Guild Wars 2 reviews & user thoughts

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Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004
Gameplay 90/100 - Great
Graphics 97/100 - Excellent
Sound 97/100 - Excellent
Multiplayer 95/100 - Outstanding
Value 95/100 - Outstanding
Lasting Appeal 95/100 - Outstanding
Overall 94/100 - Outstanding

I know reviews tend to be pretty damn awful nowadays, but just how much money did ArenaNet pay out on these ones?

In essence, even when you’re soloing through Tyria, Guild Wars 2 is a truly multiplayer game. You’ll participate in dynamic events with multitudes of players. Not only that, you’ll encounter others on your journeys and find that the social feel of Guild Wars 2 truly enhances your experience, even if you don’t group or interact in chat. Someone may come along and revive you in a time of need (everyone can revive, and everyone gets experience for doing it.) You may find yourself in over your head in a fight, and another soul will charge in to help. In that sense, GW2 feels like a uniquely social experience.
Yeah, that has NEVER happened in an MMO before :rolleyes:, no one's ever helped someone against an overpull or accidental agro they were going to die from. That's surely worthy of 10/10!

Structured PvP also comes neatly packaged with a wholly separate form of character advancement, so even though sPvP wins won’t necessarily help you level in PvE, you can still feel like you’re making some form of meaningful progress in both hot-join and tournament modes. Not only can you gain ranks over time, but you’ll also be able to unlock a massive amount of cosmetic options that mirror the most intricately designed armors and weapons found elsewhere in the game.
All I do is fight in no-consequence, no-reward arenas for superficial cosmetics? What's the point? You don't even get XP? Cmon...

World PvP can, however, devolve into a numbers game, and if no skilled leaders rise up you might have to give the system some time to accommodate your server.
So they slammed games like Warhammer, Rift on PVP servers, and The Secret World for that point, yet give it a glowing review for GW2?

I'd already basically paid no attention to critic reviews and many users' reviews, but good lord.

Here is an honest review or two I've seen on various forums:

nik said:
A few of my major gripes is;
1. Shallow quests. You feel like a swarm of locust moving from one place to the next and there is very little variety to speak of(unless you think being turned into a pig instead of a cow innovative and cool).
2. Directions everywhere. Right, why should I explore something that obviously everyone knows about? The sense of wanderlust and the exploring everyone was so excited about... Yeah...
3. Combat. Yepp, I'm going there and yepp, I think it is button-mashing. Be sure to bind your first skill to a very comfortable place or you're going to be hurtin'. It is still responsive and tight but yeah 80 levels of the same abilities + end game. The idea of weapon-swaps and traits sound a whole lot better than how it works in practice.

GW2 does bring good stuff to the table though, a lot of it, for starters:
1. The game is beautiful.
2. "Grouping." I hope more games adopt this style. Everyone is in a "group" and cannot kill-steal nor grief.
3. Combat. Kinda strange to have this here too but it is very good. The problem isn't the mechanics but rather the lack of things to do with it. Yes, there is the trait system and so on but doesn't tackle the fact most of your skills will be on cooldown.

There is obviously more on both pros and cons but my brain has not yet booted up fully, and I've not had my coffee yet.

That said, since it is B2P it is still worth it. The pefect 10/10 game though? Nope, and to slap such a number of it this early on only means you, as a critic, is trying to do a "first." If you go into this thinking it is going to be the best thing that ever happend to MMOs you are going to get disappointed, unless you've already drunk the kool-aid. In which case, it doesn't matter what the critics say anyways, because you're already playing it.

Just because you change something doesn't mean you've made it better. However, the good ideas should not be ignored and games you don't play does not have to suck. In addition, you shouldn't feel the need to come up with hyperbolic languange about games you no longer play. Indeed, it only makes you sound like someone who broke up with their BF/GF a year ago and still feel the need to talk about how much he or she is over her/him.


And here's mine...

Having played Guild Wars 2 during the beta weekend events and stress tests, as well as the last few days to try to see if it was any good thanks to my headstart key not having expired, I found it to have a few good things about it, but WAY more bad things that outweigh them.

Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities. Everyone has a zillion hitpoints so combat lasts forever and a day in PVP, making the fights boring and very drawn-out with no tactics really entering play. Animations felt unresponsive, especially on my Thief.

The chat box can't be moved other than a pair of pre-set spots. You can't move anything, much, actually. Basics like confirmation dialogs on many actions (such as clicking "Leave Guild") simply aren't there. The UI needs lots of love, with poor placement of many things and no modifications possible through add-ons/etc.

