I've returned


Jul 8, 2005
Alrighty after another stint up North I'm back in Calgary (jeez I'm gettin' too old for this). Server went down with a CPU failure just before I left and it's a Skylake and no used Xeons or i7's available locally so I repurposed my old 3770K to the task. Wasn't the original plan but WHS2011 (based on 2008R2) didn't recognize any input devices -usb or PS/2- after initializing the load sequence with the Ryzen 2600 system so I hadta fall back. Too bad as the Server is my 24/7 Boinc machine and moar threads woulda been better. As it is it has been a major pain to get up and running as even videocard drivers would not install without old KB updates installed first. Now that I've torn some more hair out of my receding hairline It's just about up to date. Got the WSUS running and waiting on 79+ updates. GPU drivers also installed. One thing about this old mobo is it has room for more GPU's so when it comes time for action I can slap another in for a push. I went and got beer now but there's no tamales up here my friends. Burger had to do. Cheers and fold on! Oh and RedFalcon you're gonna have to wait until I get 1 more up on the ladder before you mow me...
Alrighty after another stint up North I'm back in Calgary (jeez I'm gettin' too old for this). Server went down with a CPU failure just before I left and it's a Skylake and no used Xeons or i7's available locally so I repurposed my old 3770K to the task. Wasn't the original plan but WHS2011 (based on 2008R2) didn't recognize any input devices -usb or PS/2- after initializing the load sequence with the Ryzen 2600 system so I hadta fall back. Too bad as the Server is my 24/7 Boinc machine and moar threads woulda been better. As it is it has been a major pain to get up and running as even videocard drivers would not install without old KB updates installed first. Now that I've torn some more hair out of my receding hairline It's just about up to date. Got the WSUS running and waiting on 79+ updates. GPU drivers also installed. One thing about this old mobo is it has room for more GPU's so when it comes time for action I can slap another in for a push. I went and got beer now but there's no tamales up here my friends. Burger had to do. Cheers and fold on! Oh and RedFalcon you're gonna have to wait until I get 1 more up on the ladder before you mow me...
Do you need WHS2011? Why not just slap Win10 on it? Don't even need to activate it.
Do you need WHS2011? Why not just slap Win10 on it? Don't even need to activate it.
Eh force of habit I guess and I have quite a few shortcuts and playlists that point to server locations on various machines. The playlists especially would be a pain to re-do as some of them are lengthy. I do have the spare Win 10 boxen and a spare license or 2 as well so I considered it. Had no problem activating WHS and I'm in the process of cloning the default partitions to their old larger SSHD. Once I got the WSUS running Windows Update worked fine and brought it up to date. Storage footprint is smaller than the old corrupted one probably due to now unnecessary intermediate updates done thru the years. Eventually I'll have to retire it I guess and upgrade to newer Win Server or Ubuntu Server or something but this'll do for now.
Oh and RedFalcon you're gonna have to wait until I get 1 more up on the ladder before you mow me...
Just you wait!
I got my RTX 3070 back online since cold weather has returned, and will be getting a few more CPUs and GPUs going later this week as well.

Glad to have you back, and nice work getting everything back online.
You have been more than a challenge to catch up to! 🍻🌶️ (y)
Toconator - did you get everything up and running?
Yes although for some reason the OC thats been rock solid on the old 3770K system since day 1 has become unstable as well as the XMP 2133 RAM speed. Set it all to defaults for now as I recover a drive that was accidentally initialized and partitioned when the WHS setup process selected the wrong drive for install. Not sure why it did that but I'm having to do deep scans to retrieve the files from the 4 TB WD Red which are quite extensive so its taking a LONG time. Have WCG plugging away on a few threads in the background already. I'll get FAH going on it once I do a GPU swap after this current procedure is done, don't want to interrupt it. All accounts and accesses have been restored and all playlists are functional again - I really missed the music to be honest. Handbrake and MKV stuff can come later as there's a backlog of transcodes and remuxes to do. I tend to do those on the Server because it's always on 24/7 and I can 'set it and forget it' while I game or browse on the main PC and it's where they end up in the end anyways. The others are most often turned off to save the power bill unless we're on a push.

