JPR Releases New GPU Market Share Statistics


Mar 3, 2018
Over the weekend, VentureBeat got an early look at Jon Peddie Research's Q4 2018 add-in board report, and found that discrete GPU shipments dropped in Q4 2018. But the market researcher just posted their own summary of the report, complete with statistics that previous interpretations left out. The research firm found that graphics board shipments dropped a whopping 40.2% year-to-year and 10.7% quarter-to-quarter, which isn't surprising, given that the cryptocurrency bubble peaked at the beginning of 2018. Nvidia accounted for 81.2% of the discrete GPU market in Q4 2018, a increase from their 66.3% share in Q4 2017, while AMD's market share reportedly dropped from 33.7% to 18.8%. Thanks to cageymaru for the tip.

"The fourth quarter is normally flat to up seasonally," said Dr. John Peddie, President, and founder of Jon Peddie Research. "However, this quarter we found that AIB shipments decreased from the last quarter by 10.7%, which is which is below the ten-year average of a 2.3% decrease. This has largely been attributed to the hang-over of the crypto-mining gold rush." For the year 2018 $17 billion of AIBs were sold. Since 1981, 2,091 million AIBs have been shipped!
I hopped on that Sapphire Vega 64 Nitro+ deal for ~$400 last week. I was tired of waiting for Navi and my GTX 1060 6GB wasn't cutting it for Apex Legends. $100 less than a RTX 2070 with performance between the 2070 and 2070 Ti made it an easy decision.
Side Note: Has anyone else noticed the high number of DOA reviews on Newegg for RTX cards?
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Are any AMD cards over $200 quiet compared to an nvidia competitor?
So far this card is silent and stays under 55C at full load with undervolting/overclocking. However, it is over 12" long and weighs a ton.
I'm guessing its more than just due to crypto. As with a lot of other products (like phones & CPUs) there just isn't a compelling reason to buy new GPUs other than an existing card dying.
Guess the crypto bubble hit AMD even harder in 2018. We could use some fresh legs in this race. Any new companies out there who could enter the GPU market?
Wake me when someone wakes nVidia and they realize that mining-craze price points during a non-mining-craze is plain stupid.
I'm guessing its more than just due to crypto. As with a lot of other products (like phones & CPUs) there just isn't a compelling reason to buy new GPUs other than an existing card dying.

A 1070 can pretty much max out a 1080p/60hz display. So there is no point in "upgrading" till you need more pixels.
Guess the crypto bubble hit AMD even harder in 2018. We could use some fresh legs in this race. Any new companies out there who could enter the GPU market?

Intel is. May be a few years out. While nice and they would be a better competitive fit for Nvidia, I do wonder what will happen to AMD. I assume they'll get buried and exit the discreet GPU market over time.

Someone with more insight and knowledge can feel free to answer.
Intel is. May be a few years out. While nice and they would be a better competitive fit for Nvidia, I do wonder what will happen to AMD. I assume they'll get buried and exit the discreet GPU market over time.

Someone with more insight and knowledge can feel free to answer.

Nothing will happen to AMD. They will be powering PS5 and the next xbox. AMD isn't going anywhere no matter what the current market research is. Crytpo bubble worked out well for AMD... there cards where quite good at some workloads and they where selling them as fast as they where producing. Even though they hadn't really focused hard on the market. Their next arch is power the consoles... and as such they should have strong mid range navi based cards at some point. Also exciting.... Ryzen / Navi APUs. The little 2200G is amzing for how well it can tackle 1080p gaming for next to nothing. Can't wait to see what AMD does with their next gen console spin off APUs.
Nothing will happen to AMD. They will be powering PS5 and the next xbox. AMD isn't going anywhere no matter what the current market research is. Crytpo bubble worked out well for AMD... there cards where quite good at some workloads and they where selling them as fast as they where producing. Even though they hadn't really focused hard on the market. Their next arch is power the consoles... and as such they should have strong mid range navi based cards at some point. Also exciting.... Ryzen / Navi APUs. The little 2200G is amzing for how well it can tackle 1080p gaming for next to nothing. Can't wait to see what AMD does with their next gen console spin off APUs.

While AMD is the front runner for consoles, I wouldn't count Nvidia or Intel out. Nvidia proved with the switch they are still around even with ARM cpus. And who knows what Intel has up their sleeves. I still think a discreet GPU can work in the console market.
Nvidia is really good at burning bridges though. They pissed off Microsoft by trying to change their licensing terms on the original XBox IP, they pissed off Sony while they were powering the PS3, and they pissed off Apple. None of those companies will touch them anymore. Good luck to Nintendo using them in the Switch, although maybe since they’re using off the self Tegra they’ll have a better experience. AMD on the other hand loves doing semi-custom silicon and they are really good at it - from a technical but more importantly business position. As long as their GPUs are ‘good enough’, I don’t see them going anywhere.
While AMD is the front runner for consoles, I wouldn't count Nvidia or Intel out. Nvidia proved with the switch they are still around even with ARM cpus. And who knows what Intel has up their sleeves. I still think a discreet GPU can work in the console market.

Yes they are both counted out from the consoles since the main deal is finalized and for one they need them only amd could offer an apu.

Deals for consoles are done years in advance, and there has been no doubt whatsoever about amd having them.

Also no they won't leave the discreet gpu space when they have powerful niches in their professional lines with up to 2Tb of memory for energy /scientific applications, and also being the only one capable of offering solutions capable of real time 8k video edition.
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My grammar was all over the place, I apologize as I'm dealing with a massive migraine, still the gist of it all is :

1) console semi custom deals are done years prior to the actual release date, at the time the only proven soc solution was on amd so there is absolutely no doubt that they got it, specially with the strong showing of Ryzen.

2) on the discreet gpu they offer exclusive solutions that nvidia hasn't been able to equal yet, this gives them strong niche markets in the form of energy models /fluid mechanics /research and high end video edition in real time.
While AMD is the front runner for consoles, I wouldn't count Nvidia or Intel out. Nvidia proved with the switch they are still around even with ARM cpus. And who knows what Intel has up their sleeves. I still think a discreet GPU can work in the console market.

If sony or microsoft want an APU console again then yes you would count nvidia out. They won't want an ARM cpu and nvidia won't work with intel. So where else they gonna go
what was the decline (if there was one) when compared to the year before (Q4 2016)?

We all knew the crypto bubble would burst, that wasn't sustainable. Honestly I was expecting an even bigger dropoff when you consider how crazy the crypto bubble was. It would be interesting to see last quarter compared to a normal year. If there was an increase from that then that's not too bad.
Nvidia is really good at burning bridges though. They pissed off Microsoft by trying to change their licensing terms on the original XBox IP, they pissed off Sony while they were powering the PS3, and they pissed off Apple. None of those companies will touch them anymore. Good luck to Nintendo using them in the Switch, although maybe since they’re using off the self Tegra they’ll have a better experience. AMD on the other hand loves doing semi-custom silicon and they are really good at it - from a technical but more importantly business position. As long as their GPUs are ‘good enough’, I don’t see them going anywhere.

AFAIK the one that try to change the licensing term was MS not the other way around. the original Xbox did not sold as good as MS hope it to be so they ask nvidia to "absorb" the cost by lowering the price they agree early on. i never heard sony getting mad with nvidia. they just probably did not really like nvidia pricing though. when CELL cannot do the graphic task as a real GPU did sony are being the one asking nvidia to give the solution they need.