It's Offical: No New AMD GPU's for 2013


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 5, 2004

I reported on this back in 2012.

As some of you know, there is a huge IRC channel on efnet that has a lot of the asian / euro extreme overclockers that have close ties with people / former employees at AMD. They said this was going to happen last year. And, it happened.

It's also rumored that AMD has one * Final * high-end GPU in the works that they will bring to market in late 2014. They expect this GPU to be on the market til mid 2016 at which point the industry seems to think mobile devices will largely catch up to desktop performance.
1 final high end gpu in 2014, so that means amd is throwing in the towel? I don't think so. ;) *edit just read the rest of your statement. I take it this is a sign of technology slowing down in the PC gaming world then?
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They expect this GPU to be on the market til mid 2016 at which point the industry seems to think mobile devices will largely catch up to desktop performance.

what? that makes no sense as they are both moving targets and both diffident sectors. do you really care if your current mobile device is faster than an old pc?
They expect this GPU to be on the market til mid 2016 at which point the industry seems to think mobile devices will largely catch up to desktop performance.

what? that makes no sense as they are both moving targets and both diffident sectors. do you really care if your current mobile device is faster than an old pc?

We need faster graphics on our iphones to play angry birds. LOL
Take it with a grain of salt. Even I consider these rumors from the IRC channel.

But, AMD did lose basically all it's upper management last year. Like it or not, there are reasons, apparently very serious reasons why all these people left.

I know for myself, personally speaking, I cannot see myself taking the chance / risk or buying anything related to AMD. I run a couple of 7970's but they will be my very last AMD products ... ever.

I hope they can work things out.
Looks like if the Desktop doesn't die on its own, Intel and AMD are looking to pull the plug. Intel with BGA only CPUs and AMD exiting the GPU market. This fits perfectly with MS trying to force a mobile OS on desktop users. The desktop is being abandoned. In a few years, Corporate users will be back on dumb terminals running VMs from a server farm (already seeing this where I work). When you request a new PC, you will be told to get a VM set up and as long as what you have will run that, why spend more on new desktop hardware. I would really like to be wrong here...
there still has to be hardware for the server farms

or are they going to make it illegal for individuals to own those
But most people just use their mobile devices for email, and facebook. With the lack of enthusiasm for the next gen consoles and hdtv's, and now desktop pc's, what are people going to do? Sounds like the whole industry reeks of stagnation. No way in hell will gamers be playing games on their phones in a few years.
Yeah, AMD posted this on twitter and other locations (OCN) a few days ago... old news. They aren't planning on anything for most, if not all, of this year. This is bad news for enthusiasts as it means even less competition, and thus higher prices with slower releases :(.
But most people just use their mobile devices for email, and facebook. With the lack of enthusiasm for the next gen consoles and hdtv's, and now desktop pc's, what are people going to do? Sounds like the whole industry reeks of stagnation. No way in hell will gamers be playing games on their phones in a few years.

Real gamers will have to go to consoles. That means the days of the enthusiast are numbered, but I kind of like the level playing field consoles offer (I am not a console gamer at the moment though). The main thing the mobile pushers have to do is to get people satisfied with spending their time playing FarmVille and Angry Birds. Judging by the content on "The Learning Channel" these days, that does not seem like a difficult task, but then when I look at the content on "The Learning Channel", I have to ask... Do we really deserve to survive as a species?
Real gamers will have to go to consoles. That means the days of the enthusiast are numbered, but I kind of like the level playing field consoles offer (I am not a console gamer at the moment though). The main thing the mobile pushers have to do is to get people satisfied with spending their time playing FarmVille and Angry Birds. Judging by the content on "The Learning Channel" these days, that does not seem like a difficult task, but then when I look at the content on "The Learning Channel", I have to ask... Do we really deserve to survive as a species?

