Is this finally the Android phone to kill the iPhone ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
We have being hearing about an iPhone killer for a couple years now, but still to this day nothing really beats it 100%. Kind of like World of Warcraft for MMO's, there have been WarHammer's and AoC, etc...but WoW is still king, like it or hate it.

I always thought Android could be truly special, but that first versions in the G1 and MyTouch felt like beta's, and then it got better with the HTC-Hero, and better yet in the DROID, and the Nexus-1, but still not as good as the iPhone in my opinion, the Droid and Nexus-1 are very close but not quite there.

Well Android 3.0 OS looks to be the perfect ready for prime time phone of them all, and could truly be on par and better than the iPhone finally.

HTC Supersonic;

Little more info about this baby

Finally, HTC decided to listen to its users and release an Android version of the HD2. That's the HTC Supersonic you see in the (exclusive) image above. It has same size (4.3 inch) display as it's twin but this time it is OLED.

Internals are also similar, the Supersonic has the same 1GHz Snapdragon, plus it has 1 GB ROM like the us version of HD2. It also has a larger battery and a kickstand on the back. The camera is similar to the one used in the Nexus One.

The Supersonic runs Android 2.1 with Sense UI and 4G network, it is heading for Sprint sometime in March

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What is with all these awesome phones running on sub-par networks? Yes, Sprint has some wicked speeds on their network, but their CS is beyond awful and their coverage isn't much better than T-mobile, who has 3G coverage that somehow is worse than AT&T. Curse you Verizon for not jumping on these phones!
What is with all these awesome phones running on sub-par networks? Yes, Sprint has some wicked speeds on their network, but their CS is beyond awful and their coverage isn't much better than T-mobile, who has 3G coverage that somehow is worse than AT&T. Curse you Verizon for not jumping on these phones!

I agree, I would think this be the perfect Verizon phone. They don't have any HTC sense UI Android phones.
What is with all these awesome phones running on sub-par networks? Yes, Sprint has some wicked speeds on their network, but their CS is beyond awful and their coverage isn't much better than T-mobile, who has 3G coverage that somehow is worse than AT&T. Curse you Verizon for not jumping on these phones!

Sprint's CS is MUCH improved compared to the old days. Rated above ATT now, although i guess that isn't saying much. Also, Sprint's 3G network is far better than both ATT and T-mobile. Not sure why you are trying to spread FUD like that. Plus, the beauty of this phone is that it is fully 4G capable. No other provider has even begun to roll out their own 4G network, besides Sprint. :)
Sprint's CS is MUCH improved compared to the old days. Rated above ATT now, although i guess that isn't saying much. Also, Sprint's 3G network is far better than both ATT and T-mobile. Not sure why you are trying to spread FUD like that. Plus, the beauty of this phone is that it is fully 4G capable. No other provider has even begun to roll out their own 4G network, besides Sprint. :)

ok tell me more :) I am looking to drop T-Mobile like lead weight. This phone with the fast hardware running it, Android 2.1 OS, and HTC's Sense-UI should make for the #1 Android phone easily ? And better than the iPhone 3GS ?
I desperately wanted the HD2 until it became a WinMo phone. This new HTC Supersonic is gonna make it very easy to say buh-bye to my 3GS and AT&T. I hate AT&T's god awful 3G!!! I think Sprint has come a long way so I've got no problem switching to them. 4G = very happy Mr. Wolf.
I'm getting really annoyed with the term "iPhone killer". It's the most ignorant term used in cell phone comparisons now. I've never even held an iPhone and don't care to have one (or any other Apple product), but I know nothing is going to KILL the iPhone. It's just retarded to think so in the next 5 years at least, to give Apple enough time to ruin and cripple it's best product while others improve on its features.

Sorry for the OT rant, back on topic now: That phone looks absolutely awesome. I would gladly trade my Droid for the sweet looking/spec'd piece of sexeh. I dunno if I can due without a physical keyboard still, but I'd get over it for that, I think. Also, I'm definitely spoiled by Verizons coverage and reliability so I'm not willing to leave them for any other carrier anytime soon either. But if they ever make a CDMA version, I'd be all over that.
I'm getting really annoyed with the term "iPhone killer". It's the most ignorant term used in cell phone comparisons now. I've never even held an iPhone and don't care to have one (or any other Apple product), but I know nothing is going to KILL the iPhone. It's just retarded to think so in the next 5 years at least, to give Apple enough time to ruin and cripple it's best product while others improve on its features.

Sorry for the OT rant, back on topic now: That phone looks absolutely awesome. I would gladly trade my Droid for the sweet looking/spec'd piece of sexeh. I dunno if I can due without a physical keyboard still, but I'd get over it for that, I think. Also, I'm definitely spoiled by Verizons coverage and reliability so I'm not willing to leave them for any other carrier anytime soon either. But if they ever make a CDMA version, I'd be all over that.

