M Knight Shamalan's n00b WC thread (with a twist!)


Aug 17, 2002
Ok, so i've looked around in this forum and found a ton of great threads helping WC n00bs like myself out. I have learned a ton actually, but I have just a few more questions.

First and foremost, the rad placement idea for this build was come up with entirely by arnemetisover in SFF forum. see his post for a graphical guide. secondly, price, is not really an issue here. im a contractor in iraq, so i get paid a lot more than i should. thirdly, this whole case and setup will be (drained) and tossed into a suitcase or a pelican case or something for transport once every 3 months or so. perhaps more. ideally, it will be carryon, but we will see what final dimensions are after this. yes, i know it will be heavy as hell, even drained, but i was in the infantry for 6 years, so i can hack it.

Basically, I want to watercool this case. Thanks to arnemetis, i know that, with some cutting, i can fit 2x 240mm radiators on top of the case cover. however, due to clearance issues, if i were to install 38mm fans they would be pushing air directly into the bottom of what would have been the 5.25" bay with a whole 4mm or so of clearance. im no expert, but im pretty sure thats far from ideal.

So based on what I've learned, most 25mm fans running at something approaching quiet (a fan controller is likely not an option here) really lack the ability to push a good amount of air through rads with really dense FPI. this has led me to look at the thermochill series (though the thickness of them gives me pause, since they will be mounted on the outside of the case) or perhaps the new SR1 series from HW.

So my questions are threefold.

Which blocks, which rads, which pumps?

I plan on cooling an i7 960 mounted on a rampage II gene, with a 5970. yes, i know its overkill and i could save a ton of money going with a 920, 5870, etc. but, im an asshole and i like to overbuild my systems.

I was thinking either rads from swiftech, or the sr1, or maybe even the thermochill (or feser, whichever), the swiftech mcp655, a heatkiller for the cpu, maybe that swiftech block for asus mobos, and a full coverage block for the 5970.

was planning on dropping frozen-q's t virus res in on its side across the extra PCIE slot since even i cant justify xfire 5970's. the case has a side window that i think it would look bitching in. link to res

was also thinking of using noctua fans, ive heard a lot of good things about them, and like i said, price isnt really a problem here.

but, since im posting this, i obviously still dont know my ass from a hole in the ground with WCing, so please, fire away!
Well it looks like you have everything all planned out.

I would take a look at the Black Ice Pro II Radiator. A lot of them all perform the same, with just a slight degrees different in temps. Same for cpu blocks.

IMO, water cooling is not worth it for you. Having to drain it, fill it, and bleed every 3 months is defiantly not a good reason for water cooling. Be spending money on coolant too because they won't let you take that on the plane. I don't even really know if they will let you take a computer with rads, tubing, etc on the plane anyways. If I had to be moving back and forth all the time and wanted to get something good, I would buy the M17x laptop, customized with the best stuff. It would be easier to transport, and would be allowed onto the plane.

Not to mention you will probably get tagged for the heavy carry on, and have to pay for it. :(

I don't mean to turn you away from water cooling! :D Just giving my opinion ;).

thanks for the advice :)

im actually replying on my old gaming laptop that this computer will replace. when i first started going overseas, i agreed with you entirely. and while it is a pain to drain/fill the system every few months, i just got very very very VERY tired of small (17") screens and limited power at extraordinary cost. yes, i know price isnt an issue, but performance is.

ill take a look at the black ice pro rads, thank you :)