Interesting, and unfortunately likely. Although, I'd imagine the trend will be towards phones with controllers, or computers with integrated GPU's that are good enough for most people's gaming needs, as well as consoles. I don't see the computer gaming market going anywhere in the near future, but I do think we're getting close to that "diminishing returns" point that is severe for the vast majority of the population.
With a possible PS4 and xbox 720 launch this year AMD is not doing a GPU refresh to keep up in pony race with Nvidia. Smart play IMO
I kinda felt this is going to happen the moment they announced the new never settle bundle for AMD GPUs. The promo said that it is for 7900/7800 series effective until Dec. 2013. And so I thought to myself why would the 7 series GPUs still be sold in Dec. 2013.
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Is this why the next Nvidia GPU is priced at $900?

I'm scared of the future..
No active driver teams for amd in the future either. Think about it. Now, who wants to sell me their 7970 for $150?
In a way, it's a smart decision and AMD needs to tighten the belt anyway. The PS4/Xbox720 are rumored to be based on AMD's Jaguar parts, which aren't going to be more powerful than the current line of desktop cards. While console devs can get more out of hardware by programming to the bare metal, I think it's going to be 2014 before we need a new line of desktop cards to catch up to the new consoles or to drive affordable 4k displays.

My inner enthusiast is happy, but mostly sad. It's nice to be free of the upgrade itch for longer, but new hardware is exciting and pushes everything forward. Hopefully the 2014 parts are fantastic.
Yeah this is more about them shifting focus towards the console GPUs.

I recall when nvidia assigned their best engineers towards the original Xbox GPU, the result was a not so impressive desktop part (FX series). AMD probably wants to avoid this, in addition to the fact that most of the heavy hitters of 2013 are AMD sponsored and theoretically should perform better on their hardware (Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite), they're probably okay for the most part.
I can't believe this. And then I can.

Games pretty much suck these days. The next-gen consoles are going to hit with all the force of a small fart.

Someone said it earlier... the whole electronics industry is stagnating in terms of pushing the envelope, while the game industry stagnates in terms of innovation.

Looks like we were in a golden era of sorts which has been coming to an end. Get ready for the dark ages.
either way tons of Next Gen Consoles will be sold, if AMD released a GPU it would just suffer to its own competition.
What is really scary, not that we have to worry about this anytime soon but enthusiasts sites like HardOCP suffer as well, maybe even more so when things like this happen.

I guess will we all be playing Fruit Ninja in the future on whatever the latest mobile devices are out and liking it regardless
Assuming this is true, and it looks like it could be, I think it's very bad. AMD would actually have no counter for GK110 and nVidia's refresh of the rest of the line. It could very quickly turn into "no reason to buy an AMD card". How long could AMD sustain that?

Rory Read totally FUBAR'd Northern Islands, from a marketing point of view. He released a half baked product that nVidia was able to easily counter both in terms of price and performance and still make massive profits. Even though the 7970 is faster than the 680, and has been for the most part of the 13mos. it's been available, in order to sell it AMD has to offer it at cheaper prices. This is because Rory has failed to show the general public the true value of Northern Islands. I can't believe he's still allowing the hangover from Kepler's release to be hanging around this long. Now nVidia's ready to release the big gun, and not only does AMD have no answer, they completely failed to take the advantage they had for most of the year. I mean, how long was GK104 the only thing nVidia had? nVidia managed to get people to buy 40nm leftovers (GTX 560's and such) rather than a new AMD part.
Maybe they are serious about going mobile in the future. I mean people spend $600 on a phone with very little tech in it. Think about the cost to manufacture 2 7950's and compare that to a phone. There has to be more profit in the phone.

Also to tell the truth the software is so behind the hardware that they can take time off and not miss a cycle. The games industry is so committed to making sequels that it's not going to get better anytime soon. The current hardware is good enough for the current software.
I don't think AMD needs an answer to the GK110. It's gonna be a ~$900 part, the market share for that is ridiculously small.
BS. There will always be a market and somebody will cater to it. Try to look at the glass as half full. I am having as much fun now PC gaming as I ever have had. Things aren't all doom and gloom! Long live the indie devs.
7000's is all you really need for 90% of PC gamers who play at 1080p anyways. AMD is going to make more money this year without so much R&D overhead.

Hopefully their driver team is up to the challenge of getting every % of performance out of these cards.
Sounds fine to me. I'm happy with my 6950 retaining its value. I may have this card longer than any other video card I've previously owned.

