List your i7 2600K cpu coolers and prime95 blend max temps?


Sep 12, 2008
Trying to get a feel for some alternative (alternative) aftermarket coolers out there..

Was hoping everyone could list their i7 2600K overclock (ghz and volts) and also what your max prime95 blend test temp was (and how many minutes or hours into the test the max was).. Also ambients wouldnt be a bad idea.

Yes mine are high, i've been through two of these damn h70's, but here are mine currently:

Cooler: H70 with stock fans
CPU: 4.6ghz at 1.385 volts (turbo and HT on)
Prime95 blend: 78C *(max over 10 hours)
Ambient: 22.5C

(if i tried for 1.39 volts and only 4.7ghz, i hit 80C in 19 minutes)

I'm also thinking of putting two ap-15's (gentle typhoons, 57cfm 1850 rpms) on the h70, maybe to cut noise and lower temp (?) or go with an air cooler alternative.
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2600k @ 4.4
CoolerMaster 212+
First Prime95 test, max 57C

Mark, the h70's radiator has less fins per inch than the h50 so it's actually better suited for slower speed fans like the AP-14 or slower by conventional radiator rules of thumb. Not that I would discourage you from taking the plunge and getting the ap-15's ;)

H70 w/ AP-14's
2600k @ 4.6GHz
73c Small FFT after about 20 minutes

My ambient's gotta be kinda toasty for room temp :(

My exhaust s-flex e fans are set to really slow speed though I want them to run @ 9v instead of 7v but can't figure out how yet. I would also consider my system to be fairly quiet.
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I helped my friend build a watercooled i7 2600k system (i told him what to order), he assembled it. His temps(heatkiller 3.0 with PA120.3) running 1.5vcore on a i7-2600k @ 5ghz was 70C @ during burn test. He also said his computer wont boot with anything less than 1.5vcore so I just told him to leave it although it is pretty high. Temps are still damn good.
2500k @ 4.5GHz
Original TRUE120
Around 68C under small fft

Idle temps are more exciting though. Goes under 20C during the night.

My one goes upto 85 within couple of minutes. I stop Prime95 then. Dont want to fry the chip. Im on the stock intel cooler. Need to get a better one asap.

Once it went to 97c accidently under prime95. Suddenly i stopped it. Fortunately survived.
2500K @ 4.4 GHz
Corsair H50 (P/P S-Flex's)
62C Max under LinX, Low 60's in Prime95
2600K @ 4.9GHz HT with 1.4v
Corsair H50 (Push/Pull Exhaust)
~80C load max temp

is this bad? or rather, is it safe to be folding at 80C? my ambients are rather 26C.
TR Archon with push/pull on an open air test bench. Ambient temps ~ 26/27C.

~ 106 hrs... 8 threads Rosetta load:

a quick Prime small fft load:
2500K @ 4.5ghz with 1.256 vcore
Thermalright Venomous X with 2 Push/pull Scythe S-Flex SFF21F fans
Arctic Silver 5

26-33ºC idle/playing music/firefox/Vuze (Core3 is 35º, others are 26ish)

IntelBurnTest v2.5
52-59ºC Stress level Max (Core3 being highest)
2600K @ 4.6 auto-voltage core on P8P67 Pro
Corsair H50 push/pull with Gelid PWM fans. Temperatures were the same whether I used 1 fan or two fans, just too lazy to remove second fan, and there's nowhere to put it.
Arctic Silver 5

30ºC Idle, 73ºC load Prime95 blend w/hyperthreading
Room at 25-26ºC

Not half bad, keeps temperature more consistent being on (somewhat) water, but was hoping for better temps.

My CNPS9700 at 65% fan speed kept the 2600K at 80ºC full load and 33ºC idle at stock clocks
2600K @ 4.9GHz HT with 1.4v
Corsair H50 (Push/Pull Exhaust)
~80C load max temp

is this bad? or rather, is it safe to be folding at 80C? my ambients are rather 26C.

I'm getting 79C peak with 1.4V @ 4.8ghz. Seems to be ok as long as its under 80C. In real life use I only get into the 60s.