The phone is CDMA with the addition of another 4G radio. Also, I believe Sprint and Verizon use the same 2G and 3G frequencies. So you could theoretically throw this on Verizon sans the whole 4G part. Of course, that's dependent on Verizon opening their network to outside phones, like they have claimed they were going to do for a while now.
I desperately wanted the HD2 until it became a WinMo phone. This new HTC Supersonic is gonna make it very easy to say buh-bye to my 3GS and AT&T. I hate AT&T's god awful 3G!!! I think Sprint has come a long way so I've got no problem switching to them. 4G = very happy Mr. Wolf.

Seen the VZW "We got a Map For That" commercials? Yeah... Sprint's 4G network is only a sliver of the size of ATT's 3G map
Seen the VZW "We got a Map For That" commercials? Yeah... Sprint's 4G network is only a sliver of the size of ATT's 3G map
AT&T's 3G speeds are excruciatingly slow and, unless you live in San Francisco, they're not improving any time soon. Coverage area is a joke when AT&T's 3G is worse than EDGE.
AT&T's 3G speeds are excruciatingly slow and, unless you live in San Francisco, they're not improving any time soon. Coverage area is a joke when AT&T's 3G is worse than EDGE.

Agreed ATT's 3G coverage is a joke. Only point I was making which you didn't pick up on was that Sprint's 4G coverage map is far smaller than ATT's 3G coverage map. And, yes, both carriers seem to be the slowest when it comes to putting up more towers anywhere. And, yes, I know ATT's 3G speeds are a joke where I live and many other places.
Agreed ATT's 3G coverage is a joke. Only point I was making which you didn't pick up on was that Sprint's 4G coverage map is far smaller than ATT's 3G coverage map. And, yes, both carriers seem to be the slowest when it comes to putting up more towers anywhere. And, yes, I know ATT's 3G speeds are a joke where I live and many other places.
I'm well aware that Sprint's 4G coverage is smaller than AT&T's 3G. My point is that coverage size is secondary to speed. There's no advantage to AT&T's greater coverage when their speed sucks... really sucks!
Shyte coverage or no coverage. Both are frustrating.

Zorachus: Just wait for the Nexus to hit VZW
I'm well aware that Sprint's 4G coverage is smaller than AT&T's 3G. My point is that coverage size is secondary to speed. There's no advantage to AT&T's greater coverage when their speed sucks... really sucks!

What is a good 3G speed? Just curious since I have been very happy with both coverage and speed on AT&T here in Houston. My coverage is better than my friends on Spring and Verizon, AT&T is the only carrier that works in my neighborhood without standing in the street, and I regularly get 2000+ kbps down and 250+ kbps up.
This is a monster phone.

I love my G1, and TMo's pricing ($180 for3 phones unlimited everything!). But, their coverage is terrible when I travel. I've been waiting for the VZW Nexus, but considering the HD2. This is damn perfect!

And then they go and ruin it with Sprint.... Well, their phone cofverage is at least better than TMo's, and they are the cheaper of the CDMA guys, I think. 4G? Bleh, wake me when it matters - none of the carriers have their current 3G implementations in full swing.

So, what do we expect? $400 on 4yr contract?

You realize that the supersonic phone is not scheduled to be released until September at the earliest... if ever. It is still a rumor.

There will always be another GREATEST FONE!!! omg!!!

Just get the Nexus in the near future.
What is a good 3G speed? Just curious since I have been very happy with both coverage and speed on AT&T here in Houston. My coverage is better than my friends on Spring and Verizon, AT&T is the only carrier that works in my neighborhood without standing in the street, and I regularly get 2000+ kbps down and 250+ kbps up.
My AT&T 3G speed is 1100 - 1400 kbps d/l in Atlanta. That's terrible.
I am itching to dump T-Mobile right now this week. Their dropped calls is unreal the last month. And 5 friends of mine on T-Mo have same issues here in Chicago

What carrier and phone to get. ? I need rock solid connection
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I am itching to dump T-Mobile right now this week. Their dropped calls is unreal the last month. And 5 friends of mine on T-Mo have same issues here in Chicago

What carrier and phone to get. ? I need rock solid connection
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

What part of the country?

I dumped T MO this summer and went to Sprint. Love T MO, but their 3g coverage is absolutely abysmal.

I've been rocking Sprint ever since, and have nothing but good things to say about the coverage, @ least here. I'm getting 2 Mbps on the downstream, roughly zero dropped calls as I roam on Verizon.

It's really the best of both worlds. Best part? 70 a month, 450 mins, unlimited mobile to mobile, text and data.

I'd take a look it Sprint. My experience has turned out alot better than I expected it to be.
Thanks. CB. If I went Sprint I would wait for this new Android then. I heard Sprint will get it first in March. Hope it is March 1st and not 31st
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Thanks. CB. If I went Sprint I would wait for this new Android then. I heard Sprint will get it first in March. Hope it is March 1st and not 31st
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

No problem.