edit: they're all on right now to stave off RedFalcon as I climb up one rung on the team ladder before he mows me. Take one step forward before I get pushed back ...

addendum: seems I might have spoken -er posted prematurely. Having more weird issues popping up. For instance it started pausing at 99.99% (or 100% reported in HFM.net) complete on folding projects but restarting the system would send results and grab another only to hang on completion again. Tried reinstalling video drivers and F@H to no avail. Now its going black screen and losing video altogether if I fold. Come to think of it the OC stopped working right after I hooked up another HDD for my disk retrieval which makes for 4 HDDs, 1 SSD and the Bluray/DVD burner and a multi card reader . I'm wondering if the old (ancient) trusty XFX Pro650W PSU is finally flaking out. Maybe not "died in the line of duty" but more honorably retired as it dates from mid 2000's when PSU's were top mounted and all the SATA connectors are inverted. I do have a newer spare EVGA 650W but the fan has developed a slight rattle (unless its on its side on my testbench) and if I'm gonna pull it all apart to test I might as well put in a new quiet modular one. Hope I'm not going down a rabbit hole here
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when did all of your snow melt this season? how was your winter?
when did all of your snow melt this season? how was your winter?
LoL. It was snowing Tuesday when you posted and a bit Wed morning but only a couple inches. Warmed up to just over freezing and the sun came out in the afternoon and melted most of it. Wind has a bite to it tho. Worked up north for a couple months and it was -40 or so most of the time. Much less snow than usual up there this year but cold and windy as well. Snowstorm with 70 km winds one day blowing snow and ice crystals sideways. Couldn't see more than 5 yards in any direction. Was using a map app on my phone to navigate until it froze up and died. Yep, fun times o_O. Getting sick of the long winters tho, might change it back to rain rain rain on the coast. We'll see how things play out in next couple months. Most of the [H]orde are stateside I know, and I've enjoyed my visits down there. How was your winter? You even get snow where you're at?
What does "up north" mean when you live in Calgary? I am in Eastern Idaho. We definitely get snow here. We had lots of snow this winter. The grass has emerged from the snow and I think that the weather will be warmer for the next week. I hope that Spring is finally here.
What does "up north" mean when you live in Calgary? I am in Eastern Idaho. We definitely get snow here. We had lots of snow this winter. The grass has emerged from the snow and I think that the weather will be warmer for the next week. I hope that Spring is finally here.
I wouldn't mind some snow. Here in Central IL it has been very light on snow...
What does "up north" mean when you live in Calgary? I am in Eastern Idaho. We definitely get snow here. We had lots of snow this winter. The grass has emerged from the snow and I think that the weather will be warmer for the next week. I hope that Spring is finally here.
Idaho eh? Not too far from me and probably similiar climate. Was working out in the field about an hour out of Grande Prairie for awhile, followed by a trip to Lloydminster which is east of and only as far north as Edmonton then down to Moose Jaw on the prairies which isn't very 'north' but was windy and cold as fck. 1C today in Calgary and we did get a couple days in the teens C just before the last snowfall so the ground frost was gone which helped the snowmelt this time for sure. And yeah Gilthanis, I hope Spring is here as well but I've seen heavy snow as late as May here but not usually. One year I had an 'August tan' at the end of April. Weather is inconsistent to put it mildly.
Idaho eh? Not too far from me and probably similiar climate. Was working out in the field about an hour out of Grande Prairie for awhile, followed by a trip to Lloydminster which is east of and only as far north as Edmonton then down to Moose Jaw on the prairies which isn't very 'north' but was windy and cold as fck. 1C today in Calgary and we did get a couple days in the teens C just before the last snowfall so the ground frost was gone which helped the snowmelt this time for sure. And yeah Gilthanis, I hope Spring is here as well but I've seen heavy snow as late as May here but not usually. One year I had an 'August tan' at the end of April. Weather is inconsistent to put it mildly.
I would like Northern weather as I'm really hot blooded but my wife is the opposite. I would love to move to Southern or middle Alaska but she imagines Siberia Alaska...lol. Maybe one day I can convince her to at least move to just a better state in general like maybe Tennessee. She doesn't want to be too far from Mamma...