HTC Android Phones May Have “Massive Security Vulnerability”

It's OK. You don't have to hide your jealous of Windows Phone and how it's the smoothest and most responsive smartphone OS out on the market.
Who uses Windows phones? For what reason?
I've seen my friend's iPhone 4 lag when scrolling through e-mails before. Pretty sad. I just assumed every OS was as smooth as Windows Phone when it came to something as simple as scrolling through e-mails.

Geuss not. :cool:

How's that multitasking working out for ya? :D
Ok so I'm a noob in the area of rooting :(:eek:, what is CM7 and where do I get it? Is it hard to root a phone? I have a HTC my touch 4G (Glacier)
Thanks for the help

Go here and do some reading. Nearly each thread is a custom rom, and nearly all of them are based on CM7. If you just want plain Jaine CM7, then go here. Just remember to read instructions before you do anything. Don't know what to do, just ask them, as it is a forum.
Sorry qfwm, I thought you had a G2. Those links are for G2 phones. Search that forum for your HTC my touch 4G, and you'll find a link to CM7.
Who uses Windows phones? For what reason?

How's that multitasking working out for ya? :D

- It's the slickeset UI and most responsive smartphone I've ever used. And I've tried out iOS and Android (on several devices) as well as WebOS on my TouchPad. Nothing even comes close.

-Working out just fine. Mango has addressed every single complaint I had about it originally. All of the applications start up instantaneously after being suspended to RAM. Or did you not know that Mango introduced Multitasking?
Wow, hard to believe just a year ago HTC was the darling of the world. Now they get caught with this, have buggy software and Samsung has taken the top spot.

Well they saw how iphone fans didn't care about apple collecting data on them, so maybe they figured it was ok?
Gonna be blunt..if you are running an unrooted, unmodded HTC phone then I have little sympathy. Love my Incredible, but that thing ran like complete crap and ate its battery like nobody's business stock. Same seems to apply to most HTC Phones.

BUT BUT BUT Android/HTC is such a good, stable OS that requires no modification out of the box!! And HTC makes great phones.

I just texted my girlfriend to not do anything with her phone besides text and make calls.

I cannot wait for our contract to be up so we can get rid of these Android phones. Worse mistake of my life going to Android.
BUT BUT BUT Android/HTC is such a good, stable OS that requires no modification out of the box!! And HTC makes great phones.

I just texted my girlfriend to not do anything with her phone besides text and make calls.

I cannot wait for our contract to be up so we can get rid of these Android phones. Worse mistake of my life going to Android.

I've tried to explain this to you so many times its getting old. Android is for geeks who are ok with troubleshooting their own problems, like to customize everything, and are willing to learn about how their devices work, not just use them. You bought the wrong devices. That's not Androids fault. You are the iPhone type. That's ok.
BUT BUT BUT Android/HTC is such a good, stable OS that requires no modification out of the box!! And HTC makes great phones.

I just texted my girlfriend to not do anything with her phone besides text and make calls.

I cannot wait for our contract to be up so we can get rid of these Android phones. Worse mistake of my life going to Android.

I've tried to explain this to you so many times its getting old. Android is for geeks who are ok with troubleshooting their own problems, like to customize everything, and are willing to learn about how their devices work, not just use them. You bought the wrong devices. That's not Androids fault. You are the iPhone type. That's ok.

nobody beat me too it.

If you are ok with having a lesser phone because you want it to ''just work" thats cool. I will continue tweaking and modifying mine so my phone works how "I want it to work" instead of being told how my phone will work.
In before Apple haters defend or spin Android security issues.

Oh I see I was way too late ;)
nobody beat me too it.

If you are ok with having a lesser phone because you want it to ''just work" thats cool. I will continue tweaking and modifying mine so my phone works how "I want it to work" instead of being told how my phone will work.

But you have to root it to make it the way "you want it to work" - just like how iPhones can be jailbroken to make it work the way "you want it to work".

I can do anything I want with my iPhone, and it's a very silly thing to compare iPhones with Android phones considering they both has pretty much the same apps, games and everything else.
I've tried to explain this to you so many times its getting old. Android is for geeks who are ok with troubleshooting their own problems, like to customize everything, and are willing to learn about how their devices work, not just use them. You bought the wrong devices. That's not Androids fault. You are the iPhone type. That's ok.

