How much is a Marantz SR7500 worth?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2008
Hi guys,

I'm looking at a Marantz SR7500 on Craigslist and the guy is asking me to make an offer, but I have no idea what it goes for :S Apparently it's in "mint" condition.. Can anyone help? Thanks
$200-$300... its basically only useful if you are one of the few left not needing hdmi and just want a really powerful amp. A lot of people are left with nice receivers but theyre basically useless for home theater with no hdmi
Well I'm using it for my PC so its perfect for me, don't need the extra inputs. Also my budget is more around $150, but I guess that's low-balling it pretty hard isn't it? lol
When someone says offer, they have a number in mind and is just tempting you to make a stupid offer. Go ahead and low-ball and see if he shows his cards, lol. He'll tell you what he really wants then.