Metacritic: Xbox One Didn't Have a Single Positively Reviewed Exclusive in 2018

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Aug 20, 2006
Xbox One fans may be tired of the console being criticized for lacking in exclusives, but that didn’t stop Metacritic from adding fuel to the fire by noting the system didn’t have a single well-reviewed exclusive last year. This has led the review aggregate to conclude there is no compelling case to pick up an Xbox One, but some consider this a ridiculous thought: while Microsoft’s first-party titles are also playable on PC, that shouldn’t disqualify them from being exclusives to some degree.

Microsoft failed to offer a compelling case to pick up an Xbox One rather than another console in 2018. The best "console exclusive" titles released for XB1 last year could also be played on your PC, and there wasn't a single game exclusive to Xbox One alone that received positive reviews from critics. But if you already own an XB1? Well, there were plenty of great games added in 2018, with an impressive (though equal to PS4) seven new titles scoring 90 or higher, including the year's best overall game.
I've got a switch, ps4 and Xbox one. Guess which one hasn't been touched in over a year. It's the PS4. Switch is great since its portable, great exclusives and indie games. Xbox is great for multiplayer and way better online system than ps4
I got a PS4 a while ago just for Spiderman so i could get my Prototype like game fix.
Otherwise there are really no games for it that i want i can't get on PC.
Its 2019 exclusive games need to die. It's not the 90s anymore where every console had vastly different hardware they are now essentially computers with a custom os. It's the same thing with games exclusive to only one storefront you are limiting your customer base and it makes no sense in the long run.

Yeah company x might pay the dev a nice bit of money to be exclusive but in the long run you won't sell nearly as many copies hurting your brand.
Its 2019 exclusive games need to die. It's not the 90s anymore where every console had vastly different hardware they are now essentially computers with a custom os. It's the same thing with games exclusive to only one storefront you are limiting your customer base and it makes no sense in the long run.

Yeah company x might pay the dev a nice bit of money to be exclusive but in the long run you won't sell nearly as many copies hurting your brand.

For that to happen, consoles would need to consolidate to a single offering. It's not about hardware differences, it's about brand and product identity.
I've got a switch, ps4 and Xbox one. Guess which one hasn't been touched in over a year. It's the PS4. Switch is great since its portable, great exclusives and indie games. Xbox is great for multiplayer and way better online system than ps4
Cool anecdote. But that’s all it is, example being I too have the systems. The one I don’t touch is the Xbox.

Though these days it’s less that it’s a turd system(early on that was the case) but now it’s just time based and where I want to split my time.
Meh. Horizon 4 is very good. Sea of Thieves got good. But generally, yeah, XB1 has some poor exclusives.

However, for titles that are cross-plat? X1X is the way to go (exception: PC, of course). Evaluation after evaluation: titles available on multiple consoles play better on X1X. And XBL is the best online service by a wide margin (IMO, but hey sounds like PS4 users can finally change their tags? LOL.). And of course, cross play with PC is a thing and it "just works" via the Xbox app on Windows. The first time I did GoW4 hoard mode with friends where I was on PC and they were on console? That was pretty damn magical. Same with sea of thieves.

In the end I don't really care. I have all the consoles, and game on the ones that have the best game experience for that title. That means my PC and X1X get the bulk of my time. PS4 Pro is for Sony exclusives. Switch for Nintendo exclusives. Simply because Sony and Nintendo hardware cannot match PC and X1X in terms of perf or online integration. That may change in the future and I'll change with it.
Cool anecdote. But that’s all it is, example being I too have the systems. The one I don’t touch is the Xbox.

Though these days it’s less that it’s a turd system(early on that was the case) but now it’s just time based and where I want to split my time.

While I don't have a switch, and honestly never plan on buying it either as it's nintendo crap..

I have 2 PS4's (Launch and Pro) and one XBOX one. My XBOX One sits there and collects dust. I have XBOX Live for it, still don't use it. I half expected to.. and then the games simply aren't that interesting that I cant buy on the PS4 with a better controller system.

I picked up my XBOX One at the launch of Gears of War 4 expecting the next part in like a year or 2.. and some games in between.. and the Sequel is still only an announcement, no date and info is scarce..

Microsoft is doing great at making there system inferior in terms of games and value this generation and the sad part is you get people who sware it's the better console. Yea.. it's a great cable box and netflix system...oh.. its a gaming system? Well.. where's the GAMES?

