Mark Cuban: I Hope Yahoo Crushes Facebook

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Mark Cuban, love him or hate him...he always has something interesting to say. What do you think? Is he on to something or just on something? :D

Which is the exact reason why Yahoo should do everything possible to use the patents to tear apart facebook with as large an award as it possibly can get. 1 Billion. Peanuts. 10 Billion, Peanuts. Start at 50B. After all there is no way Facebook gets as large as it is without use of Yahoo’s Patents. No personalized pages, no PPC, no Facebook IPO. No Facebook as we know it. I hope Yahoo is awarded 50Billion dollars. It is the only way that consumers will realize what is at stake with patent law as is.
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Watched Shark Tank a couple of weeks ago where he was on a rant about how stupid some of the patents are and that stupid patents is exactly what's wrong with the U.S. these days. He was referring to a patent to run a wire through clothing to "gadget-enable" your cloths.

I don't know anything about the Yahoo patents, but personalized pages shouldn't be patentable, neither should PPC (if that's pay-per-click).

Having said that, I am not sure whom I hate more, Apple or Facebook. If they get slapped with a 50B fine I'll have a drink on it.
He has a great point, people as a general rule seem to hate Facebook but yet flock to it in droves... if the big machine is threatened maybe 800 million pissed of users might actually be enough to get something done.
Too many H's in your link Steve.

Anyhow, it's the same stick that they hit Google with before they went public. Facebook was being stupid for not taking the request seriously, and if they really want to drag it out, it's just going to be a case of "pay me now, or pay me more later"
On one hand, I want nothing more than to see facebook go away. On the other, I want yahoo to go away and them getting a large settlement/gaining stake in facebook doesn't help that happen.
I am not sure whom I hate more, Apple or Facebook.
That's a really good question, actually.


I still occasionally use Yahoo to talk to people who seem to love it... and I wouldn't touch facebook with any of my real information with a ten thousand foot pole, so I guess Yahoo wins.

In summing up, DIAF facebook.
patents can be stupid, especially most claimed in todays age, but now think back... 10-15 years when the internet was young and things like personal pages didnt really exist yet.. i would of heck been patenting that if i had thought about it, but now it is such common place, people think it is a stupid patent....
patents can be stupid, especially most claimed in todays age, but now think back... 10-15 years when the internet was young and things like personal pages didnt really exist yet.. i would of heck been patenting that if i had thought about it, but now it is such common place, people think it is a stupid patent....

Nope, it's a stupid patent at any place of the timeline. That's almost the same as putting a brand on an object to symbolize that that object is of your making, or putting your name on it to make people know it's yours. (Over simplified, but it's essentially the same)

If you don't think that's stupid, then I guess you're fine with just about anything.
Sounds like someone bought a bunch of Y! stock...

You are missing the point.

He doesn't actually think Yahoo! deserves that money.

He thinks patents are a farce. If something this big, used by so many people gets an absurd judgement, there might actually be a chance to wake up on patent reform.
software copyright is a joke at this point. the best you should be able to get for software is copyright.
But ... wait. He is being sarcastic in his statement. He doesn't really feel that Facebook should pay any award. If you've watched Shark Tank, you've seen Mark speak out on Patent Law a few times. He is completely against patent law as it currently stands. This statement is his way of saying the whole system is wrong and for Facebook to suffer and lose 50B dollars might highlight how severe the problem really is. BTW, for those of you that don't know. Mark made some of his money in the computer software business early on right there in Dallas. He is actually cut from the same cloth in some ways as a lot of the mid 40 year old plus guys here on HardOCP that are PC enthusiast. like Kyle and myself and many others. Only Mark got it figured out, clearly. Remember back when we had 4" thick Computer Shoppers, and Kaypro and Computerland, etc? :) Good memories.
Something tells me he would be saying something different if instead of selling his company to make his money during the boom, and someone just stole it from him.
Seems to me that Yahoo, who are in the process of going bust, are trying to get Facebook to buy them.
Most you guy seem to not have even read the article but even if you have not you should get what he means when he says "It is the only way that consumers will realize what is at stake with patent law as is" Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out...
Say what you want about Cuban but he is pretty BA.

I agree with him if nothing else just so I can see FB die. Die the horrible death it deserves.
He's basically saying, if the big players keep suing each other for huge amounts...maybe they will get the point and push to get the crazy taken out of the system.

But, this is the US and anything that takes a team of lawyers to figure out is how we want it to be, because then those teams can interpret it however it makes the company the most money.

Patents, Copyright, Trademarks (patenting Yuuuup! as a logo is a laugh), and then all the various financial BS we still have non-regulated that brought the economy all the speculation
adding costs for no good reason than for someone to make a buck on the back of the US citizens.

It's all nuts, and makes everything more expensive with no sanity check in sight.
Most you guy seem to not have even read the article

oh, right, read the article. In the 5 minutes it would take me to read the article, I can pretend to know what the article says and write a one-line comment expressing my ignorance, all in less than 30 seconds! Let's see you beat that!
Watched Shark Tank a couple of weeks ago where he was on a rant about how stupid some of the patents are and that stupid patents is exactly what's wrong with the U.S. these days. He was referring to a patent to run a wire through clothing to "gadget-enable" your cloths.

I don't know anything about the Yahoo patents, but personalized pages shouldn't be patentable, neither should PPC (if that's pay-per-click).

Having said that, I am not sure whom I hate more, Apple or Facebook. If they get slapped with a 50B fine I'll have a drink on it.

I saw that as well.
Software patents are such bullshit. There isn't a single one that should be given out. Software is already protected by copyright. Patents only hinder creativity. Cuban sees this.
Does it matter if facebook or yahoo "own" these "patents?" Corporation A or corporation B?

Companies inter-licensing just costs the consumer more money for the product in the end.

Doesn't matter which company owns what.
I must be out of touch...I don't even know who this idiot Mark Cuban is. I think I'll keep it that way.
He has a great point, people as a general rule seem to hate Facebook but yet flock to it in droves... if the big machine is threatened maybe 800 million pissed of users might actually be enough to get something done.

no no no....people on TECH forums hate facebook. people like you.
Software patents are such bullshit. There isn't a single one that should be given out. Software is already protected by copyright. Patents only hinder creativity. Cuban sees this.

Yup. Imagine if you could patent character or story archetypes? Oh, you want to make a movie about a hero with super-human ability? Sorry, Marvel owns the patent on that.