Left-handed Gaming Mouse?

Aug 10, 2010
Any recommendations for left-handed gaming mice? It seems like a majority of the logitech ones are right-handed?

Thanks for your help
I wasn't aware that there were left-handed gaming mice out there

Even though I'm left handed I use regular mice, although it would be interesting to try a left handed one :)
Sorry, didn't meant to say left handed specific mice, just good ambidextrous ones. Thanks for the Deathadder suggestion
I'm a lefty, but I've been using a mouse in my right hand for so long that it would probably feel a little weird using a mouse with my left hand.
Left hand death adder. Or learn to use a mouse with your right hand and get a death adder. Its just wrong to use a mouse with your left hand.

I'm a lefty, but I've been using a mouse in my right hand for so long that it would probably feel a little weird using a mouse with my left hand.
Computers were designed for right handers. I can't think of a good reason to use a mouse left handed other than you have been doing things wrong and don't want to change. I am also a lefty. If you do things long enough right handed it will feel natural. Seems really stupid razer has a left-handed mouse. They are a gaming company.
Left hand death adder. Or learn to use a mouse with your right hand and get a death adder. Its just wrong to use a mouse with your left hand.

Computers were designed for right handers. I can't think of a good reason to use a mouse left handed other than you have been doing things wrong and don't want to change. I am also a lefty. If you do things long enough right handed it will feel natural. Seems really stupid razer has a left-handed mouse. They are a gaming company.
I agree haha. I'm a lefty too, but using a mouse, playing a guitar or other stringed instrument, it just all works best doing it the "normal" way. I would just get used to right-handed gaming mice, and just use ur left hand for everything else.
I'm a righty and I love my deathadder to death! xP You should definitely go for a lefty deathadder if you're going a left specific mouse
Steelseries Xai, ambidextrous mouse and IMHO one of the best out there. I own a Deathadder as well for my Mac (better OS X drivers) but I much prefer the Xai on my PC.

It comes down to personal preference though. The Xai sits lower and is much lighter, but you may prefer the larger heavier Deathadder. Audition both if possible.
i know the razer lachesis is left and right, also allows you to reverse the side buttons as well so the right ones become button 4 and 5 instead of 6 and 7. but the shape of the mouse takes some getting use to and its very light. but once you use it for a few months its hard as heck to go back to a normal shaped mouse.