Is there a way to refresh your video card driver in real time?


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2006
So each time i run Crysis 2 then quit out, my desktop is washed out(colors, brightness up, sometimes desktop icons misplaced) as if it just jacked my card's driver while closing. It's so utterly annoying to have to reboot the rig if i want to play the game.

Is there a way to refresh the driver in a desktop environment? I'm guessing no.
I hate to be that guy, but are you running Crysis at a resolution different than your monitor's native resolution?
Hehe, i'm running it in 1920, my native, but it's all good man ya gotta ask the simple questions to be sure, i appreciate it.

Now as far as stopping, then starting the service, won't that cut video entirely?

Thanks again.
I stopped the Nvsvc service, then restarted it with no change whatsoever.
No one out there knows of a way to recover a driver or reset a driver without a full reboot?
This is why i fucking hate Microsoft.
Open task manager, kill explorer.exe

Under task manager, click file -> run and run explorer.exe

Now you have reloaded the desktop enviroment without killing the GFX driver.

ctrl+shift+esc brings up the task manager from anywhere
when this happens what does it say in the display properties? this kindof thing was common back in older games where the game doesn't exit out cleanly and release the video card settings.

you used to be able to recover just by going into your display properties and resetting the resolution or the color depth.
when this happens what does it say in the display properties? this kindof thing was common back in older games where the game doesn't exit out cleanly and release the video card settings.

you used to be able to recover just by going into your display properties and resetting the resolution or the color depth.

Thats true. I've assumed he's done that already, so I haven't mentioned it. :)
The washed out effect is probably due to the fact crysis imposes its own color calibration settings for the games color pallete.

So either the drivers or the game is not setting them back to windows default when you exit the game.

I would try the drivers first.

Uninstall your video drivers and run a cleaner, this will completely remove the files. Then you can reinstall the newest video drivers and see if that fixes the issues.
I had the same issue in Crysis 1. Go to nVidia control panel -> "Adjust desktop color settings", change the radio button at the top, and change it back.
Does this fix it?
device manager -> disable video adapter -> wait a second without panicking -> enable

My clock speeds get fucked and refuse to change at all if the driver decides to eat shit and crash. Even though it recovers, it'll just get stuck at the lowest possible clocks until I either do that or reboot.
What about launching another different fullscreen small 3D game, and then exiting immediately.
The washed out effect is probably due to the fact crysis imposes its own color calibration settings for the games color pallete.

So either the drivers or the game is not setting them back to windows default when you exit the game.

I would try the drivers first.

Uninstall your video drivers and run a cleaner, this will completely remove the files. Then you can reinstall the newest video drivers and see if that fixes the issues.

This should be the first thing done. There is obviously a driver issue since games shouldnt do that. Ive had issues like this but its usually from a game crashing. Killing explorer or reloading drivers or disabling the video adapter is a bandaid and not actually fixing the problem.
Does the same thing to me always has if I change the brightness it changes my desktop brightness and stays. Its really anoying.