Microsoft brought this upon itself with trying to make it a cable box do it all system that has Nothing worth while.
I have all three, xbox is the only one that hasnt been used other than for 3D blurays every once in a great while. I'm not much of a console gamer though. My Switch gotten most play out of the group.
Though I'm primarily a PC gamer, I do find uses for the Xbox One. The best one is having it my sons room, but connected to my network. I can play any game that was released on Xbox on my PC through the Xbox app. So I played Red Dead Redemption on my PC that way. I rarely play my PS4, the Switch gets a lot of use by my son, along with his PC. I think all consoles and handhelds have their place in the consumer market. The more choices the better, in my opinion.
While I don't have a switch, and honestly never plan on buying it either as it's nintendo crap..

I have 2 PS4's (Launch and Pro) and one XBOX one. My XBOX One sits there and collects dust. I have XBOX Live for it, still don't use it. I half expected to.. and then the games simply aren't that interesting that I cant buy on the PS4 with a better controller system.

I picked up my XBOX One at the launch of Gears of War 4 expecting the next part in like a year or 2.. and some games in between.. and the Sequel is still only an announcement, no date and info is scarce..

Microsoft is doing great at making there system inferior in terms of games and value this generation and the sad part is you get people who sware it's the better console. Yea.. it's a great cable box and netflix system...oh.. its a gaming system? Well.. where's the GAMES?

Microsoft brought this upon itself with trying to make it a cable box do it all system that has Nothing worth while.

This almost mirrors my experience, except I bought a switch at Christmas.
From the looks of it 2019 will be the same for Xbone. Nothing exclusive wise that looks interesting. While PS4 will proabably have another goty in the last of us 2.
Microsoft brought this upon itself with trying to make it a cable box do it all system that has Nothing worth while.

I have a Switch, 2x PS4s (OG and Pro) and all 3 models of XBone. Although I much prefer the XBone controller, none of my XBones are plugged in or have been in months. Apart from the fact that PS4 has more product that I want to consume (JRPGs), that UI trying to be 50% advertising and 50% literally everything else you could imagine OTHER than a game system means I'd take the PS4 any day of the week

Edit: Also, I wouldn't trust Metacritic reviews as far as I could throw them, and the title is click-baity as FH4 did review well, but as it is on PC it's not technically an XBone "exclusive". When I think console exclusive I don't include Windows / Mac / Linux as they aren't consoles (shush SteamBox)
Have an Xbox One X mostly for a few games and as a media player, Switch for Portability (it was given to me) while I game on PC the most. I actually prefer the XB1X because I can buy most of the "exclusives" digitally once and play them on both the PC and the Xbox. Wish more companies would do this. Sometimes I just want to lounge in my big chair in front of a giant TV. Otherwise I want my keyboard and mouse and the internet easily accessible.

I think the exclusive argument is overblown. Xbox did worse than PS4 this generation by BS media that spun a horror story about the Xbox which was then made worse by Don Mattrick and that's pretty much it. The rest of it is literally just BS people spew to justify a purchase that probably cost them more than they could reasonably afford.

Sony is digging it's own grave right now by ignoring modern trends. No cross-play, crappy online, no-backwards compatibility, and other anti-consumer policies. But, I really don't want to see them go, as Sony forced MS to get rid of Don. Phil Spencer seems to actually get it, and everyone who thinks that it's a console war has waaaaaaay to narrow of a vision.

Sony's playing the short game as that company almost went under and PS4 saved it's ass but it doesn't know what to do next as PS4 Pro is doing worse than they want and PSVR doubly so.
MS is playing the long game and soon Xbox live and game pass will be available on every device that can run it. Fuck exclusives they are anti-consumer, good on Microsoft for not kowtowing to idiot journalists again. I'd still rather have the original vision for the Xbox One with actual digital rights but those same idiot journalists couldn't get past the status quo and Don was stupid enough to capitulate. Would have been nice to actually "own" my digital content...
Xbox Ones original “Digital Rights” were extremely draconian if you happened to not have reliable internet, they dropped that vision with good reason.
Yeah..makes for a decent clickbait article to purposely frame their findings around ignoring the play anywhere titles.

For those that can’t afford a $1000+ PC the Xbox One X is a pretty darn competent console for the money. That’s a good enough reason there. It may not have the best exclusives but cross platform titles play at higher visual fidelity on the X than the PS4 Pro.
Have an Xbox One X mostly for a few games and as a media player, Switch for Portability (it was given to me) while I game on PC the most. I actually prefer the XB1X because I can buy most of the "exclusives" digitally once and play them on both the PC and the Xbox. Wish more companies would do this. Sometimes I just want to lounge in my big chair in front of a giant TV. Otherwise I want my keyboard and mouse and the internet easily accessible.

