iPad2 Will Be Sporting Dual Cameras

"iPad2 Will Be Sporting Dual Cameras"

Bet all the peeps that shelled out big bucks for a first gen are pissed

"iPad2 Will Be Sporting Dual Cameras"

Bet all the peeps that shelled out big bucks for a first gen are pissed


You mean like all the people who bought Droids only to have the Droid 2 come out a year later and be a better phone?
am I the only one that doesn't care about camera's? front or back, at this point my microwave can take pictures.
am I the only one that doesn't care about camera's? front or back, at this point my microwave can take pictures.

I'm not terribly concerned about them. If I want to take a picture I'll use my 10MP digital camera. It kills any cell phone camera on the market.
yea the only thing that would get me excited is the retina display. which I don't think is gonna happen. maybe they will surprise us. :)
You mean like all the people who bought Droids only to have the Droid 2 come out a year later and be a better phone?

Yeah, maybe, cept Im willing to bet an Ipad cost a tad more ? Maybe not.

Either way, if you bought a Gen 1 Ipad, Apple would like to thank you for paying a lot of money to be a beta tester. :rolleyes:
Yeah, maybe, cept Im willing to bet an Ipad cost a tad more ? Maybe not.

Either way, if you bought a Gen 1 Ipad, Apple would like to thank you for paying a lot of money to be a beta tester. :rolleyes:

An iPad costs at minimum $500, a Droid 2 out of contract costs $560.

You do realize how stupid that argument is right? EVERY piece of electronics is upgraded, sometimes more than once a year and EVERY company wants you to buy new shit every year. Its something that applies to the entire bloody industry. You want to crucify Apple feel free, but at least do it on something thats actually unique to them.
Few things here. In contract they arent that much I am sure. So apples to phones comparisons aside.

Basically, if Ford could make a car that was missing available technology like airbags, etc, THEN one year later suddenly offer those things ( even though the tech was already there) Id say that was BS too. Once again, thanks for beta testing.:cool:

You want to crucify Apple feel free, but at least do it on something thats actually unique to them.

The worst thing about Apple is their customers. One word killer, sheep.
Few things here. In contract they arent that much I am sure. So apples to phones comparisons aside.

Basically, if Ford could make a car that was missing available technology like airbags, etc, THEN one year later suddenly offer those things ( even though the tech was already there) Id say that was BS too. Once again, thanks for beta testing.:cool:

The worst thing about Apple is their customers. One word killer, sheep.

Airbags are an essential safety feature. I don't see the comparison here. A front facing camera is no where near an essential feature. Hell Facetime didn't even premier until after the thing launched and thats the real killer app for a front facing camera on an iOS device.

Google is adding true support for dual cameras in Gingerbread, which is going to make almost every single phone on the market right not obsolete.

I'd say the worst thing is Steve Jobs, but a lot of the customers are pretty bad too. There are sheep-ish MS customers too though, they're just as bad at times.
I'd say the worst thing is Steve Jobs, ....


Are you kidding? Steve Jobs is a lot of things ( mostly NOT good ) but holy crap he has got to be the god damn entrepreneur of the millenium. The man could buy a brick for $0.29 at Home Depot ; Wrap it in $2.99 worth of aluminum housing ; call it an Ibrick high tech paperweight ; retail it for $120.00 and have people lined up around the block to buy it.

Are you kidding? Steve Jobs is a lot of things ( mostly NOT good ) but holy crap he has got to be the god damn entrepreneur of the millenium. The man could buy a brick for $0.29 at Home Depot ; Wrap it in $2.99 worth of aluminum housing ; call it an Ibrick high tech paperweight ; retail it for $120.00 and have people lined up around the block to buy it.

Oh Jobs is a genius at marketing, I just don't like the man.
Basically, if Ford could make a car that was missing available technology like airbags, etc, THEN one year later suddenly offer those things ( even though the tech was already there) Id say that was BS too.
Why is it bullshit? If you bought an iPad, with the features it has today, why would you be pissed if tomorrow's iPad has a front-facing camera? You bought it knowing full well that tomorrow's iPad might have a thousand new features. Maybe ten thousand. But you would have been content with what it offered the day you bought it, right? So where does the anger stem from, exactly?

One word killer, sheep.
That's two words.
Me either.