I'm not a fanboy of providers. :p I'm a fanboy of results and performance for the buck.

Sprint should have a nice lineup of phones this year. New Android beast, New WebOS device more than likely in June, etc.

Oh, and something else, which every geek can appreciate. If you carry a plan for 69.99/month for 6 + mos. you get premier customer status. Basically, new customer pricing on phones every year instead of two.
I wouldent call 1200 down bad on a mobile phone
I mean I get around 800-2000 down on my droid/Verizon
With between 500-800 up and I'm very happy
My old iPhone 3gs got 50kb down on att edge LOL.

BTW my droid running at 800mhz smoke my old
IPhone 3gs IMO.

Sprint has the second largest 3g coverage I allmost
Went with sprint but didn't because well droid.
So my options right now are go Verizon with Droid or wait for March and get the new Supersonic with Sprint. Or third wait for Nexus-1 on Verizon ?

Quality service and no dropped calls is #1 for me.

This new Supersonic is not official yet ? Do we know for sure it coming in March ? And for sure only Sprint ?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
My AT&T 3G speed is 1100 - 1400 kbps d/l in Atlanta. That's terrible.

OK, that is a little sad on the speed. I just see everyone screaming how horrible AT&T is and it usually has to do with the market they are in. Like I've said, for me AT&T has the BEST coverage at my house, so in that respect it must make them the best network in the nation by all the anti-AT&T standards ;)

I really wish people would quit saying "AT&T sucks", "AT&T's coverage is horrible", etc. and instead say "AT&T coverage is horrible in Atlanta", "AT&T sucks in San Francisco", etc. etc.

I'm not saying AT&T is a good carrier (they have plenty of issues), but if someone was moving into my neighborhood, for example, and they read all the negative things about AT&T and went with Sprint instead... they would get to stand in the street to talk just to talk on their cell phone and they would have 4 "dead zones" if they drove the same route I do to work (from my past experience). Verizon/T-Mobile would also be standing in the street, but I can't provide first-hand information on dead zones due to never using them as a carrier.
I need this phone in my life, I already got my GF a hero but I want something with a little more on it.
So my options right now are go Verizon with Droid or wait for March and get the new Supersonic with Sprint. Or third wait for Nexus-1 on Verizon ?

Quality service and no dropped calls is #1 for me.

This new Supersonic is not official yet ? Do we know for sure it coming in March ? And for sure only Sprint ?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Like was mentioned before, carrier performance really depends on the area. I think Verizon is generally the best bet, but be prepared to pay out the ass for about 10-20% improvement. That said, I am on Sprint in the SF Bay Area and couldn't be happier with the service. I pay the equivalent of $30 per line on a family plan for essentially unlimited everything.
1. The Supersonic is a supposed revamped version of the HD2, since the two are physically similar. The differences are: the former will have Android as its operating system unlike the latter that has Windows Mobile; and Supersonic’s 4.3-inch touchscreen will be made of OLED while HD2’s is of LCD. The Supersonic will also have a battery with larger capacity.

2. Some say it’s Sprint, while others say it’s T-Mobile that will house the HTC Supersonic. Initially, Sprint hinted that the HTC A9292 will be the Supersonic and will run on the Android operating system, version 2.1. However, a screenshot that has been circulating lately shows that the device will be available with T-Mobile as well, but the Android firmware will be version 3.0. If the T-Mobile Supersonic screenshot is true, then both providers might be selling the handset.

3. Sprint’s supposedly WiMAX-enabled Supersonic will soon have another fierce competitor in Verizon, as this other telecommunication giant earlier announced the launch of an LTE (Long Term Evolution, 3GPP) handset this year, and AT&T will follow suit in 2011. This one can be considered as an issue because WiMAX and LTE, though both are new in mobile network technology, are already pitted against each other. WiMAX is released first and is already a 4G, but is yet to be deployed on a large scale. On the other hand, LTE is technically a 3G still, but is compatible with most network operators.
Zorachus, the 3.0 android thing was already debunked. Turns out you can edit a text file in any android phone and make it read any version number you want. Someone basically just edited a MyTouch.
Zorachus, the 3.0 android thing was already debunked. Turns out you can edit a text file in any android phone and make it read any version number you want. Someone basically just edited a MyTouch.

True, but this still looks to be the #1 Android phone release, to last a long while. With the hardware specs, HTC Sense-UI, and 2.1 OS, this phone will be the best Droid phone to rule them all :)

Well that is, until the Android 2.5 OS phones come out in Summer/Fall to compete with the new iPhone4G
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I'm an android fan, but frankly, I don't see it being ready to compete with 2.1. Right now, Apple has the numbers, and Palm has the sleek OS, Android seems to be stuck in beta, needing the help of Sense to make it appealing. Keep in mind, I'm a former Pre and iPhone owner and a current Hero owner.