How Much Have You Spent on Steam?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
I've always wondered how much I've spent on my Steam addiction over the years and now I've found out. I just hit this link and it told me I've spent $2,452.73 but I would have guessed a larger number. Anyway, I consider it money well spent and I'm sure I'll add to that total significantly before I quit gaming. Also, here's a better link that shows you all of your data. Take a look and share with us if you don't mind showing off your addiction.
$803.36 on my primary account, but I have 6 accounts..
I'm afraid to look them all up.
Oh no, no no no no no.

No sir. Ignorance is life sustaining bliss.

Almost nothing since their sales went away, but when Steam was young? Nope. Doewannano.
1700USD over the years most of them were flash sales or deals and were hardly played lol
$563... I very, very rarely spend over $30 on a game. I'm in no hurry to be the first to play anything so I tend to wait for sales. I think Half-Life 2 and Unreal were the only games I've ever paid full price for on PC.
I have various amounts, on my cell so switching screens, about $2900

More then I..... maybe not... I use steam for in game money for POE and others. Wonder if that is included. It must be.
I have various amounts, on my cell so switching screens, about $2900

More then I..... maybe not... I use steam for in game money for POE and others. Wonder if that is included. It must be.
I can confirm that Path Of Exile purchases are included in that number. Went through my purchase history to verify.

I only have bought one game that was over $30. Since the Steam sales have gone downhill I've really slowed my spending. I've spent barely anything in the last four years.
$548.01 across 70 games/dlcs, a steam link, 4 steam controllers and there's probably about $50 of hats in there as well from way back in the day.

With over 6300 total hours gamed over 9.5 years, I'd say I've gotten my money's worth.
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I see my soul isn't the only one Chris owns. Although I suppose the rights will now transfer to Tencent.
I put in $20 during one of their sales to get more inventory space. Played a lot last year, haven't actually played much this year, kinda lost interest at end game going through the maps. I remember having to rely on a third party auction house was also obnoxious.
TotalSpend 2018-05-24
and Old Spend


I've got alot more frugal of late the only games I purchased this year were Kingdomcome Deliverance
The Hunt Showdown and Pillars of Eternity 2 along with Putin Boobs Trump

First 3 Games purchased

Feb 7, 2012
Gotham City Impostors

Dec 13, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me

Oct 11, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack

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$830 with 1800 total hours of playtime across 31 games.

Though this is a newer account I created in '09. No telling what my old account had on it.
TotalSpend 2018-05-25 17:05:18.427 $2,187.11

With over 400 games in my library that doesn't seem correct.
not too bad $2503.69 like you said money well spent. Though codes bought on G2A or GMG probably arent counted.
1741.07 on mine and 541.26 on my wifes... No wonder Gabin has all the monies.

Is this the oposite of e-pean?
$817.34 on Steam. But up til about 2012 I was still buying a lot of hard copies of games...not sure why but I was. Combine Origin and my kid's Steam account and I'm sure I'm between $1500 and $2000 since 2009.
gives me 3 things... oldspend, pwspend, and totalspend….
don't know what oldspend and pwspend is

but total: $1,119.31

HOWEVER... its complete bullshit

theres no way I spent that much.... they are calculating that at full retail prices...…

at best I spent maybe 400-500 total
gives me 3 things... oldspend, pwspend, and totalspend….
don't know what oldspend and pwspend is

but total: $1,119.31

HOWEVER... its complete bullshit

theres no way I spent that much.... they are calculating that at full retail prices...…

at best I spent maybe 400-500 total
Yes that is a good story to tell the wife. Keep repeating it and you can pass a lie detector if asked!

Ha ha just having fun with you. ;)
$1,430.72. Wish it had a more detailed report. Cost per game and when it was purchased would be nice.
$803.36 on my primary account, but I have 6 accounts..
I'm afraid to look them all up.

6 accounts, what the hell? Is this for different family members?

EDIT: Not sure what the difference between old and new is, the new is $3,408
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+10 years on steam, ~200games (no idea of hours played) a bit above $1700 spent... Not to bad but I wonder if it includes game codes (like humble bundle, etc) as "Value"..
13.6 years a Steam Member

$1,652.40 spent. Whole lot of free stuff.

Seems about like me. When another Fallout, Elder Scrolls or Borderlands game is released the total will go higher.