How To Use Google Glass

Not only will they control what you find when you search they will now see what you see, complete control completed.
$1500 is the price for the explorer edition and all that entails (early non-massproduced non-final hardware + being one of the first), the real deal will be in triple digits and I believe they threw 600-700 around as a number long ago.

And this test version is not yet compatible with prescription glasses, or available in a lefty mode. Screw it.
Not only will they control what you find when you search they will now see what you see, complete control completed.

That's got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. This is nothing but a newly implemented Android device. Guess what, according to statistics, you've got a 50/50 shot of having one in your pocket, on your desk, or sitting on a charger somewhere. Oh no, I don't have to reach into my pocket when I get a text? FOR SHAME. GPS without looking away? WHAT EVER WILL I DO WITH ALL THIS CONVENIENCE? ITS GOING TO KILL ME.

For the first time in mobile electronics, they WANT you to go outside. They WANT you to collect and share new memories. There is no control here. What, you gunna follow your GPS into a lake? You think this is going to feed subliminal messages straight into your brain? This is the first time that 'going mobile' can be slipped into your life, and feel 'mostly natural'. Oh, gee, a floating screen is in my view. Darn. Nothing like a phone other other device. At all. Nope. Nothing like it.

Get off it. This is a brilliant product and a great move into the future of mobile electronic devices. Do I want one? Eh, I don't know. Are they for everyone? Oh hell no, and obviously you're one of the nays.

Don't like it? Don't get it. But get that tin foil hat crap out of here.

"Sadly, due to the way Glass is currently designed, it is particularly susceptible to the kinds of security issues that tend to plague Android devices. The one saving grace of Android's track record on security is that most of the bugs people find in it cannot be exploited while the device is PIN-code locked. Google's Glass, however, does not have any kind of PIN mechanism: when you turn it on, it is immediately usable."
I'll be preordering as soon as its available. If Google Glass is nerdy, then I want to be nerdy. I hope I can control the HUD through my phone, in order to be more discrete.

The only tech on my buy-list for the next year is PS4 and Google Glass.
That's got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. This is nothing but a newly implemented Android device. Guess what, according to statistics, you've got a 50/50 shot of having one in your pocket, on your desk, or sitting on a charger somewhere. Oh no, I don't have to reach into my pocket when I get a text? FOR SHAME. GPS without looking away? WHAT EVER WILL I DO WITH ALL THIS CONVENIENCE? ITS GOING TO KILL ME.

For the first time in mobile electronics, they WANT you to go outside. They WANT you to collect and share new memories. There is no control here. What, you gunna follow your GPS into a lake? You think this is going to feed subliminal messages straight into your brain? This is the first time that 'going mobile' can be slipped into your life, and feel 'mostly natural'. Oh, gee, a floating screen is in my view. Darn. Nothing like a phone other other device. At all. Nope. Nothing like it.

Get off it. This is a brilliant product and a great move into the future of mobile electronic devices. Do I want one? Eh, I don't know. Are they for everyone? Oh hell no, and obviously you're one of the nays.

Don't like it? Don't get it. But get that tin foil hat crap out of here.

I'm glad there are still people out there who are willing to take Uncle Google's side on this. We need people to buy these things and wear them in public so we can analyze everything they do and everything people around them are doing. It's vitally important to be 100 percent always connected so that an important text message or pop-up advertisement isn't missed for even a few seconds.
That's got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. This is nothing but a newly implemented Android device. Guess what, according to statistics, you've got a 50/50 shot of having one in your pocket, on your desk, or sitting on a charger somewhere. Oh no, I don't have to reach into my pocket when I get a text? FOR SHAME. GPS without looking away? WHAT EVER WILL I DO WITH ALL THIS CONVENIENCE? ITS GOING TO KILL ME.

For the first time in mobile electronics, they WANT you to go outside. They WANT you to collect and share new memories. There is no control here. What, you gunna follow your GPS into a lake? You think this is going to feed subliminal messages straight into your brain? This is the first time that 'going mobile' can be slipped into your life, and feel 'mostly natural'. Oh, gee, a floating screen is in my view. Darn. Nothing like a phone other other device. At all. Nope. Nothing like it.

Get off it. This is a brilliant product and a great move into the future of mobile electronic devices. Do I want one? Eh, I don't know. Are they for everyone? Oh hell no, and obviously you're one of the nays.

