer to that. GZ takes place right after Peace Walker and TPP takes place 9 years after that. GZ will serve as a prologue of sorts to TPP. But how exactly, I'm not sure. When he says 'prologue' I'm thinking "Tanker" chapter before "Big Shell" chapter, or Virtuous Mission before Operation Snake Eater. Again, no clear answer.

Anyway, I just recently had this idea or theory however, not necessarily, regarding the release information of those 2 (?) games. But more about all this talk of David Hayter not reprising his role.
I'm sure this may have been thought of before but since I just thought of it right now while typing this I'll just call it my theory for now:

What if David Hayter does Snakes voice in Ground Zeroes and then when he lapses into a coma and comes to again, he is voiced by a different person (preferably Richard Doyle)? It would imply that Snake has gone through some metamorphosis as a result of the mental and physical anguish that he has endured in his coma. His downfall into madness and villainy symbolised further by the changing of his voice. This actually happens to people in real life when they suffer prolonged comas; their personality changes, physical appearance changes, they speak with different accents etc. etc. and I think it would also be one of those brilliantly oddball twists that Hideo Kojima is so masterful at.

And perhaps have moments where the "Hayter/Doyle Snake/Big Boss personalies" are in conflict to which their voices further play this out. What did it say in one of the trailers? "Within FOX two phantoms are born"?

Who knows.

What do you guys think?
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Yeah, Kojima said (now I'm paraphrasing here) --he said something to the effect that GZ and TPP are together MGS5. This would imply separate releases I would think. Not a clear answer to that. GZ takes place right after Peace Walker and TPP takes place 9 years after that. GZ will serve as a prologue of sorts to TPP. But how exactly, I'm not sure. When he says 'prologue' I'm thinking "Tanker" chapter before "Big Shell" chapter, or Virtuous Mission before Operation Snake Eater. Again, no clear answer.

Anyway, I just recently had this idea or theory however, not necessarily, regarding the release information of those 2 (?) games. But more about all this talk of David Hayter not reprising his role.
I'm sure this may have been thought of before but since I just thought of it right now while typing this I'll just call it my theory for now:

What if David Hayter does Snakes voice in Ground Zeroes and then when he lapses into a coma and comes to again, he is voiced by a different person (preferably Richard Doyle)? It would imply that Snake has gone through some metamorphosis as a result of the mental and physical anguish that he has endured in his coma. His downfall into madness and villainy symbolised further by the changing of his voice. This actually happens to people in real life when they suffer prolonged comas; their personality changes, physical appearance changes, they speak with different accents etc. etc. and I think it would also be one of those brilliantly oddball twists that Hideo Kojima is so masterful at.

And perhaps have moments where the "Hayter/Doyle Snake/Big Boss personalies" are in conflict to which their voices further play this out. What did it say in one of the trailers? "Within FOX two phantoms are born"?

Who knows.

What do you guys think?

I actually thought about this. Maybe also since he's such an elite soldier this is when they took it upon themselfs to clone him?

I really really really need to play mgs3 and peace walker to get a sense of the story behind this since all I know are what people told me about that those game's story. I didn't want to spoil anything so I haven't read the storyline in those games. But I wil say, I am super exited for the metal gear legacy collection and these Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain.

Do you guys think that this will release only on ps3 and x360 or that it will also be for ps3 and x1? The ground zeroes game play looked pretty sweet but there is only so much that you can do with current hardware......then again, if it looked like mgs4 i would be ok with it, i would mean that i dont have to get a new console to play the game and metal gear solid 4 is still one of the best looking ps3 games in my opinion.

Then again they could release it of ps3 and x360 and a year later release the "omg this totally has MORE HD in it!!!!1!!!1!!!one!!!" Version for the ps4 and x1. And the sad this in that when I get a ps4 I will probably buy it too:D
I actually thought about this. Maybe also since he's such an elite soldier this is when they took it upon themselfs to clone him?

I really really really need to play mgs3 and peace walker to get a sense of the story behind this since all I know are what people told me about that those game's story. I didn't want to spoil anything so I haven't read the storyline in those games. But I wil say, I am super exited for the metal gear legacy collection and these Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain.

Do you guys think that this will release only on ps3 and x360 or that it will also be for ps3 and x1? The ground zeroes game play looked pretty sweet but there is only so much that you can do with current hardware......then again, if it looked like mgs4 i would be ok with it, i would mean that i dont have to get a new console to play the game and metal gear solid 4 is still one of the best looking ps3 games in my opinion.

Then again they could release it of ps3 and x360 and a year later release the "omg this totally has MORE HD in it!!!!1!!!1!!!one!!!" Version for the ps4 and x1. And the sad this in that when I get a ps4 I will probably buy it too:D

From what I remember the "Les Enfants Terrible" program to clone Big Boss happened in the early 1970's, no later than 1974 I think. This project may or may not have taken place when he was in a coma, although the dates seem to line up. With The Phantom Pain taking place in 1983/84 that would make Liquid/Solid ten years old or so, or maybe older due to accelerated aging? Who knows. Anyway, I'm sure will see something.

Well it'll be on 360 and PS3 that we know for sure. Now, as far as next gen is concerned I can see Sony working out a deal with Kojima to have MGS5 released on PS4 as a limited exclusive for maybe 6 months or a year. I think Sony/MS will want it on their new systems as soon as possible. I can't really remember a time when such a mammoth gaming franchise released a new title right smack dab in the middle of a next gen transition. I'm fairly certain I'm going to buy a PS4 this holiday and I will want MGS on it ASAP, but somehow I get the feeling that there might be a little while after the current gen versions are released, I'm talking about about a "Substance/Subsistence" version of MGS5.

Enjoy the Legacy Collection, I'm jealous. I don't have PS3. But I have the HD collection on 360 (sacrilege, I know). Fun nonetheless.
Ah I found it.
We were talking about this a little while ago, check out the link in this post for an article that explains better the "2" games. At the time they could not confirm if its 2 seperate games, or if they will both be on one disc.

I wonder if GZ will be released before TPP? That would seem logical. Maybe a few months before? Either way I'm going to wait for a PS4 version so I guess the point is moot.
I have this thing that I only buy consoles after the first hardware revision, so I always wait until the slim version comes out before I buy so I don't have to deal with the hardware "teething issues". I have been doing this since the ps2 erra when I saw my friends ps2 upside down and with laser issues. I bought the slim version and it's still good till this day. I bought my ps3 slim in may '10 exited to play God of War 3 and MGS4. Even though I no longer own it, it's still working solid 3 years later. When I get my act together next month I'll buy myself a 500gb super slim (I got A LOT of psn games I need to download thanks to ps+) and be ready when the legacy collection comes out.

What do you guys think about GZ and TPP being released together but as 2 games? Like 2 separate $60 games or like a collectors edition that only costs like $100?

Or with a 6-12 month gap in between?
I assumed that it would release before this year finished. I would hate to play it on my ps3 only to see that it's soooo much better on PS4...I might have to break my "only buy when slim model is out" rule