Is this card change worth it?


Feb 16, 2001
Hey all,

So a co worker had a friend of his give him a new video card...not sure how he managed to do that. Anyways he has a gtx590 that he is wanting to sell me. Currently I have an asus .

He will sell it to me for 150 plus a Cisco 1841 w/128mb card. Is the upgrade worth it?

Hey all,

So a co worker had a friend of his give him a new video card...not sure how he managed to do that. Anyways he has a gtx590 that he is wanting to sell me. Currently I have an asus .

He will sell it to me for 150 plus a Cisco 1841 w/128mb card. Is the upgrade worth it?

What does that mean? Please provide some actual info by listing all your current pc specs in detail including power supply. And also list the resoltion you are going to play at.

That said, I would not touch an outdated dual gpu card like the 590 anyway. Even if a game works with SLI and scales half way decent, you only have 1.5 GB of usable ram.
Spending 150 dollars on a card multiple generations out of date is not a good idea.
He will sell it to me for 150 plus a Cisco 1841 w/128mb card. Is the upgrade worth it?

The upgrade in performance might be nice. But, is it actually worth what he's asking? Not really, in my opinion (for whatever that's worth).

Save your $150 (plus the $50-100 the Cisco is probably worth if you sold it yourself) and add another $150 to it in a couple months and get something far beyond what's being offered.
HardOCP GTX 590 review said:
...our evaluation has clearly revealed that the GTX 590 is very much equal to "GeForce GTX 570 SLI on a single card."

So, at the very worst, in the rare case when a game doesn't have a SLI profile, it will still be equal to your current card. When SLI works, my quick web search tells me GTX 570 SLI is in the neighborhood of a single GTX 760 which seems to be $240 on newegg, $233 on amazon and maybe $200 used.

Disclaimer: comparing SLI to a single GPU gets tricky because SLI scaling (how much the second card gets used) varies from game to game. Some games achieve over 90% scaling while others may do a lot less.
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Thanks for the info. Sorry for being soo cryptic, was typing on my phone while my kids were bugging me :-/. I though the price was a bit high too...specially replacing something he got free...but whatever we was going off of ebay prices.

Here is my rig

16G Ram
4 differe sized SSDs
1 4Tb SSHD
Corsair TX650

Mild OCing happening and I'm probably running in the edge of that PS now so the 590 might kill it.

So everyone says it's a crappy deal hey? Well I'm once again glad to come here and ask the right people on this intarweb.
This is a horrible deal, and will be even worse come the 300-series cards from AMD about to be revealed in the next month or two.

Tell your coworker no, then see how quickly the offer price drops :p
FWIW, the 590 is maybe ~5-7% quicker than a 280x at most. The bigger problem is that the 590 only has 1.5GB ram per GPU. It'll be out of ram the second you try anything fancy with the settings at HD+ resolutions. I would soldier on with the 570 until AMD comes out with their 3xx stuff. At that point, i would then make the decision on a NVidia 9xx card or AMD 3xx card.
I would not do this trade. For that money a used 280x is a far better bet.
If you can hold off, that would be your best bet. It's not a great time to upgrade. Also, is there any titles you must play? games like witcher 3 will have some demanding gpu specs.
Totally not worth it. Your $150 could be better spent on a current card, or, alternately, just wait as the new AMD stuff ought to be launching in Q1 sometime, and there's still more of the GeForce 900 series expected to launch very soon (rumors were saying Jan 22, so it could be this week).