having a problem and need advice

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Jul 9, 2012
so i bought a iphone 4 16gb from a [h] member a week before christmas, this was to be a present for my daughter, well all seemed well when the phone arrived, i did not have a micro sim card at the time so i tested what i could using wifi and all seemed good.

now i finally got extra money to buy the micro sim card yesterday and phone just says No Service..
i spent over $50 between gas and buying the sim card running back and forth to the stores (apple and AT&T)

nobody was able to fix this phone, 3 sim cards later and hours of of sitting in the stores no avail.

phone won't update at all, phone won't factory reset, i'm at a total loss.

i wont bring out the sellers name just yet but this is just ridiculous..

what do you guys think should happen here?
just got back from an unlocking store who said they could help and they did..
it took 6 attempts to do a factory restore and it finally restored
sim card seems to be reading now so i guess its fine for now.. just hope i never have to try a restore or update again
yea no kidding i wish she would have settled for the htc one vx but noo..
anyways i guess this is settled
Were I the seller (I am not -- this is hypothetical) I would feel a moral obligation to refund whatever portion of the sale, was taken up by making the device work. So if it took eg $50 to make that phone accept SIM cards, I would refund you $50 unless you specifically and clearly told me not to.

I realize I've unusually strong moral convictions, but that's how I'd do it.
Were I the seller (I am not -- this is hypothetical) I would feel a moral obligation to refund whatever portion of the sale, was taken up by making the device work. So if it took eg $50 to make that phone accept SIM cards, I would refund you $50 unless you specifically and clearly told me not to.

I realize I've unusually strong moral convictions, but that's how I'd do it.

The problem with Apple devices (mobile ones in particular) is they don't repair them. If it's out of warranty, they give you a refurb for $149. Depending on the price he paid for the phone that may not be worth it to the seller.
That's actually pretty sad on Apple's part. There's no real reason for that, at least that I can think of.
That's actually pretty sad on Apple's part. There's no real reason for that, at least that I can think of.

It's incredibly easy. How's that for a "real reason?"

The device that needs fixed then in turn gets fixed, and becomes a refurb to be sold at $149 in three days, weeks, months, etc.

They need college freshman egotistical enough to call themselves "genius" without blushing, not individuals capable of fixing hardware. Much easier to aggregate those items into a few primary locations where they can be fixed as opposed to having one hardware repair guru at every Apple store.
It just seems bloody stupid to me, not to be willing/able to repair their own stuff for a customer, but to expect that customer to have good backups -- only so that Apple can turn a profit.

But then I can generally fix my computer box when it breaks...

Guess it's part of that whole thing I've seen where people using Apple love their systems but have NO CLUE how they work or why, and couldn't care less if they tried -- but still go absolute apeshit (like the rest of us) when it falls apart.

Seems to me that Apple is taking advantage of people. Not to sound like a 60s hippie (I'm only 26, after all) but it seems to me that they'd generate a crapton of bad karma that way.

Speaking of bad karma -- since I've sort of hijacked this thread, which I didn't really intend to do, I'll stop posting in it now, and let a mod close it since the OP has met his goal.
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