You do realize that without those other people you wouldn't have an android device to use. Android would have worse marketshare than WP7. Hopefully it does fade into oblivion and is replaced by WP7 and iOS. At least then we won't have to read all the comments from the braindead fandroids in every story that has to do with apple, android, well, basically any story.
Just checked my HTC Desire used on US Cellular and I did not have the HTClogger in my \system\apps folder according to Astro.

Not using the stock ROM US Cellular put out, it is slightly modified so it may have already been taken out months ago during the ROM customize.

And on the topic of being afraid to void your phones warranty by rooting. My wife and I both got our Desires August 2010, rooted them both at the same time. She has had to send her phone in for replacement twice (screen failure once, and USB port fried on the other). Neither time were we questioned or charged.

Hell, we don't even pay the $6/month insurance fee either. We have sent it in each time and got a replacement phone next day each time.

Paranoia will destroy ya.
instead of being told how my phone will work.

This, to me, is the dumbest statement ever.

How am I being told how my phone will work? It does EVERYTHING I want it to do. Surfs the net, email, apps, phone calls, text messages, picture messages.

As far as I'm concerned it's working how I want it to work, by just flat out working.
But you have to root it to make it the way "you want it to work" - just like how iPhones can be jailbroken to make it work the way "you want it to work".

I can do anything I want with my iPhone, and it's a very silly thing to compare iPhones with Android phones considering they both has pretty much the same apps, games and everything else.

First a jailbroken iphone is in no way comparable to a rooted android. I have way more control over my phone than a jailbroken iphone ever will.

Second, I wasn't insulting the iPhone. If that is how you want to use your phone more power too you. I support iPhones, Android, Blackberries and Winmo phones in my environment, I know quite well the capabilities of each.

This, to me, is the dumbest statement ever.

How am I being told how my phone will work? It does EVERYTHING I want it to do. Surfs the net, email, apps, phone calls, text messages, picture messages.

As far as I'm concerned it's working how I want it to work, by just flat out working.

Unfortunately there is nothing dumb about the statement. Fact of the matter is I can do things with my phone that an iPhone user could never. If the things I do with my phone aren't valuable too you, that is fine. But to infer that the iPhone is in any way equal to the capability of android just shows how little you know about them. Once again, if you just want a phone that is fine. If you don't understand how you are being told to use your phone already, nothing I can say here will make you understand. Suffice to say I have yet to run into an Android, iPhone or Blackberry user that has seen my phone and had them not wonder how I made it work this way. I have literally modified just about every detail of how the phone functions to make it work in a manner that benefits me. I am not implying my setup is good for anyone except me. The entire point is, you flatly cannot do what I have done with any other platform at this time.

So my statement of "instead of being told how my phone will work" is quite accurate. Once again, not insulting your preference. If you want a phone that just does its thing, great. I want a phone I can control. There is a phone for both of us.
I did my fair share of rooting/custom ROMs/hacking with my OG Droid, but my Thunderbolt has been kept stock. My main reason for ever wanting to root it would be to get rid of the Verizon bloatware. The battery life has been fine in the past, and only now with 4G service in my area active have I had any issues there. I don't think there's a 4G smart phone released yet that doesn't suck battery life though...
Wow, troll much, OEM? :rolleyes:

How is that trolling?

That is my honest opinion on how I feel about both phone, but because I don't share the same views as you it's a troll. Give me a break.

First a jailbroken iphone is in no way comparable to a rooted android. I have way more control over my phone than a jailbroken iphone ever will.

Second, I wasn't insulting the iPhone. If that is how you want to use your phone more power too you. I support iPhones, Android, Blackberries and Winmo phones in my environment, I know quite well the capabilities of each.

Unfortunately there is nothing dumb about the statement. Fact of the matter is I can do things with my phone that an iPhone user could never. If the things I do with my phone aren't valuable too you, that is fine. But to infer that the iPhone is in any way equal to the capability of android just shows how little you know about them. Once again, if you just want a phone that is fine. If you don't understand how you are being told to use your phone already, nothing I can say here will make you understand. Suffice to say I have yet to run into an Android, iPhone or Blackberry user that has seen my phone and had them not wonder how I made it work this way. I have literally modified just about every detail of how the phone functions to make it work in a manner that benefits me. I am not implying my setup is good for anyone except me. The entire point is, you flatly cannot do what I have done with any other platform at this time.

