Help Troubleshoot GRO_A7 vs GRO_A4 issue?


Apr 16, 2002
So I've recently set up three more folders and I am getting wildly different PPD and TPF scores for them, even though they are identical, hardware-wise.

The machines are all Windows servers, running on 16GB RAM 8-core AMD Opteron 6128 processors @ 2GHz.

Two of the three servers are running Core A4 and are showing a TPF of about 4 minutes and a PPD of 3-5k.
But one of the servers is running Core A7 and is showing a TPF of ~1.5 minutes and a PPD of 27k.

These boxes are all running v 7.4.4 of the client.

Is it possible to force the other two boxes to grab A7 cores to boost PPD?
No, a project requiring core A7 is now on general release so it is just luck of the draw, bear in mind that the core A7 project currently available is a test project and is just comparing its results to existing ones. As time goes on more A7 projects will be released.

I'm in the same boat, only I go from 257k PPD down to 44-78k PPD!
A7 use the AVX instruction set from CPU which quite nice boost performance and hence PPD. On my i7-6700 it jump from 27k to 80k ; wish there would be a way but it's not as Nathan_P mentioned :oops: