How long does it take to install Lord of the Rings Online?!


Feb 1, 2006
I finally decided to install my copy I bought over during the holidays for $5 and I've been watching it update for 2 hours now. Its currently on "update game data" 3000 of 30k+. :eek:

Is there a faster way?
There is no other way.

You did not install the game, you installed the launcher for the game. The launcher will then download the game client and all of it's updates/patches since it was launched.
There is no other way.

You did not install the game, you installed the launcher for the game. The launcher will then download the game client and all of it's updates/patches since it was launched.

Thats become apparent. :D

Uggh, I think I'm going to give up on the game before I even get started. Its on 3200 now. This WILL take all day. :(
I spent all night patching EQ2, I feel your pain. I just sat back and watched a
Wait wait wait... they gave you a CD that only has the launcher on it? They don't even give you the basic files and maybe even updates that might've came out at the time the CD was printed?
Well, the CD technically has the game...but it's SO out dated, that you're pretty much re-downloading the whole game anyway.
It's times like this why having more than one computer is a very good thing to have. I have 4 of them. 2 in the living room and 2 in the bedroom. If one computer is tied up doing something I just go use another.
Did that $5 copy you bought include Mines of Moria? If not, yeah, you're downloading everything that's been released since the game was launched.

Honestly, you're probably better off just buying the Mines of Moria expansion. It comes with the original version and the MoM disk will have the game as it was current in November, so you'll have a lot less updating to do. If you do decide to stick with the game, you'll want Mines of Moria anyway.

Don't roll on Brandywine, Endilimir or Landroval. They're the most populous servers and have been having stability issues lately. I've heard good things about Vilya. It's medium pop and stable.
Landroval = RP....ew

Meneldor is the one I used to play's pretty good. If you roll there, look for kins/guilds called Insurrection, Free Peoples of Middle Earth, and The Inklings if you want a friendly and decidedly non-hardcore kinship/guild that wont make you feel like a loser if you can't raid 5 times a day.
You can download the Moria client version from the Turbine website. It's like a 9.5gb download but it goes WAY faster than getting the updates directly from the launcher. There will be a few additional updates over the Moria client, but its way more manageable.
Uhh, the game DOES come with full client, that due has no idea what he is talking about. Howerver, so much was added and fixed that the client is very outdated. I think most people just download the client via their site and use that.

Dload client =4hrs @1.8mbps
Update it = ~30 mins @1mbps
It's times like this why having more than one computer is a very good thing to have. I have 4 of them. 2 in the living room and 2 in the bedroom. If one computer is tied up doing something I just go use another.

Computers CAN multitask these days you know :p
If you have Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, you have the original retail version of the game. Content on the disc includes the world from the Shire to Rivendell, the original classes, and epic quest volume 1 books 1-8. You will have to download epic quest volume 1 books 9-15, the Evendim and Forochel zones, and a bunch of features introduced since launch, including player housing, faction quests, additional items and recipes, and the crafting component overhaul.

If the you have Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria, you have the original retail version of the game plus the first expansion. Content on the disc includes the world from the Shire to Rivendell, Evendim, Forochel, Eregion, the Mines of Moria, and Lothlorien, two new classes, all of volume 1 plus epic quest volume 2 books 1-6, and the legendary item system. You will have to download epic quest volume 2 book 7 and some class rebalancing and game tweaking patches. A much smaller update.

You can't access any of the Mines of Moria content without the Mines of Moria expansion. You can buy it on disc or as a download from Turbine. It'll save you download time and you'll definitely want it anyway if you decide to keep playing.
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