I think if I was an Ipad owner this would make me mad because the technology existed already ( imho its one thing if you install a Supercam 1000 and over the course of a year a Supercam 2000 was developed, but to basically omit this is just another way to squeeze the consumer for money)

Also , from all the hype prerelease one of the major gripes was no cam. I mean come on, my sub $300 netbook has a cam.

Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for the Ipad Gen1 owners.
Me either.

I think if I was an Ipad owner this would make me mad because the technology existed already ( imho its one thing if you install a Supercam 1000 and over the course of a year a Supercam 2000 was developed, but to basically omit this is just another way to squeeze the consumer for money)

Also , from all the hype prerelease one of the major gripes was no cam. I mean come on, my sub $300 netbook has a cam.

Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for the Ipad Gen1 owners.

Cameras on the iPad are kinda pointless anyway. I wouldn't want to try taking a picture with a 10" tablet. Did iOS have full support for dual cameras before the iPad came out?
Phide, everytime I try to discuss something with you it becomes a mudslinging match, usually with the Apple forum mod giving me a warning (Im willing to bet you dont get them as much as I do even though were both involved, but then again, it is Apple forum so go figure)

Therefore , I feel it best this is my only reply to you.

Also, just curious, any Ipad owners out there? Are you mad?Disappointed? Fine with it? Etc?
@ Derangel, I agree 100% Heck as I was typing that I thought "Damn, I only ever used this built in webcam once, just to see if it worked"

BUT, the Ipad appeared to me to be marketed as an "all in one" - "replace all your other tech with this little gem" deal. (and I may be wrong, just how I thought it appeared to be marketed) So if thats the case, then a camera would have been nice for chatting, e-meetings, etc.

Also, what you and I may think is important isnt to the masses. Obviously Apple thought a cam worthwhile or they wouldnt be integrating it now.

NOW , if Apple realized AFTER they produced Gen1 devices that "hey, they really want a cam, we should put on in" then its understandable BUT it almost seems to be the MO of Apple to draw stuff like that out in order to milk sales. SO I suppose it comes down to 1)when they knew they would be putting one in 2) Ethics.
Also, just curious, any Ipad owners out there? Are you mad?Disappointed? Fine with it? Etc?

I plan to buy on in January and I don't really care. I have no need for a front facing camera as I'll never use face time and Apple will probably continue using the A4 so no graphical upgrades. I doubt they'll use the retina display so I'm not concerned about the screen being vastly better. I don't think I'll be missing out on any features I care about by buying a 1st gen iPad. I might get a 3rd gen or a 4th gen one, but that all depends on what improvements they make.
iPad owner here, still very happy with it, only thing that would get me to upgrade would be a higher res display coupled with a bigger HD for the same 499 price I paid when they were released. Just one or the other and I don't think I will jump. I still love this thing, I travel a lot and this thing in airports and airplanes is fantastic. The battery life is superb as well.
@ Derangel, I agree 100% Heck as I was typing that I thought "Damn, I only ever used this built in webcam once, just to see if it worked"

BUT, the Ipad appeared to me to be marketed as an "all in one" - "replace all your other tech with this little gem" deal. (and I may be wrong, just how I thought it appeared to be marketed) So if thats the case, then a camera would have been nice for chatting, e-meetings, etc.

Also, what you and I may think is important isnt to the masses. Obviously Apple thought a cam worthwhile or they wouldnt be integrating it now.

NOW , if Apple realized AFTER they produced Gen1 devices that "hey, they really want a cam, we should put on in" then its understandable BUT it almost seems to be the MO of Apple to draw stuff like that out in order to milk sales. SO I suppose it comes down to 1)when they knew they would be putting one in 2) Ethics.

I don't think most people cared about the iPad not having a camera until the iPhone 4 and new iTouch came out, along with the Face Time app. That app drove the desirer for a front facing camera. Before that I don't think there was even a reason for there to be one.
Phide, everytime I try to discuss something with you it becomes a mudslinging match, usually with the Apple forum mod giving me a warning...
Kaos has no "jurisdiction" here. Say what you want to say.
Derangel, Im not much into the whole Apple thing. My point was if they had the tech, and knew people would want it yet withheld to milk the consumer, well thats BS. Although ( and yes, I know I just said I dont follow Apple much) it does seem to happen a lot with Apple. Now when they knew it was wanted, etc I suppose thats for you guys to make up your own minds.

