Looking at the Dell P2715Q - how does it do on older games (lower res)?

Captain Kirk

Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
Hey all,

I'm looking to replace my ancient 24" and I've been looking at the P2715Q for a multitude of reasons. My current setup is on a KVM. I've got my Windows box, a Linux system, and two Macs. I'd love to let my 15" Retina drive this 4k :). My Windows PC is older, so I'd probably run most games at a lower resolution. So here's my question. Does 1920x1080 look bad on this monitor? I've heard varied things. I mostly play shooters and strategy games. I play everything from classic Quake to Starcraft II. As I said before, my current 24" is ancient. It was a hand-me-down Optiquest Q241wb, so it's long since had it's time despite serving me well over the years.

Do you think I'd be happy with this monitor both for my Mac and for my WIndows games?