So my statement of "instead of being told how my phone will work" is quite accurate. Once again, not insulting your preference. If you want a phone that just does its thing, great. I want a phone I can control. There is a phone for both of us.

And I accept that. However, you get people like what’s his name up there saying I'm a troll when I post my preference that really pisses me off because they think they’re intellectually superior.
How is that trolling?

That is my honest opinion on how I feel about both phone, but because I don't share the same views as you it's a troll. Give me a break.

And I accept that. However, you get people like what’s his name up there saying I'm a troll when I post my preference that really pisses me off because they think they’re intellectually superior.

No worries man, I don't hate any of the platforms I just prefer mine for very specific reasons.
Maybe we'd take you more seriously if your entire signature wasn't a lie-filled rant against Android phones?

Says a user who has Apple hate message in his sig?

The irony is so hilarious.
Maybe we'd take you more seriously if your entire signature wasn't a lie-filled rant against Android phones?

It isn't a lie, it is the exact experience I've had with all 3 of my Android phones. My STOCK phones need to be charged by 1400 EVERYDAY.
Says a user who has Apple hate message in his sig?

The irony is so hilarious.

I'm not trying to pass off a bunch of bullshit as being the reality of Apple ownership. It's not the same thing.
It isn't a lie, it is the exact experience I've had with all 3 of my Android phones. My STOCK phones need to be charged by 1400 EVERYDAY.

Then either the common factor for all your problems is you or you had a round of serious bad luck...I've owned several Android devices and never had any problems with any of them. :rolleyes:
I'm not trying to pass off a bunch of bullshit as being the reality of Apple ownership. It's not the same thing.

And aside from that, I expect to be taken just as seriously (i.e., not at all) if I post in an Apple thread with that in my sig. :rolleyes:

(Damn lack of edit in the news forum section...)
Then either the common factor for all your problems is you or you had a round of serious bad luck...I've owned several Android devices and never had any problems with any of them. :rolleyes:

Well I can tell you every person in my office that has an Android has theirs plugged in by 1500 except for one guy, but he never uses his at all...ever.

My girlfriend uses hers at her job and it's dead by the time she gets home every day.
You have this much >< credibility with me, so keep running your mouth, troll...


Actually, who cares. And as I sit here with my phone plugged in I assure you I'm not trolling.
Also, serious question.

I read over the article and it only mentioned a handful of HTC phones. Does this mean the issues are limited to only those phones or is it any HTC phone?
For the record, there are A LOT of android phones that have exceptionally shitty battery life. That actually has little to do with android, and everything to do with the massive amount of bullshit the carriers cram on them. the iPhone has the one advantage of there not being a whole bunch of shit installed by default. Again this is not a platform problem.

You will find one of the main perks to rooting an android phone is a huge jump in battery life as a result of gutting all the garbage the carriers install. I charge my incredible every other day and I use it quite heavily.
I had a Samsung Fascinate. The battery on it was absolutely horrible next to my iPhone. Not sure if it was the handset or android.
For the record, there are A LOT of android phones that have exceptionally shitty battery life. That actually has little to do with android, and everything to do with the massive amount of bullshit the carriers cram on them. the iPhone has the one advantage of there not being a whole bunch of shit installed by default. Again this is not a platform problem.

No doubt ^^^ this. Going to Gingerbread helped my Thunderbolt from needing to be recharged mid-day to lasting all day, with LTE on, WiFi enabled/disabled, Navigation, etc etc.
- It's the slickeset UI and most responsive smartphone I've ever used. And I've tried out iOS and Android (on several devices) as well as WebOS on my TouchPad. Nothing even comes close.

-Working out just fine. Mango has addressed every single complaint I had about it originally. All of the applications start up instantaneously after being suspended to RAM. Or did you not know that Mango introduced Multitasking?

Really, cause I was doing some cool down on my phone today. I have a OBDII bluetooth adapter that I use to communicate with my phone through an app called Torque. I pulled a code from my car, and was talking to my cousin about it, while viewing info about the code on a website using Dolphin HD. All at the same time, with no lag.

