how do i get explorer to start in a specific folder and not libraries? (win7)


Jan 16, 2005
i have explorer shortcutted in my taskbar on the left but whenever I open it, it always opens in the useless libraries folder. I want it to open in my downloads folder. The only thing I can do with my downloads folder is shortcut it within my explorer menu but I still have to click it to see it.

How do i get it so it will open in here everytime?
You can change the shortcut to this: %windir%\explorer.exe /e, "D:\"

I use that string so Explorer opens to my D drive all the time.
yes but how do i add that command into the explorer shortcut on the taskbar? I right click it and all I get is folder shortcuts from it and a option to unpin it from my taskbar.
shift-right-click. Then you can go to "properties."

If you google, you can find the paths to use to make explorer open my computer instead of libraries.

Or any other location, for that matter.
You right-click on the Windows Explorer link, and pick properties. Or, do so from the Start Menu.
you could also create a downloads library. the libraries are great if you put just a little bit of time into them...
%windir%\explorer.exe /e,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}

If you're interested, that's how you start explorer in Computer.
why are libraries any different than having a shortcut to the folder
i dont get it
In some ways, a library is similar to a folder. For example, when you open a library, you'll see one or more files. However, unlike a folder, a library gathers files that are stored in several locations. This is a subtle, but important, difference. Libraries don't actually store your items. They monitor folders that contain your items, and let you access and arrange the items in different ways.

Items included in libraries are also included in the search Index. I find this produces more useful searches using Windows Search than if you just add your whole data drive to the index. but ymmv.