How did I die?

It was. I typed it in wrong but have fixed it in the computer. But I still don't understand how this alternate version of me became a casualty when he posted 585pts today
It's something to do with the coding @ HF. It's always casualty until the second unit is turned in and the first one never shows up on the hourly/daily/weekly/monthly chart. Maybe King can fix that somehow for future new members.
Here's how it works currently(it may change once I get the new code working) currently only the top 1000 teams worth of members are processed, due to this fact I had to set the first time code to only grab points and wu totals for new members.

The simple fact of the matter currently is if I didn't have it set to do this, once the team ranked 1001 takes over 1000 every member on that team would have a single update of whatever their current score is.

Imagine if flecom were on that team, that would be millions upon millions of points for a single update, in effect that would knock the total ppu, ppd, ppw, and ppm out of whack for 7 updates, 7 days, 7 weeks, and 7 months.

I will see about finding another way of handling it while I'm working on the new code.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
It's no big deal I was just curious. I thought someone saw my screweup and decided to kill me for it. :D
[BRO]Alaskan said:
It's no big deal I was just curious. I thought someone saw my screweup and decided to kill me for it. :D
