Input lag benchmarks in reviews

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Dec 25, 2004
Recently I made an interesting observation. I have two systems, one running an i7 920 and a 4850X2 2GB, and another running an Opteron 165 @ 2.4Ghz and an 8800GT. I put Skyrim on both, and as expected, the older system could barely manage 25fps outdoors, even on lower settings, while the newer one could handle much higher settings at 40-50 fps. However, in spite of this, the older system had noticeably less input lag, even with the substantially lower frame-rate.

I don't know if this had something to do with the brand, or the fact that it's a dual video card or what, but I would be very, very interested to see input lag tests on future video card reviews. I don't care about getting a lot of frames if they are all late. I feel like input lag is at least as important as frame rate, and HardOCP could really stand out by figuring out a way to cover it in reviews.
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