On the other side of the coin, they never actually forced anyone to make a purchase. And its like Phide said, basically you bought it knowing an upgraded version would be coming. Kinda like if I fool you once shame on me, twice, shame on you.

Also, Derangel, FWIW, your probably the ONLY Pro-Apple person I have had a discussion where it hasnt turned ugly. Kudos for keeping this an enlightening discussion rather than a name calling chestbeating match.

@ Phide, regardless, if I said what I really wanted to say, I will guarantee it would be deleted along with a nice message to me in my message box. Kaos may not have rights here, but I am sure someone does. I think it best when I deal with persons like you I just dont respond at all
I think my favorite part of the whole "debate" is that actual ipad owners, the people who paid $500 for one, care a million times less about Apple adding a camera on a 2d gen ipad than do the people that would never buy an Apple product in the first place.
I will be perfectly fine with my iPad for awhile. I'm actually kind of happy that the 2nd gen iPad is looking like it's gonna be a incremental upgrade at best.
@Ryken, thalt should not runneth the mouth of which that one doesnt know.

I actually do own a few apple products and when I get some more disposable income an Ipad is on my want list. Unfortunately times are tough and to me it would just be another tech toy rather than something I legitimately need.
Derangel, Im not much into the whole Apple thing. My point was if they had the tech, and knew people would want it yet withheld to milk the consumer, well thats BS. Although ( and yes, I know I just said I dont follow Apple much) it does seem to happen a lot with Apple. Now when they knew it was wanted, etc I suppose thats for you guys to make up your own minds.

On the other side of the coin, they never actually forced anyone to make a purchase. And its like Phide said, basically you bought it knowing an upgraded version would be coming. Kinda like if I fool you once shame on me, twice, shame on you.

Also, Derangel, FWIW, your probably the ONLY Pro-Apple person I have had a discussion where it hasnt turned ugly. Kudos for keeping this an enlightening discussion rather than a name calling chestbeating match.

Yes it would be BS, but even the iPhone 3GS didn't have a front facing camera so it could have been intentionally withheld or just that the tech wasn't there for it at the time. Its hard to say at this point. Though if it was intentionally withheld sadly Apple wouldn't be the first or last company to do that. Its all too common these these kinds of devices.

You expect these things to get updated yearly, same thing when you buy a smart phone or really any piece of technology. Its just kind of the nature of the industry. You will always get left behind, its just a question of when. I don't think there will be any need for iPad owners to upgrade this time around. When Apple ups the memory and uses something other than the A4 there will be, but we'll likely see that happen in phones first. The iPhone is Apple's big product right now and they're pushing all the best features on it and letting them trickle down to their other iOS devices. Annoying, but not entirely uncommon.

I'm not pro-Apple as much as I am pro-products I happen to like. I don't have any loyalty to any company. I simply research products and buy what I like and what fits my needs at the moment. For now the iPad is the only viable tablet on the market, especially at its price range. The Galaxy Tab is a good alternative, but its nearly $600 and the Android app market is kind of lacking when it comes to tablet apps right now. There are cheaper Android tablets, but they kinda suck. Windows 7 tablets simply aren't likely to be worth it for right now. I tablet based around WinPho 7 might be neat, but we'll see if anyone does that. That kind of clears the table for it being the iPad or bust. It will be the third Apple product that I've ever owned, the others being an old Mac 2 SE and a 2nd gen iTouch.
It would be cool if I could use the iPad as monitor for my iPod or a digital camera.
I think my favorite part of the whole "debate" is that actual ipad owners, the people who paid $500 for one, care a million times less about Apple adding a camera on a 2d gen ipad than do the people that would never buy an Apple product in the first place.

Well of course. You don't piss away $500 on a toy if you care about value.
Yeah, I don't see a lot of current iPad owners jumping on the iPad 2 bandwagon very quickly as at most their devices will be only a year old at the time of launch of the iPad 2 and I don't think most current owners are going to feel the need to blow another $500 on a new iPad because it has cameras. Sure a few will, there are always the gadget freaks and what not but I think most current owners will stay pat for a while. And sure I can see the appeal that this could have on first time buyers.

