League of Legends free character builds etc?


Dec 28, 2000
Just started playing LoL and it seems great. I've been looking trying to find the best champion, but haven't had much luck as lots of the threads are very old. I'd be willing to spend some of those IP points to get one. Also, what runes should I go for? Masteries?

You know we have a big ass thread with over a thousand posts in it? You could have simply asked your question there, and you could have also searched the damn thread, myself, Chesty McRockhard, and Stiler offered up some good guides and posts that would answer your question.

but if you're too lazy to do all that, then go to www.mobafire.com, I use that for my guides.
You know we have a big ass thread with over a thousand posts in it? You could have simply asked your question there, and you could have also searched the damn thread, myself, Chesty McRockhard, and Stiler offered up some good guides and posts that would answer your question.

but if you're too lazy to do all that, then go to www.mobafire.com, I use that for my guides.

Sorry, I find the idea of huge threads bad. Lots of the info in them becomes outdated. (We have threads were the first few pages are speculation on a game, then when the game is actually released, we use the same thread? Sorry, that's just dumb) Large threads also have 253908 posts not related to what you are interested in. (Example, the BF3 thread, half the posts are comparing steam to Origin.) It makes logical sense to me to have a thread for builds. A thread for problems, a thread for screenshots.

The first post in the LoL thread is from January. Let it die already. 1600 is to many posts. New people (myself) get to daunted looking through 1600 posts. I have time to play games casually, I don't have time to look through 1600 posts, 1500 of which wouldn't be relevant.

Thanks for the useful link. Let that other thread die. It's served it's purpose. I think it would be better to have a couple more recent, smaller threads. Gives the appearance of a more active forum as well.
I disagree. Many of the "huge" threads I've read have lots of good information. The LoL thread in particular has a lot of very good discussions regarding builds and rarely goes OT. You could have at least hit the search thread button for the keyword "build"
I disagree. Many of the "huge" threads I've read have lots of good information. The LoL thread in particular has a lot of very good discussions regarding builds and rarely goes OT. You could have at least hit the search thread button for the keyword "build"

And lots of the builds listed are quite old. New characters have bee released since a lot of the first builds were posted and perhaps one of the new champs would suit my playstyle best. Furthermore so many of those builds wouldn't be so great now after patching as some champs have been buffed and some nerfed. Rarely goes op? Theres 4 pages on the tribunal system!
the Tribunal system is OT for the LoL thread? :confused:

Should the 4 pages regarding the Tribunal be in the HoN thread? :rolleyes:

164 posts in the thread with the keyword "build"..... just sayin. Google should be your friend too.

[/waste of a thread]
mobafire.com is pretty decent.

In any case, I reccomend tank classes to all new players. While they may not have the "BOOM HEADSHOT" appeal. They will let you live longer, learn more, and not be dead and bored and yelled at... as much.

One of the best possible ones would be Garren. No resource, spammable abilities. Tanky as shiiiz.

Start with a regen item, move to a sunfire, then a frozen mallet, banshee's veil and whatever you want from there.
Tribunal is part of LoL... Builds on Mobafire and other sites can be equally as "dated". With big threads, work your way backwards then, or start in the last 20 pages if you can't be bothered to search.

Mobafire and Leaguecraft.com have some guides you can look at. There is a free rotation that changes weekly. Play each champion that sounds interesting to you. Keep to the recommended stuff, and/or what's in a guide at first. You'll quickly learn what stats you need. Don't buy runes until you're level 20 and can access tier 3. Also keep in mind that higher-priced champions = more difficult in theory, but not better. There are plenty of both 1350 and 6300 champs that are badass, and plenty of each as well that are entirely mediocre in most situations. There is no best champ.

Once you've played a bit come back into the big thread and we'll be able to give you some good insight. But we can't exactly tell you what character to play, etc etc etc. When you have a valid question besides "WHAT DO?!" we'll gladly answer.

Just started playing LoL and it seems great. I've been looking trying to find the best champion, but haven't had much luck as lots of the threads are very old. I'd be willing to spend some of those IP points to get one. Also, what runes should I go for? Masteries?


There is no best champion, there is no perfect build. Dont buy runes until you hit level 30.

Find a champion that suits your play style and branch off from there.
There is no best champion, there is no perfect build. Dont buy runes until you hit level 30.

Find a champion that suits your play style and branch off from there.

Correction, don't buy runes until your level 20, thats when you can buy tier 3.
There is no best champion, there is no perfect build. Dont buy runes until you hit level 30.

Find a champion that suits your play style and branch off from there.


I use leagucraft and sometimes i'll refer to the LOL forums for reference builds and then I tweak it from there. Depending on the champion and what you want to do will determine the best champion for the current game. The great thing about LOL for me is the constant adjustment of my game strategy and builds. It never really gets boring and there's a plethora of champion's to use.
Since you are beginning LoL, ALWAYS remember to role play. It will not only improve your skills, but it will force you to be a team player. Try to see what the enemy team picks are and try to counter either by champion pick and/or items. There are a lot of roles you can play, but the most popular is a carry.

Well what is a carry?

A carry is a champion that has high damage output and will essentially demolish the enemy team if supported correctly.

Since you’re new, experiment with the different roles because when you start to play ranked games, you will need to know how to play almost any role.

Another tip is to know your champions placement on the map. You should always be conscious of your position. If you’re out of position and you know that a champion is MIA (Missing in Action), move closer to your tower.

In team fighters, don’t be out of place. Always stay by your team and follow the tank unless you play certain champions like Jarvan IV that can cut off enemies with his abilities.

Lastly, enjoy the game. This game will put you through a lot of emotional highs and lows. You will have good and bad teammates and since this game is team DEPENDENT, you will experience loses even though you did good as a player.

I hope this helps.
Welcome to the digital crack known as LOL. We have a [H]ard chatroom setup, usually have 5-6 guys on there every night. Go to your chatrooms panel(bottom right by friends list->create/join chat-> [H]ard->then set that room to autologin in startup in the window that comes up.

We are pretty noob-friendly; lot of us started around the same time and have been helping the newer guys learn the ropes. I don't mind helping out and playing games with the new guys, in-game name is Squintos. I play this game wayyy too much, so odds are I will be online.

Lot of good info/advice in this thread so far. Another good guide site is solomid.com, although those are written by the guys at the top of the ladder and aren't quite as easy to pick up and learn. If you want to learn how to jungle, youtube stonewall008--when the game developers refer to a player how to balance an area, he might have some good advice . Play a few different champs, do a few bot games, and if you have any other questions ask us in the [H] channel or you can throw them in our other thread; we keep that one pretty up to date.

My 2 cents? Learn the items and champ roles/abilities before you worry about getting good with champs. A lot of this game is about countering the opposing team, and you can't do any of that if you don't know what your options are.