Help! No video, no beeps


Feb 3, 2003
Working on a computer I built for a friend several years ago. E6600 w/ Asus P5B-Plus motherboard.

Machine was pretty crapped out. Main issue was that heatsink was busted and wasn't making good contact with CPU. I was still able to boot and work, but then I got an overheating message, so I quit. I bought a new heatsink, put fresh compound on, did a thorough clean and hooked it back up. No beeps, no video.

I've now stripped it to the bare minimum. RAM, video, CPU w/ heatsink. Only power switch and and speaker is plugged in. Same thing. I resat the CPU again, same issue.

Did CPU burn up maybe? Is board toast? All fans run fine. Everything spins up if it is all plugged in, just no video and no beeps, so no POST. Cleared BIOS too. Don't know what else to do. I don't have another CPU to try in this thing. Any ideas?
nope. Unfortunately, I haven't built much of anything since this build. (Mine are AMD based). I'm going to ask around to some of my other tech buddies, but I think it's going to be tough to get a mobo or cpu to test with.
Re-seat the CPU. Clean off all old thermal compound, and apply a fresh bead/layer. Even with overheating, CPUs rarely go bad, but it's possible, especially if it overheated before. You can try contacting Intel, but it's well past it's warranty, so you might not have much luck. Please report results.

Also, if you can, try a different PSU, vidcard, and RAM.
Depending on the hold down style, it could be that the new cooler is putting to much pressure on the socket, breaking contact somewhere. If its possible, try loosening it up just a touch.

Hell I have ran with a case on its side, and the cooler just sitting on the cpu, and it was a case of to much pressure in my case, board was old and fastening the cpu cooler would break a trace, so this was a last ditch effort to get every thing backed up before we set up a new system, what can i say.. it worked.

other wise, make sure you didnt short something while installing the new cooler.
... Hell I have ran with a case on its side, and the cooler just sitting on the cpu, and it was a case of to much pressure in my case, board was old and fastening the cpu cooler would break a trace, so this was a last ditch effort to get every thing backed up before we set up a new system, what can i say.. it worked. ...
I've seen a Core2 CPU run fine without a heatsink. :p Core2's ran pretty cool, especially if you weren't doing anything CPU intensive.
Re-seat the CPU. Clean off all old thermal compound, and apply a fresh bead/layer. Even with overheating, CPUs rarely go bad, but it's possible, especially if it overheated before. You can try contacting Intel, but it's well past it's warranty, so you might not have much luck. Please report results.

Also, if you can, try a different PSU, vidcard, and RAM.

Well, I did get another CPU from work to try. That one had no better luck. I guess I'll have to see if I can track down some RAM maybe, or try out the old heatsink again (maybe just put a little weight on it so it stays on). Also going to try the questionable cpu in a computer I have at work. Should be compatible. Running out of thermal compound though from all the reseating. Going to have to run out and get some.
Take the ram out and turn it on. If the fans spin up and it does NOT beep, chances are it is the motherboard.
Take the ram out and turn it on. If the fans spin up and it does NOT beep, chances are it is the motherboard.

Well CPU I know is good, works in another board. I'll try out the RAM next, because it did the same thing without it. I should have compatible RAM laying around. I'd be very happy if this just turned out to be a RAM issue and not a motherboard.
its sounding more like the mobo than the ram, but good luck! let us know how it goes.
If you pull the ram and start the PC without ANY ram and the motherboard does not beep, chances are, the motherboard is not posting at all and is bad.
Looks like the motherboard is dead. 2 cpu's, 2 sets of ram, no ram, video care or no video she just won't come up.

Any suggestions on another LG775 board? Something else solid, no OC'ing on this build. Something that will take the E6600 and also handle upgrade to Quad.

Has a 8800-GTX and 4Gb of PC2-5300 RAM.
Find what you can in the FS/T forum if you don't want to spend much. Many Core2 peeps are upgrading to Core i5/7, so there's a continuous flow of supply these days. I've sold many LGA775 boards for around $30 shipped, so aim for that or less, since this is a pretty old system.

edit: Amazon has a couple G31 boards for "cheap," if you want brand new. MSI G31TM-P21 ($48) and AsRock G31M-S R2.0 ($43)
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