Looking into getting a new gaming case.. need recommendations:

W.O.T. Stang

Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2003
I never really put much thought into any of my previous cases.. I've been using this one for the last 5+ years and it's done alright, but with my current build it just doesnt have the cooling I need to keep everything at a decent temperature.

Basically I'm looking for something thats mid-tower, ATX, and has plenty of intake exhaust fans. It's going to need to have spots for 3 hard drives and future expandability for the longest video cards so they dont interfere with any of my cable routing/hard drives. I dont need anything with a power supply, and im looking to spend no more then about $100-$120, but if the right case has everything i need, i'd be willing to spend a little more. The last requirement is that it has to have a side window.

From what i've been reading, a LOT of people like the Antec 900 but I would still like to see more options that are out there.

Just looking for some ideas/pictures of what everyone uses for some ideas on what i'd be happy with. I always preferred blue cases, but as with the price.. if it does what I need, i'll consider it.
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Some case recommendations:
$60 - Cooler Master RC-590-KKN1-GP ATX Case
$70 - Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP ATX Case
$80 - Lian Li Lancool PC-K7B ATX Case
$80 - Lian Li PC-7B Plus II ATX Case
$100 - Cooler Master HAF 922 RC-922M-KKN1-GP ATX Case
$120 - Thermaltake ElementS VK60001N2Z ATX Case
$130 - Cooler Master Storm Sniper ATX Case

I would not recommend the Antec 900, 902 or 1200 as those cases are somewhat cramped compared to all of the above cases.
Thank you for the list. Unfortunately I forgot one other requirement that those dont have... a side window.
Haha what are the odds, thats the same case i built my first computer with! Dang Case and Power Supply lasted me for a while with my old Athlon 3200+ build. Well enough about the past.

My 2 recommendations would be the Lian Li PC-A05NB & PC-K58W

Yes the A05NB does not have a window as you requested :(

Dang newegg taking off 10 bucks on the K58W right when i finished shopping for a case, O well i still love my A05NB.
Hmm... so many choices...

Another one i've found that im liking quite a bit is this one Although it seems a little more expensive then some of the others, but it seems to have great cooling, decent expandability/room and looks pretty good as well.
Thank you for the list. Unfortunately I forgot one other requirement that those dont have... a side window.

most cases that come with windows kinda suck if you want full clear window. imo youd be cutting out the window anyways to make it look better. (ie 900,1200, haf) i did that to my new 1200 case.

Thank you for all the input guys. I decided to go with the antec 902. Space really isn't an issue, and it has all the features im looking for (mostly improved cooling).
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