I think the exclusive argument is overblown. Xbox did worse than PS4 this generation by BS media that spun a horror story about the Xbox which was then made worse by Don Mattrick and that's pretty much it. The rest of it is literally just BS people spew to justify a purchase that probably cost them more than they could reasonably afford.

Sony is digging it's own grave right now by ignoring modern trends. No cross-play, crappy online, no-backwards compatibility, and other anti-consumer policies. But, I really don't want to see them go, as Sony forced MS to get rid of Don. Phil Spencer seems to actually get it, and everyone who thinks that it's a console war has waaaaaaay to narrow of a vision.

Sony's playing the short game as that company almost went under and PS4 saved it's ass but it doesn't know what to do next as PS4 Pro is doing worse than they want and PSVR doubly so.
MS is playing the long game and soon Xbox live and game pass will be available on every device that can run it. Fuck exclusives they are anti-consumer, good on Microsoft for not kowtowing to idiot journalists again. I'd still rather have the original vision for the Xbox One with actual digital rights but those same idiot journalists couldn't get past the status quo and Don was stupid enough to capitulate. Would have been nice to actually "own" my digital content...

Sony is playing the short game and PSVR is doing doubly worse?

PSVR is the best selling serious VR device on the market iirc and their push in VR is “long term” thinking....

They don’t need to allow cross play, they own the market. There are many titles that allow it for PC, MS and Nintendo would do the exact same thing in their position. However it’s still something I’d like them to do.

And no exclusives are not anti consumer. If you take Sonys exclusives away or Nintendo’s exclusives away then MS would have a dramatic advantage right now so something tells me you’re alright with that.
And no exclusives are not anti consumer. If you take Sonys exclusives away or Nintendo’s exclusives away then MS would have a dramatic advantage right now so something tells me you’re alright with that.

Exclusives are definitely anti-consumer, what you are arguing is that they are not anti-competitive (and I agree with you more there than I disagree). I can see why they exist, but I seriously hate that they do. Games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman and God of War would definitely be in my game library if they were out on PC.
Exclusives are good, most of the time they work great out of the box while most AAA multiplatform games need months of patching to get them to work half decently.

Pubg was still early access when ms wanted it on Xbox and see how well that ran at the start (not sure it runs half decent a year later). Fallout 76 another giant clusterfuck, plenty more around.
The same article says there is only one good game on PC this year.

So I'm quite happy to entirely ignore it.
Well Microsoft appily ignored their firstparty problem, head in sand while Sony just continued running laps.

We'll see if Phil Spencer has learned anything with Xbox Two.
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I transferred from an older PC to a 1X. With Xbox LiveGold and Gamepass (none of which I've paid a single cent for - thank you MS rewards program) I have access to more high quality games than I could ever play. As a PC gamer I've converted to a controller and I have very compelling content that plays extremely well - better than any other platform. Microsoft is the better overall value for me. Whether Forza, Ori, Halo, Gears, Read Dead, etc - I've got a LOT of great games and more that will be released in the future - at true 4K

Play on whatever you want, I'm happy where I'm at.
Exclusives are definitely anti-consumer, what you are arguing is that they are not anti-competitive (and I agree with you more there than I disagree). I can see why they exist, but I seriously hate that they do. Games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman and God of War would definitely be in my game library if they were out on PC.

No, I’m arguing that exclusives are not anti-consumer. The only scenario in which an argument can be made that “exclusives” are anti-consumer is when Sony (or anyone else) pays for exclusivity.

Examples are Bloodborne and Detroit, with a lesser extent being Spider-Man. In the latter two cases, Sony paid third parties for game exclusives preventing them from release on other platforms. In those two cases however, if Sony also helped fund the creation of those games it’s a mute point. If they simply paid for exclusives rights to it that’s anti-consumer.

Tons of what Sony is doing is definitely anti-consumer in the DLC space.

If Sony owns the companies designing games anything they release is not anti-consumer.

This applies to Nintendo, MS or whoever.

If somehow exclusives are banned by the FTC that pretty much puts the nail in PS4 and Switches coffin because exclusives are what they have creatively.

With Microsoft’s infrastructure and the Xbox One X, they would easily transition into the next generation as the only platform that matters.
Who cares about games? I just want the best hardware. More FLOPS or GTFO .

Your reply is most likely sarcasm...but if its not, you shouldn't be looking at console gaming if having the best hardware is your priority.
Meh. Horizon 4 is very good. Sea of Thieves got good. But generally, yeah, XB1 has some poor exclusives.