Don't like it? Don't get it. But get that tin foil hat crap out of here.

Works for google.:rolleyes:

I have been wearing glasses since I was 4 years old.
Wearing glasses isn't cool or fun.

Wearing glasses so I can be 100% online all the time with my BFFs is just fucked up.

That and tapping the side of my head like somebody with a tic.

Do they correct my
Do they darken to protect my eyes from the
Do they have an xray function so I can see through walls like that would be cool.
Can I call someone and actually talk to

So what is the redeeming value to humanity here? That I can't already do with a phone?
I think they goofed the UI a bit. Left is future; right is past? If you look at timelines, you see the opposite orientation as time ascending. The same's true for art: a figure looking left is said to be reflecting on the past; a figure looking right is said to look toward the future.

I can't even really think of anything else that orients time the way Glass does. Anyone?
Things like this make me glad I'm an old fart and nobody expects me to be hip and trendy.
I still think people with a Bluetooth device stuck in their ear walking around talking to themselves look like complete idiots.
JD: "But the calligraphy is just darling". Dr. Cox: "You kept it as long as you could"
Always wondered how something like this works, I mean most peoples focal plane is not that close to the eye, it's why you can't see the rim of your glasses clearly, yet there's an image that's easy to see... wonder if they some how make a virtual image (look up optics if you don't know) with the screen that is in your focal plane.

Also curious to how well the work compared to the video, sometimes its hard to focus on something if you got.. I dunno life blaring at you in the background :D I could see many a headache if you keep focusing to the screen and your surroundings.
I long for google glass. Do you know how difficult it is to get a decent heads up display for a bike? All I want is my speed via GPS. Thats it. I'll never have to take my eyes off the road again.
Wait, why the fuck would stuff to the right be the past? That's totally counter intuitive in a culture that reads left to right.
I long for google glass. Do you know how difficult it is to get a decent heads up display for a bike? All I want is my speed via GPS. Thats it. I'll never have to take my eyes off the road again.

Motorcycle or bicycle?

Motorcycle: get to correct speed, check once, maintain RPM.

Bicycle: get over it
That's got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. This is nothing but a newly implemented Android device. Guess what, according to statistics, you've got a 50/50 shot of having one in your pocket, on your desk, or sitting on a charger somewhere. Oh no, I don't have to reach into my pocket when I get a text? FOR SHAME. GPS without looking away? WHAT EVER WILL I DO WITH ALL THIS CONVENIENCE? ITS GOING TO KILL ME.

For the first time in mobile electronics, they WANT you to go outside. They WANT you to collect and share new memories. There is no control here. What, you gunna follow your GPS into a lake? You think this is going to feed subliminal messages straight into your brain? This is the first time that 'going mobile' can be slipped into your life, and feel 'mostly natural'. Oh, gee, a floating screen is in my view. Darn. Nothing like a phone other other device. At all. Nope. Nothing like it.

Get off it. This is a brilliant product and a great move into the future of mobile electronic devices. Do I want one? Eh, I don't know. Are they for everyone? Oh hell no, and obviously you're one of the nays.

Don't like it? Don't get it. But get that tin foil hat crap out of here.

We've already spend enough time with our gadgets the way they are right now. There is nothing stopping us from going outside, we just need to learn how to put those gadgets aside and focus on the immediate surrounding we're at.

If you can't go to the beach without constantly updating your facebook or texting your BFF, might as well not go at all. If I'm doing something else that I can't reach into my pocket to read a text, then maybe I shouldn't be reading it yet

So the problem is not about interface. Google glasses is cool, it has some use as mentioned by others such as speed indication while riding a bike, but it's not the answer to the way we're connected online. People need to learn how to disconnect themself and focus on the present rather than finding more ways to stay connected.
Yay, I'm sure everyone has been dying for me to record my pathetically mundane existence for their viewing pleasure.
Why "turn in your man card"? Why is this even an acceptable thing to say?
Why "turn in your man card"? Why is this even an acceptable thing to say?

Exactly. So much bias here its astounding. All on a forum where nerds geek out over getting a couple more fps in [Insert Game Here] because that's so "manly". :rolleyes:

Motorcycle or bicycle?