Not matter what though the tablet wars will be for more interesting because there will actually I think be some real competition coming online. Both Android and Windows devices are going to have more compelling products coming out in 2011. The Tab seems to have gained more traction then I thought it would. And while the HP Slate is now distant shadows of itself when compared to its CES launch almost a year ago, it is actually a solid device that finally brings a decent machine with a decent digital pen, that does give the Slate some interesting abilities compared to other slates in the rough price range. The HP Slate is definitely at the high end of the price range but the active pen digitizer makes it worth it to a few folks. But no matter what all of the devices are only going to get better.
Yeah, I don't see a lot of current iPad owners jumping on the iPad 2 bandwagon very quickly as at most their devices will be only a year old at the time of launch of the iPad 2 and I don't think most current owners are going to feel the need to blow another $500 on a new iPad because it has cameras. Sure a few will, there are always the gadget freaks and what not but I think most current owners will stay pat for a while. And sure I can see the appeal that this could have on first time buyers.

Not matter what though the tablet wars will be for more interesting because there will actually I think be some real competition coming online. Both Android and Windows devices are going to have more compelling products coming out in 2011. The Tab seems to have gained more traction then I thought it would. And while the HP Slate is now distant shadows of itself when compared to its CES launch almost a year ago, it is actually a solid device that finally brings a decent machine with a decent digital pen, that does give the Slate some interesting abilities compared to other slates in the rough price range. The HP Slate is definitely at the high end of the price range but the active pen digitizer makes it worth it to a few folks. But no matter what all of the devices are only going to get better.

The end of Q1 and early parts of Q2 next year are going to be interesting for the tablet market I think. Lenovo has already confirmed that they're releasing an Android tablet towards the end of Q1 and supposedly it will have 3.0 (Honeycomb), or at least thats what Lenovo wants on it. Google is promising Honeycomb to be the version that makes the OS good for tablets so once that is available to companies I'm sure we'll see a lot more tablet flood the market.


How is that poster being a "fanboy" if he says he "won't buy apple products" He isn't a fan of anything by that post.

And he's right anyways.... YOU ON THE OTHER HAND, are defending a now-virtual Apple Ipad2, so you would be the "fanboi" complaining about someone pointing out obvious technical facts regarding Apple. Yeah, you are definitely the fanboy.

All I have to say is if they use the double camera as their main commercial selling point, it will be another subpar marketing technique once again for the ipad....they need to focus on new things people want, not something all the new smartphones are already implementing.
Yeah, same thing happened to those who bought the first Model-T's.

"No Air Conditioning? WTF Ford!"

Typical apple.

Adding shit into later generations that should have been included in the first place. I'll continue to not buy their crap.
Hopefully they won't do what has happened to me with my various Apple products. Where they add a new feature, which is now one of the "defining features" and as such they are no longer able to support the previous generation because it lacks that one feature. My Mini, my Touch, my various ipods....none of them can get updates anymore because their lacking some feature that the current generation has.
I love how the anti-Apple trolls come out of the woodwork. Technology progresses -- companies add new features to new products and sometimes withold things that aren't ready or don't fit their roadmap. You don't have to like Apple or any of their products, but pretending they behave differently to every other tech company (except being better at not just marketing, but areguably design and polish). Of course the new model will have something the old one doesn't, differentiating product generations is smart business. Apple gets crap for holding back, but they hold back because they don't release shit that's not ready for the most part; they are used to being in a market position that doesn't allow for them to release stuff that's just so so. Did they hold back on cameras for the original iPad because FaceTime wasn't ready or because they wanted it to hit iPhone 4 first? Either? Both? The leaked cases for iPad one had camera spots. If you've actually used an iPad for an period of time, then you know that it's not "crap" or "a toy". If you post just to trash Apple then you probably are a fanboi of some sort or just a bored troll looking to rile people up.
I highly enjoy using my iPad. It's great to put movies or a season of a show on with all of my textbooks. Beats carrying around 40 pounds of books on my back or having to plug my laptop in every two hours while watching my t.v. shows or a movie. The battery life is the high point for me. I usually have to charge it once every two or three days with moderate movie watching and reading some e-books.The only reason I would ever jump for the second version would be if the memory was greatly increased or I could use removable media with it.