Local Co-op Xbox game recomendations?


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2017
Hello all! My wife and I just got an Xbox Series X. We really enjoy local couch co-op and have picked up A Way out , It takes 2 and Diablo 3. So far she really enjoys Diablo 3 but we have been playing that forever. It takes 2 was ok for her but she didn't care for a way out. Can anyone reccomend any other great local-coop games for Xbox? Even if they are older ones?

yeah, gears ultimate, gears 5 and halo:mcc are co-op, so is borderlands 3. dirt 5 is, if youre into rally/racing, divinity 2 is i think, a bunch of the lego games are, streets of rage 4 and tmnt shredders revenge are co-op beat 'em ups, super bomberman r is, and i think the tony hawk remake is too.