Motorcycle: get to correct speed, check once, maintain RPM.

Bicycle: get over it

This is beyond idiotic. Why did you even post this? The guy post valid uses for the devise and you shit all over it. You realize you sound like some geriatric old man sitting on his porch and shaking his cane at all the youngsters using their newfangled smart phones.
You realize you sound like some geriatric old man sitting on his porch and shaking his cane at all the youngsters using their newfangled smart phones.

that guy sounds awesome!

i could see this tech getting implemented for a ton of things. next step an implant so you dont even need the glasses.

damn kids and their cybernetic nano implants. get off my lawn!.
Things like this make me glad I'm an old fart and nobody expects me to be hip and trendy.
I still think people with a Bluetooth device stuck in their ear walking around talking to themselves look like complete idiots.

me too, but when your working on your atv or truck and your hands are greasy, its really nice to have it.
Things like this make me glad I'm an old fart and nobody expects me to be hip and trendy.
I still think people with a Bluetooth device stuck in their ear walking around talking to themselves look like complete idiots.

I think Google Glass is interesting, but besides the whole 'looking cool' thing I'm surprised nobody else has even mentioned something that came to my mind early on. What effect is it going to have on my eye having something projected into it frequently? Although I suppose if you don't mind the WiFi/Bluetooth wireless radio right next to your head all the time the whole thing projecting into your eye probably doesn't worry you either.
Wait, why the fuck would stuff to the right be the past? That's totally counter intuitive in a culture that reads left to right.

It's actually very simple,

Like "right hand/left handed" most people have an eye dominance, and just as right handed people are the higher %, right eye people are the dominant %.

We may READ left to right, but when reading you use "both eyes."

With these those, it's not like a book , out from your eyes where you use both, rather it's going to be per-eye, so making them focusesd on the right is because the majority of people are right eye dominant.

I'm sure down the road they'll have left eye versions for those that are left eye dominant.
It's actually very simple,

Like "right hand/left handed" most people have an eye dominance, and just as right handed people are the higher %, right eye people are the dominant %.

We may READ left to right, but when reading you use "both eyes."

With these those, it's not like a book , out from your eyes where you use both, rather it's going to be per-eye, so making them focusesd on the right is because the majority of people are right eye dominant.

I'm sure down the road they'll have left eye versions for those that are left eye dominant.

Not seeing what that has to do with the scrolling direction.
I think Google Glass is interesting, but besides the whole 'looking cool' thing I'm surprised nobody else has even mentioned something that came to my mind early on. What effect is it going to have on my eye having something projected into it frequently? Although I suppose if you don't mind the WiFi/Bluetooth wireless radio right next to your head all the time the whole thing projecting into your eye probably doesn't worry you either.

Wha? Your eye has something projected onto it ~18 hours a day already, the only time it doesn't is when you are asleep or have your eyes closed.

And artificial light is safer for your eyes than sunlight is (you know, that whole "UV" thing that sunglasses block)
Wha? Your eye has something projected onto it ~18 hours a day already, the only time it doesn't is when you are asleep or have your eyes closed.

And artificial light is safer for your eyes than sunlight is (you know, that whole "UV" thing that sunglasses block)

You don't have things being projected DIRECTLY into your eye 18 hours a day. Light bounces off objects, and that's how you see - I know that, but it doesn't shine right in your eye.

If I said, 'here, let me shine this flashlight, or this laser, in your eye.' would you say 'Sure, I don't mind things being pointed right at my eye.' or would you say 'Umm, no, don't do that'? There's clearly a difference between everyday things around us, and things being beamed RIGHT at our eye.
Damn it! This video only shows how to share a picture. I want to know how to vocally look up a website. I want to see the horror on peoples faces as I command their glasses to look up :D.
The other day I saw a woman walking along while staring at her cell phone.
She STOPPED right in the middle of a road adjoining the main road and just stood there reading a text.
A car came along and beeped at her and she started walking again as though she was some robot or something.

Imagine how disconnected from reality people would be if their phone was strapped to their face, which is essentially what we are talking about here.

I am hoping that GG will fail but I may be misunderestimating the desperate stupidity of the average consumer.
Everything about that video disgusts me.

I'd still do the girl but music, visuals, overall message... damn, it's like they're targeting complete idiots.