Is there any way to make Enduro chill out in Windows 10?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 9, 2006
I have an Enduro laptop (and it is mandatory, no mux to turn it off) and in Windows 7 and 8 the AMD GPU would shut down when I was just using the integrated graphics for the desktop. Now with 10 it spins up the dGPU all the time which has a real negative impact on battery life.

Is there a fix for this?
You could be waiting a few months for the next driver update. It took them literally years to get it working reliably on Windows 7/8.
I know, I bought this thing when it launched, and it was AMD's intro to Enduro. I was hoping someone had a solution since I know an AMD one won't be forthcoming.

My longterm solution is to never again buy AMD. This laptop was the last straw.
Is this enduro somehow different than what a msi gx60 uses? Everything seemed to work fine on my kids laptop. Course maybe he didn't use the battery that much yet
I wouldn't think so. Intel iGPU, AMD dGPU. HD 4000 and 7970M in this case.

It works, things run on both GPUs fine, it just won't turn off the dGPU like it is supposed to so it sucks down battery.
Maybe you can ask AMD on Twitter. At least voice your need for a solution ASAP.

Sometimes the laptop manufacturers have solutions also. Might want to contact the manufacturer also. But yes, I can see where this is annoying. So many years of problems with these dual graphics laptops underutilizing both GPUs, and now they won't stop using both. :)