However, for titles that are cross-plat? X1X is the way to go (exception: PC, of course). Evaluation after evaluation: titles available on multiple consoles play better on X1X. And XBL is the best online service by a wide margin (IMO, but hey sounds like PS4 users can finally change their tags? LOL.). And of course, cross play with PC is a thing and it "just works" via the Xbox app on Windows. The first time I did GoW4 hoard mode with friends where I was on PC and they were on console? That was pretty damn magical. Same with sea of thieves.

In the end I don't really care. I have all the consoles, and game on the ones that have the best game experience for that title. That means my PC and X1X get the bulk of my time. PS4 Pro is for Sony exclusives. Switch for Nintendo exclusives. Simply because Sony and Nintendo hardware cannot match PC and X1X in terms of perf or online integration. That may change in the future and I'll change with it.

Crossplay with a pc is awful. Pc multiplayer is ruined by cheaters, I’ll stick with PS4.
Your reply is most likely sarcasm...but if its not, you shouldn't be looking at console gaming if having the best hardware is your priority.

It was sarcasm. I'm an equal opportunity employer when it comes to consoles, although I am currently without an XB1 but will be buying an X soon. I don't particularly care that the XB1X offers the best hardware, or that the Switch the worst. In it for the games.

As far as MS dropping the ball this generation when it comes to must-have exclusive titles, I sold my XB1 a year ago and haven't missed it from a gaming perspective, other than it's online/community component.
I really only use my xbox one x as a HD Blu Ray player and Destiny 2 box, i've been using my PS4 quite a bit, and my Switch. But these things Eb and flow, I bet they're holding back exclusives till next gen so they can blitz the launch.
My xbox one gets use still, the ps4 is unplugged. Mostly due to anytime there is a power glitch it screws up the filesystem and takes forever to scan itself. Not good imo for a console to be so sensitive.
I really only use my xbox one x as a HD Blu Ray player and Destiny 2 box, i've been using my PS4 quite a bit, and my Switch. But these things Eb and flow, I bet they're holding back exclusives till next gen so they can blitz the launch.
I had an Xbox One for about a year before Microsoft announced the Play Anywhere program that put almost all current and future Xbox One "exclusives" on PC. Even before the announcement I hardly turned the console on, and after the announcement I had absolutely no reason to keep it.

My PS4 and Switch are used fairly frequently, almost as much as my PC. Exclusives on the PS4 and Switch are typically top tier and in my opinion are worth the investment into the platforms.
For that to happen, consoles would need to consolidate to a single offering. It's not about hardware differences, it's about brand and product identity.

Why? Exclusives aren't really the biggest selling point of consoles anymore. Now people want better online experiences, better versatility, and solid performance. There has been a tun of backlash lately against companies, like Sony, for making exclusives in the first place. That is why now there are far more limited Exclusives, meaning they are only exclusive for a few months before being released widely to other platforms.
Why? Exclusives aren't really the biggest selling point of consoles anymore. Now people want better online experiences, better versatility, and solid performance. There has been a tun of backlash lately against companies, like Sony, for making exclusives in the first place. That is why now there are far more limited Exclusives, meaning they are only exclusive for a few months before being released widely to other platforms.

Why? Exclusives aren't really the biggest selling point of consoles anymore. Now people want better online experiences, better versatility, and solid performance. There has been a tun of backlash lately against companies, like Sony, for making exclusives in the first place. That is why now there are far more limited Exclusives, meaning they are only exclusive for a few months before being released widely to other platforms.
Nintendo would beg to differ.....

The problem is the focus is on making as much money as possible instead of making the best game possible. I Have a Xbox One S and I have but 5 games for it...only 3 are any fun...
If you own a gaming PC, there is no reason to own an Xbone. Sony or Nintendo is the better choice in this case
If you own a gaming PC, there is no reason to own an Xbone. Sony or Nintendo is the better choice in this case
Kind of agree. I have an Xbox one X, and all it does is have my old PS4(non-pro) plugged up through it on my main entertainment system and use PS Vue for TV. Use the Xbox for voice control thats about it.
On the other hand, i have a ps4 pro in same location as my gaming PC so they get pretty equal time between PS exclusives and PC gaming, and I have my older Xbox 1 hooked up to a TV in my "workout" room so I can play it while on bike or treadmill, which has been nice to pickup crossplay w10/xbox 1 games with between the PC and X1.

But yeah, X1 exclusives suck, especially if you have a PC. PS4 and switch definitley are the two to own.

I use VR on the PS4 Pro and my Oculus as well. Sony has some really amazing titles in VR i wish the PC VR community had access to, probably would help the cause(hardware not withstanding).
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