Linux help needed for Boinc

Mr Flibble

Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2008
I am a complete newb with Linux(been installed for 3 day's) and I need to upgrade the BOINC manager/Client. The Ubuntu Software Center only has an older 32bit client for download. I am running that client on 64bit Ubuntu 12.10 and I would like to up it to the latest 64bit one, but I'm clueless as how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction, please.
From here:
At this time, June 2009, 64 bit Fedora and 64 bit Ubuntu installs a 64 bit version of BOINC from repositories.

You may need to update what is available from your repos. Try opening a terminal and typing"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
That will get everything updated. Afterwards, check for the newer version.

I am not a BOINC guy, so hopefully someone else can help you further.
Welcome aboard. There are important 32bit libraries that you need to install to work on a x64 system. They are down below in the terminal line. I have ubuntu 12.04 and I follow these instructions right here:

Basically open up the terminal and install these libraries (these libraries below are the key for 32bit):

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libstdc++6 freeglut3

Then install the boinc client and manager:

sudo apt-get install boinc-client boinc-manager

The basically installs what is in the software library. Check out this as well:

Hope that helps and welcome aboard.
I was messing around with it last night and ended up doing something that made the desktop unusable. I decided to switch over to Mint with the KDE desktop. It seems to be a lot more friendly to peeps who are used to Windows. I installed the same old 32bit version on BOINC and it's working fine for the projects I am currently running. I will worry about upgrading it when I find a project that wont run. I don't wont to hork it up if it's working as is. Thanks for the help.