Hardware signatures/database

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Jun 23, 2003
I have no idea how much customization you can do to the signature code for the forums but I would like to see a sort of standardized hardware spec signature. Maybe CPU model, speed, RAM quanitity, speed, GPU model. GPU speed would be an issue here because of 2D speed settings coming standard now, maybe do a lookup and place the default clocks for the model there and let the user change it if it's different.

Now here's how I'd see that being implemented:
I really love the idea behind Steam's hardware survey and think if something like that can be implemented on the forum it would be pretty sweet. If there could be a way to integrate a system hardware scan for people (also no idea if this is possible in any browser-based coding language, not sure how valve goes about doing it) you could auto-generate a signature. Would cut down on posts that are simply "can you list your specs please?" if this was the default behavior. Just let the user decide if they want the auto generated one or make their own. Present new sign ups with this option and maybe send a message out to existing members just asking them to partake in the scan.

Aside from making it easier to diagnose problems it would offer some really cool statistics to look at that you could make public. I wonder how a [H]ardware survey would compare to valve's data.
I have no idea how much customization you can do to the signature code for the forums but I would like to see a sort of standardized hardware spec signature. Maybe CPU model, speed, RAM quanitity, speed, GPU model. GPU speed would be an issue here because of 2D speed settings coming standard now, maybe do a lookup and place the default clocks for the model there and let the user change it if it's different.

Now here's how I'd see that being implemented:
I really love the idea behind Steam's hardware survey and think if something like that can be implemented on the forum it would be pretty sweet. If there could be a way to integrate a system hardware scan for people (also no idea if this is possible in any browser-based coding language, not sure how valve goes about doing it) you could auto-generate a signature. Would cut down on posts that are simply "can you list your specs please?" if this was the default behavior. Just let the user decide if they want the auto generated one or make their own. Present new sign ups with this option and maybe send a message out to existing members just asking them to partake in the scan.

Aside from making it easier to diagnose problems it would offer some really cool statistics to look at that you could make public. I wonder how a [H]ardware survey would compare to valve's data.

Not all uses the sig for their hardware, mind you.
Sigs are left up to the individual members for what the content should be. There are guidelines listed in the forum rules...

(22) No active links, graphics, code, profanity or advertising allowed in the SIGNATURE. Sig line is limited to 10 lines total as viewed (including line spacing) @ 800 x 600 resolution or no more that 15 words per line.

If the rule is broken, a Mod or Admin usually gently prods them in the right direction :)
That's why I said there should be an option to let the member decide to use it as their sig or not, it just gives them an option to start off with that requires no work to do. And really I don't care as much about seeing signatures as the idea of a user hardware database.
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