HD 6950 3x1 problem

ben chi(f4)

Mar 4, 2008
Ok, so I have one one of these in my box and I can't seem to set up my three display when creating my profile... all that comes up is 2x1.

I have 1x Active display port, 1x DVI, and 1x HDMI... latest drivers and emptying patience.

Do all the monitors have to be the same size/resolution? Why wouldn't I be able to create 3x1 set up? If I disable one monitor, then I'm able to extend it to the other one that was previously disabled. When I try to extend to the third montior, it doesn't allow me to save that config... plox helpz.

had this problem also - had to use 2xDVI + DisplayPort. Works fine. Not sure the config you're using is supported.
Which card do you have? On some cards the HDMI port will disable one of the DVI ports if used - try putting the DVI cable on the other DVI port?