Looks like the 14TB Elements can come with 7200 Rpm Helium drives


[H]ipster Replacement
Sep 29, 2001
Just hooked up another 14TB Element drive and it shows as 7200 Rpm vs 5400 Rpm of the one I got earlier this year.

The "5400" drives were actually 7200rpm. Just a change in reporting, not a physical difference.
The "5400" drives were actually 7200rpm. Just a change in reporting, not a physical difference.
is the 5400 actually spinning at 7200rpm then? Or is it firmware locked to 5400?
Yes. The performance is gimped though (and I assume still is).
this is the new one,

The older one is completely full so probably can't get a reliable speed test.

Tested it anyway,

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223MB on a non-high performance spinner....it is impressive.

This is one of the Best Buy black friday drives? I bought one last weekend but have not taken out of the box yet.
223MB on a non-high performance spinner....it is impressive.

This is one of the Best Buy black friday drives? I bought one last weekend but have not taken out of the box yet.
It's the Elements model sold by everyone else, Easystore is the Best Buy exclusive model, same drive inside, just slightly different external enclosure.
I got mine a few weeks ago from Newegg for $239. the 5400 rpm one I got a few months ago from Amazon when it was $199.
I can verify that new elements are around 220MB/S in optimal scenarios. I wrote about 9 terabytes to one and averaged around 160 MB/S consistently. This was transferring from a 10TB that was a couple years old that was likely the bottleneck.
My 14TB is now using an nvme cache and uhh.

It's no longer what i consider a fair assessment.
Noob to "shucking" a drive...never done it.

So are you guys pulling these drives and using in a NAS or other multi-drive storage scenarios?

I need (ok, more want) to upgrade my 2x10TB WD Reds in my PC to a 4 or 5 bay Synology filled with 14TB Drives and ran across this thread after browsing the FS section.
I'm putting mine into my massive computer case, but you can easily shuck to a NAS if you want.

The short version is that large 10+TB drives are always cheaper to buy as externals than they are to buy as internal drives. However, they are the literally same drives and disconnecting them from the external enclosure is pretty damn easy.

There are some drives to avoid (SMR vs CMR, etc.) But at this size they're pretty much all solid.

Still, shucking usually voids warranty so it depends on what you're trying to get out of them. I actually just had my first drive failure in the last decade, an 8 year old shucked drive. So it was out of warranty anyways
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Noob to "shucking" a drive...never done it.

So are you guys pulling these drives and using in a NAS or other multi-drive storage scenarios?

I need (ok, more want) to upgrade my 2x10TB WD Reds in my PC to a 4 or 5 bay Synology filled with 14TB Drives and ran across this thread after browsing the FS section.

Yes, I have shucked 3 of the 14TB drives and have them in a Synology 1019+ along with 2 other 12TB drives.
I'm putting mine into my massive computer case, but you can easily shuck to a NAS if you want.

The short version is that large 10+TB drives are always cheaper to buy as externals than they are to buy as internal drives. However, they are the literally same drives and disconnecting them from the external enclosure is pretty damn easy.

There are some drives to avoid (SMR vs CMR, etc.) But at this size they're pretty much all solid.
Still, shucking usually voids warranty so it depends on what you're trying to get out of them. I actually just had my first drive failure in the last decade, an 8 year old shucked drive. So it was out of warranty anyways
This is what WD says if you send in a shucked drive,
Thanks for the info guys! So no more needed...just shuck and install like a normal SATA drive.

Thanks again and time to look for some deals lol
pretty much, but if the drive doesn't show up in BIOS then you need to do the 3.3v mod.

So are the BestBuy Easy Store 14TB drives 5400 or 7200? Or are they 7200, but operate at 5400 due to firmware.

Separately, has anyone noticed a 64 drive limit for ChrystalDiskInfo? I can't find info on that anywhere!

So are the BestBuy Easy Store 14TB drives 5400 or 7200? Or are they 7200, but operate at 5400 due to firmware.

Separately, has anyone noticed a 64 drive limit for ChrystalDiskInfo? I can't find info on that anywhere!

Not sure if the older ones that report 5400 are spinning at 5400 or 7200 but it looks like the current ones people are getting are showing 7200.
the previous 14 TB easystores were EDFZ and reported 5400 rpm.
AFAIK all of the 14TB from this current sale are EDGZ and report as 7200rpm.

I have both in my system and the actual performance difference is negligible.