Knoppix 6.2 issue


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2007
I have an xp machine I've been working on that has some corrupt files.
It won't boot into either normal or safe mode. It never even gets far enough for me to find out what files are screwed up to try and fix them. So I thought my only other option was a repair install. Here's the thing, the chick who owns it has no backups of all her important shit what so ever and I don't want to chance the repair install and risk losing all of it if something went wrong.

So I thought Knoppix would be my savior. Boot off the disk, move the files to another drive, do the repair install and everyone's happy.
Not so.
The hard drives show up, but I can't access them. I get an error saying it can't mount the drive.
I searched google, and the most relevant hits are from 2005 and don't say much.

Is there something I did wrong? Am I missing something?

I can't mount the drives in my own system either, but being in raid arrays I assumed that could happen. Hell, the only drive I can access is my external usb drive...
You could try testdisk. Had a similar problem due to a power outtage. I notices one of my drive was unmounted after i boot back up. Knowing that is a dynamic disk i knew something was wrong. I try mounting it with a HD dock station and it didnt work either. So i tried testdisk. Had it scan my drive and i was able to back up all my data before i do a format and remount the drive again.
Said piss on it, got a hard drive dock and am making her send me the drive from Texas
Thanks anyway.