HD-DVD, questions..


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2006
Ok, well i really did not realize that they have had HD-DVDs available. although, they do lol so im just wondering if i rent some hd dvd's what resolutions will they be? my monitor is 1680/1050. and since i dont even have a dvd player in my house.. ill be using my computer to watch movies. thanks.
HD-DVD is 720p vs. DVD's 480p.

thats 1280x720 resolution.

You will need a HD-DVD player to play them though.
Well, right when i was coming to check for a response on this thread, i thought of that lol. how much do HD-DVD players run? also do they got em for pc?
I dont think there are any for pc yet, but Toshiba sells one for $499 IIRC, they also make one for RCA that sells for quite a bit less but is essentially the same thing.

EDIT: Nec makes one, the HR-1100a
killernoodle said:
HD-DVD is 720p vs. DVD's 480p.

thats 1280x720 resolution.

You will need a HD-DVD player to play them though.

HD-DVD movies are all currently stored at 1080p24 (1920x1080 progressive @ 24fps) but the Toshiba player outputs either 1080i60 or 720p60. 720p is not recommended however because the Tosh player does a crap job downcoverting.

On the computer end I think you need Windows Vista to play HD-DVDs as well an HD-DVD Drive, HDCP compliant monitor and HDCP compliant video card with DVI or HDMI output. So basically, you can't play them on a computer right now.
Zan said it.

Tvs used to be standard. now look at them. some genous wanted a wider screen, thave gave him a wider screen! then widended it some more! 16:12 ----> 16:10 ---> 16:9. then high definition crap came along. Great! lets make 5000 dif versions of that too!. 720i, 720P, 1080i, 1080p, etc etc. Oh! and lets make the movies bigger! with even MORE resolution! (1900X1000), and just to piss everyone off, well make it so only a handful of graphics cards, and a handful of monitors can run them! ingenous! then sony says Hey! we got soemthing better then HD- DVD! ....

i swear some of these companys are trying to murder their audience.

my point is its a can of worms, you want an HDPC right now you gotta do some research and plenty of shopping! dont bother going HDCP or HD-DVD just yet. give it a lil more time to mature.
what if a HD-DVD was put on a computer in its same format then played. or would i still need vista? because this is pretty lame. i figured something like this would be the conclusion.. i remeber back when CD-RW was trying to become mainstream they charged so much for them now its gonna be the same thing over again.