What did you do on your Windows Mobile Phone today, got to play fart apps? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !:cool:
Really, cause I was doing some cool down on my phone today. I have a OBDII bluetooth adapter that I use to communicate with my phone through an app called Torque. I pulled a code from my car, and was talking to my cousin about it, while viewing info about the code on a website using Dolphin HD. All at the same time, with no lag.

What did you do on your Windows Mobile Phone today, got to play fart apps? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !:cool:

Fart apps? No sir, I don't play games on my phone.

And you truly don't know what lag is until you use another platform. I can't even remember just how many Android handsets I've tried personally as well as ones from friends that lag doing something as simple as scrolling through text messages. It's really quite pathetic.

Thank for Windows Phone. When are you guys getting HWA again? And will your phone ever get the update? I'm going to get no. :cool:
I had a Samsung Fascinate. The battery on it was absolutely horrible next to my iPhone. Not sure if it was the handset or android.

it was the absolutely brilliant SAMOLED screen on it bro......nothing is free, I had a Fascinate and now I have a Charge with the next version of the SAMOLED screen, and larger. It's a phenomenal screen and with the 4G radio it is a battery hog, about 10 good hours of heavy use. but i also bought the desktop dock with a second battery and now i never have to worry....i use it how i want to and never worry about battery life, swap in the charged battery before leaving work, no worries
Really, cause I was doing some cool down on my phone today. I have a OBDII bluetooth adapter that I use to communicate with my phone through an app called Torque. I pulled a code from my car, and was talking to my cousin about it, while viewing info about the code on a website using Dolphin HD. All at the same time, with no lag.

What did you do on your Windows Mobile Phone today, got to play fart apps? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !:cool:

So you were running an app, talking on the phone then switched over to surfing the web with no lag. Cool. Not exactly something a lot of phones can't do these days, including all current Windows Phones. Android is a great phone OS, but it is a bit heavier than Windows Phone.
Fart apps? No sir, I don't play games on my phone.

And you truly don't know what lag is until you use another platform. I can't even remember just how many Android handsets I've tried personally as well as ones from friends that lag doing something as simple as scrolling through text messages. It's really quite pathetic.

Thank for Windows Phone. When are you guys getting HWA again? And will your phone ever get the update? I'm going to get no. :cool:

The coolest thing about Windows Phone 7.5, aka Mango, is the messaging system, it's just a notch above iOS and Android when it comes to bridging things together. Microsoft historically has been very good and integrating separate things together into a single cohesive thing and that's beginning to show itself in Windows Phone.
The coolest thing about Windows Phone 7.5, aka Mango, is the messaging system, it's just a notch above iOS and Android when it comes to bridging things together. Microsoft historically has been very good and integrating separate things together into a single cohesive thing and that's beginning to show itself in Windows Phone.

Uh, no, no they haven't. They've pretty much never accomplished that. Hell, MS typically doesn't even integrate well with itself. Mango is pretty unique in that regard.

- It's the slickeset UI and most responsive smartphone I've ever used. And I've tried out iOS and Android (on several devices) as well as WebOS on my TouchPad. Nothing even comes close.

That's because drawing opaque single color rectangles is insanely fast. We'll see how long people want to put up with s super basic UI. Or rather, if people will buy it at all - WP7 isn't exactly selling atm.

And with such strict restrictions on hardware, it's going to be very, very tough for WP7 to compete with the super fast paced Android, and the super tightly designed software+hardware combo of iPhone. WP7 sort of falls into a void in between, which really isn't a good place to be.

-Working out just fine. Mango has addressed every single complaint I had about it originally. All of the applications start up instantaneously after being suspended to RAM. Or did you not know that Mango introduced Multitasking?

If they are suspended, it isn't multitasking :p

Regardless, I'm a bit disappointed that even here, an issue with HTC seriously fucking up degrades into an Android vs. iOS vs. WP7 war. None of which are the subject of the OP - at all. This isn't an Android problem, it isn't an iOS problem, it isn't a WP7 problem - it's an "HTC seriously sucked at security" problem. Key part there is *HTC*. Not even carrier crapware in this case, just HTC's.