The games I'm playing for 2013 don't even need the power of the 6950: Path of Exile, Planetary Annihilation & Grim Dawn

I reported on this back in 2012.

As some of you know, there is a huge IRC channel on efnet that has a lot of the asian / euro extreme overclockers that have close ties with people / former employees at AMD. They said this was going to happen last year. And, it happened.

It's also rumored that AMD has one * Final * high-end GPU in the works that they will bring to market in late 2014. They expect this GPU to be on the market til mid 2016 at which point the industry seems to think mobile devices will largely catch up to desktop performance.

This is soo depressing to read. Is the market this bad that we're reaching stagnation? But to be honest, not many people game at 2560x1600 or greater resolution. A GTX 580 or a HD 6970 is still good for 1080p. Maybe Microsoft was on to something with windows 8? :/

To be honest I was really hoping for a single GPU that could run everything at 2560x1600 in a few years :(
1 final high end gpu in 2014, so that means amd is throwing in the towel? I don't think so. ;) *edit just read the rest of your statement. I take it this is a sign of technology slowing down in the PC gaming world then?

Yes you're correct. If you have been reading about intel/amd stock reports and such. There is a general market decline in PCs and more focus on mobil devices and such. I am pretty sure the toys we have now are "good enough" for the masses but not for the hardcore elite.
Take it with a grain of salt. Even I consider these rumors from the IRC channel.

But, AMD did lose basically all it's upper management last year. Like it or not, there are reasons, apparently very serious reasons why all these people left.

I know for myself, personally speaking, I cannot see myself taking the chance / risk or buying anything related to AMD. I run a couple of 7970's but they will be my very last AMD products ... ever.

I hope they can work things out.

You know what? I'm in the same boat. They lost some amazing engineers in their graphical department. They should have left that alone. From what I understand, the graphical department was their money maker. In my heart I hope I am wrong, but I think they are going to drop out of high end leave only Nvidia in the high end graphical department. But the main question is, will Nvidia survive once the CPU and GPU can be on the same die?
There doesn't really need to be new GPU's. 7900's are pretty powerful. They are trying to save cash.
Im cool with hardware staying where it's at for a while.
It isn't really saturated by most gamers right now anyway.
Let's just focus on bringing out some more good games!
Not complaining, there are many amazing games out there that I have to make time for!
Silly neckbeards trying to sound prophetic in your mothers' basements :D:D

The PC market as a whole has seen a global drop of ~25% in shipments and that drop continues to this day. On top of that the enthusiast market is a small subset of that declining market. Why would AMD release new hardware into a market that is continuing to shrink. All the players have already carved their piece of the pie, they can't generate clients out of thin air if people are not buying PCs.

So AMD did the next logical thing; expand into new markets. I know some of you scoff at consoles but AMD this year is the sole provider for Wii U (GPU), Xbox Next (CPU+GPU), PS4(CPU+GPU) and quite possibly the SteamBox (All the demo boxes Valve showed the press behind closed doors at CES ran on desktop Trinity APU systems). So they WILL be releasing new products just not for the enthusiast PC market specifically.

Did you ever ask why would Nvidia release something like Shield? They are facing the same exact situation as AMD, a rapidly shrinking PC market and they need to diversify into other markets.

So please try to use your brain and stop with baseless doom and gloom calls. The enthusiast market is and has always been a niche. Quite profitable and the market from which most of the advances came from, but still a niche. Something had to break sooner of later.

As a little side note. AMD's graphics division operating profit:
2011: 51Million
2012: 105Million
2013 may or may not include console revenues from SONY and MS depending on when they are launched but will at least include Wii U revenue. Who wants to bet profits will continue to increase?
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What do we have here?


Considering their internal roadmaps and other sensitive documents were stolen by ex-employees now working for Nvidia, it is not out of the realm of possibility that they are purposely trying to be as vague and misleading as possible.
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What do we have here?


Yes, I read that when it was first posted on OCN. Read the very first line: "we've never so much as hinted that a next-gen product would be coming this year" for AMD. Your point?
the thought of desktops dying is HORRIBLE

who wants to watch movies on an 8 inch tablet? NOT ME



better stock up on desktop parts and gpu's.