Lies Of P

Looking a little boring to me honestly after watching that latest vid here, and the sfx are obnoxiously loud and overdone imo. There's been quite a few games to use this victorian era setting the last couple of years it seems and I'm not rightly a fan of it.
I don't know though, I'd mabe pick this up on sale just to try it.
It is coming to Game Pass if you have a sub.
Feels like every one of these videos shows the same thing. I'm interested in the game, but the longer they drag out the release and the more videos that show the same exact scenes the less I care.
Lies of P- Release Date Reveal Trailer

release date: September 19th...demo available now on PlayStation, Xbox and PC via Steam...the Demo version of Lies of P will feature the first two chapters of the full game...any progress made in the Demo version will not carry over to the full-release version...the Demo version of Lies of P will be playable only for a limited time from June 8- 26...

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Finally. I'll give the demo a shot over the weekend. Wild guess, it's probably that same area that has been shown in every video since the game was announced.
I see one person streaming the Xbox version of the demo on Youtube right now and the performance looks atrocious. I wonder what the PC version will run like, but I'm not optimistic about it. UE4 strikes again.
Actually had time to DL and run the PC version for 15 minutes. It's running fine, although literally anything that isn't broken should run fine on my setup. It's a good looking game that resembles what Bloodborne would look like at 4K and running at a high framerate. Lots of reused objects and whatnot. After the new LoTF footage or even Remnant 2, it's not in that ballpark.
Gameplay-wise, it's about as Dark Souls'y as they come. After Elden Ring, it feels slow. That might not be bad depending on your preferences, though.
If you like Souls games, you should probably like this, too. I'll likely end up getting it unless it releases in the middle of a bunch of other titles.
I'll give the game a Honest Review I was going to try the latest Trepang Demo but going to play this instead.
I got a guy from Poland who is playing it now pretty sure he owns a Potato.
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Actually had time to DL and run the PC version for 15 minutes. It's running fine, although literally anything that isn't broken should run fine on my setup. It's a good looking game that resembles what Bloodborne would look like at 4K and running at a high framerate. Lots of reused objects and whatnot. After the new LoTF footage or even Remnant 2, it's not in that ballpark.
Gameplay-wise, it's about as Dark Souls'y as they come. After Elden Ring, it feels slow. That might not be bad depending on your preferences, though.
If you like Souls games, you should probably like this, too. I'll likely end up getting it unless it releases in the middle of a bunch of other titles.

how is the difficulty, enemy variety, level design, weapon variety etc?
how is the difficulty, enemy variety, level design, weapon variety etc?

I only had 10 minutes, but the enemies were all pretty easy. You get a sword to begin with and you then get to choose if you want to focus on power, speed, or balance. I went with power, and it worked just like a Dark Souls greatsword. Enemies were intentionally robotic, so you can figure them out pretty quickly. A couple swipes and they were mostly dead. You can circle around and backstab 'em, too. I got to the first equivalent of a bonfire and had to bail.

Soy Boy blocks all his moves so nobody can touch him including his Mom.


The Stage has been Set Starting area

The Game is polished I plugged in my VZR Headphones after I heard some water dripping then after that I picked up on a Thunderstorm outside the train.
I only played 10 minutes but the game is good I like the movement of the character I kept on saying to myself where is the Bottle of Soy?

Deleted already but preordered basically the only game I'm interested in on my Steam Wishlist that doesn't look sub par.
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View attachment 575585
Soy Boy blocks all his moves so nobody can touch him including his Mom.

View attachment 575586

The Stage has been Set Starting area

The Game is polished I plugged in my VZR Headphones after I heard some water dripping then after that I picked up on a Thunderstorm outside the train.
I only played 10 minutes but the game is good I like the movement of the character I kept on saying to myself where is the Bottle of Soy?

Deleted already but preordered basically the only game I'm interested in on my Steam Wishlist that doesn't look sub par.
Pinnochio wants to be a real boy!
He looks like those kids that come into Walmart play with Hulahoops Frisbys and stuffed animals and throw the stuff in the floor for me to pick up.
Downloaded the Demo again beat the 1st Boss then you goto a Hotel Hub where you meet a bunch of characters for upgrades ect.. Think I'll quit here don't want to spoil the entire game which I kinda already did. People say it's easy until you get to named soldiers just got clobbered by a white toy solider on a Roof.

Update: I got to Donkey and quit he's too much for me I could take him if I tired but hell with it.
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They're definitely wearing their influences on their sleeve with this game. There's no mistaking the games they're trying to emulate. They even have a little Sekiro in there with the prosthetic.
I'm hoping this turns out good but the more trailers they release the less impressive it looks...gameplay looks good and it could still turn out to be an excellent game...the potential is there with the Pinocchio Bloodborne setting...but the 2023 Lords of the Fallen reboot looks like the Souls copycat to beat to the last Boss he kicked my butt in the 2 bd stage even summoned a NPC. See why some people are upset. I could grind and beat him though. Donky hates the mechanical arm easy way o get 1 or 2 hits with the large sword.
Games cool.. I don't think ill day 1 it but def might catch it during a sell.. Also that gameplay showcase was a fantastic video.. all game devs need vods like that. Really highlights what the game is.
That's one reason I rarely put all that much time into demos. They're usually a chunk of the real game and you're just going to have to play that section again. I mainly just use them as a performance gauge and to see if a game is worthwhile. Lies of P had no red flags IMO, so I'll end up getting it.
I tried the demo. I seems like Dark Souls, I guess? The checkpoint things feel way too few and far between.
They should port over the Lies of P control scheme to Wo Long. I'm still irritated that I can't play that game because of the damn control scheme.
I tried the demo. I seems like Dark Souls, I guess? The checkpoint things feel way too few and far between.
I mean, it has been advertised as a Souls-like, though it is more like a Souls-lite. The gameplay feels like a simplified Bloodborne. The checkpoints are called stargazers, and they're still not as far apart as the original Dark Souls.
This is looking pretty good. I wasn't quite sold on it at first but I played the demo and it feels good. Feels pretty polished overall. Maybe the closest thing well ever get to Bloodborne on PC? Most likely will be picking this up.
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I'm sincerely excited for this one.

+ Pinocchio was my #1 FAV Disney movie as a tike..

(I still find that Pleasure Island / Donkey scene disconcerting heh)
this does look really good...the problem might be the timing...releasing it 2 weeks after Starfield it might get overshadowed and overlooked
this does look really good...the problem might be the timing...releasing it 2 weeks after Starfield it might get overshadowed and overlooked
Me personally I'm not interested in Starfield in the slightest (or anything from Bethesda for that matter). I'd wager most souls fans are going to play this over Starfield, because that's kinda like what they're (we're) into. I'm actually quite late to the Souls-like party, but it's like once you play some you really start to want that kind of gameplay more and more.
The demo was solid. I have no reason to think the final version of this won't be at least a solid "C" based upon that. Plus, it's Game Pass title. Now that those games aren't locked down in a hidden folder in a UWP package, things are going well.