Is this mobo/proc good folding boxen material?


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2004
A local vendor has the ECS L7VMM3A mobo/proc combo available for 109$. Would this be a good board for my folding boxen? Also, WTF is an AMD PRO3200A processor?

if this is what i think it is..
Man somethings havnt changed since the year ive been gone.. I believe this is one of this frankenstein boards where they soldered a duron (err athlon?) onto the mobo. Its non-upgradable. its ok for simple stuff but for other tasks, pass..
I think that's what it is too. I'd go see if it actually has a ghz rating on the cpu. If it's actually up around 2 gig or so it will fold but when it's gone, it's gone. Unless you have a spare vid card and some ram I'd think twice about it.

I'd pass on it... only 'cause I think the price is too good to be true. A good XP-M on the egg is about 95 alone.

I fear it would be a waste of money.
it's an AMD XP-M 2200+ (1.73 ghz) NONREMOVABLE cpu. if that is worth $110 to you on a board.. do it. (it'll have less power draw / heat output thanks the M part : )

.. check out resellar ratings on a vendor before buying, but the combo is fine for the $$ IMO. board stability though??? I wouldn't know.
if it is a 2200, its not bad.. for basically 220, u can have a decent little folder......