LG L204WT problem?


Jul 17, 2005
Since I got my L204WT, I have random monitor crashes when playing games. I can hear the music and everything working fine, except that the monitor turns off and does not turn on unless I reboot my computer. Sometime I can see weird lines on the screen after the crash but before reboot.

For now it happened in Age of Empires III and CIV IV after playing between 10 minutes and 1 hour. Sometime I can play for longer periods without any crashes.

This has never happened when I used to run on my old CRT 17 inches and it only happens when playing games.

My specs:

Monitor: LG L204WT
CPU: AMD 2100
Graphics: ATI X800XL
Power Supply: 420W
Memory: 1 GB
Resolution: 1680X1050

Anyone know what can be the reason?
wow.. and i was beggining to think i was crazy...

hapenned to me a couple of times, the first time i had recently purchased new cpu and was overclocking, so i rebooted right away thinking my computer crapped out because of the overclock. but second time i knew it was only the screen that turned off/suspend/not responding.. tried alt-tab, windows key + all combinations (L, D, U, E.... ) that usually gets me out of fullscreen game situations. nothing worked, my solution to date, turn monitor off, then back on, seemed to work. Now i haven't played much games in the last week or so, so i didn't bother looking deeper into the problem.

Anyways, next time it does it, try screen off/on and see if it works.

edit: I see now that it hapens to you "during" gaming... it only hapenned to me when i exit the games...
sounds more like your video card is having a heart attack (read: overheating) trying to support that resolution in games rather than a monitor issue
dclam said:
sounds more like your video card is having a heart attack (read: overheating) trying to support that resolution in games rather than a monitor issue

Yeah this may be a possibility. My GPU ambient temperature is at 47C and the GPU itself at 61C (when idling in the desktop). I will try to play at 1024 resolution to emulate my old screen. Is the DVI connection eating up more power than an analog connection?
61C is pretty FEAKING HOT FOR IDLE....

It goes up to 83C after playing CIV IV for a while, I guess I will have to find a way to bring the temperature down.
ark1 said:
It goes up to 83C after playing CIV IV for a while, I guess I will have to find a way to bring the temperature down.


I suggest trying to play with a different monitor. Even if you have to borrow from a friend just to see if its the computer or the actual monitor.
insanity said:

I suggest trying to play with a different monitor. Even if you have to borrow from a friend just to see if its the computer or the actual monitor.

He mentions in his post that when on his CRT it doesn't happen. Same thing happens to me, when on CRT never happens, when on the L204WT happens when quitting games, my fix : turn lcd off, then on.
Druneau said:
He mentions in his post that when on his CRT it doesn't happen. Same thing happens to me, when on CRT never happens, when on the L204WT happens when quitting games, my fix : turn lcd off, then on.

Hmm, I would RMA right away.