World vs. World is horrid. If you can even get in with the queue, you end up running for 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes to get to a fight, die in 30-60 seconds in a zerg battle, and then spend the entire time running back across the map again like a good little zergling for another several minutes. The "Downed" state is ridiculous for 1on1's... I can kill someone, try to finish them off with the finisher but then die of a DOT or they teleport with their "downed" ability, then they come back to life and kill/finish me off despite my having won the battle. TERRIBLE game design. Additionally there's no reason to care about the actual fighting seeing as how there's no risk/reward, nothing to be gained, nothing to be lost, just "for the fun of it" for fighting as nothing changes in the world or your character other than a simple cosmetic change or whatnot of your armor, for winning. Like mashing a button in Farmville to feed your cows over and over, it gets boring very quickly with no greater overarching goal.

The PVE is a pretty bad setup... you run around in a swarm of locusts to do so-called "dynamic" events that actually just are on loop every 5 minutes for the next person to zerg on, and they're pretty much all "click on five of these items while everyone else does the same" or "WOW you became a cow! Oh wait now you're a chicken in this one, how innovative! Run, run, follow that NPC!" for gameplay. No unique things like Warhammer Online had or RIFT where you're attacking/defending multiple points and doing actual dynamic fights, sieges, and needed some tactics, for defeating zone events and Public Quests.

The game makes a big point of trying to tell you "GO EXPLORE!" but you are supposedly getting some exploration and sense of amazement seeing things that everyone's obviously already seen 20 million times before? The game basically holds your hand showing you where to go, what to do, etc.

Even basics like the camera feel off, almost like it's off-center or something and more of an "over the shoulder" view which is clunky and feels weird + unresponsive.

Other EXTREMELY basic things like having a functional mail system, trading window, and auction house that other games got knocked for, are simply glossed over by reviews and forum fans, not to mention having to pay to buy simple things like bank space and bag slots (oh, you thought I meant gold? No, I mean real money! Oh, and did I forget to mention you can buy gold essentially through the in-game store, to get the best gear right away when someone's selling it? Yeah, pay-to-win on the extreme!).

Finally the game just doesn't run well for me, and I'm on a powerful machine. Performance is all over the place and typically runs 25-30fps with occasional spikes to 40, at 2560x1600 with a 2600k, gtx 670, ssd, etc. in my rig. Changing the settings down seems to barely affect anything either.

Anyway, just some food for thought and temperance of the massive hype that no game could ever hope to live up to surrounding this one, for people thinking/deciding on whether to buy the game. :)
Combat's better than any MMO I've played really. I haven't been bored yet (in fact, I'm itching to play more), which is an accomplishment for me, since EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. bores me to tears after playing it for more than 2-3 days, outside of this (only MMO's for this argument here, not other game genres).

Nvidia drivers aren't very well optimized for the time being, so that'll get fixed eventually.

Questing's very fun, and I do enjoy the event system with random players, and I usually hate random players for anything, heh.
I like the mail and banking system, a LOT. I like that it's right up there at the top and it's very seamless. I like that I can send my shit to a bank without having to physically go to the bank.
Yeah, there are some nice touches like being able to right-click stuff from bag into bank from anywhere. It's not all bad, of course.
Yeah, there are some nice touches like being able to right-click stuff from bag into bank from anywhere. It's not all bad, of course.

Idk, I'm not trying to start a hate war, I don't want to hate anybody on here, but it feels like the list you made (your list specifically) highlights like, 90% bad, 10% good, :( .
To each his own I guess. I can't put my finger on what exactly draws me to this game so much, but it's just FUN. With the past few MMO's I've tried I literally knew within the first 48 hours that I PROBABLY was not going to resub to the game after my first month. Obviously with GW2 I don't have to worry about the re-subbing part, but I find myself wanting to explore and play more and more. One of the biggest reasons is that I'm not pidgeonholed into doing quests in (1) zone dedicated to each race. There is way more than enough content for each tier, and the zones are huge to the point that it almost feels overwhelming. Overwhelmed is a feeling I rarely get from this kind of game, it's usually the complete opposite, feeling underwhelmed and boxed in. Confined to a certain zone for my faction or race and leveling there fighting amongst my so called allies over resources and mobs. Not at all in this game, and that's plenty enough to make it stand out. Is it perfect? No. There are some glaring flaws just like any other game, but I feel that vs. other recent MMOs GW2 has more than enough good aspects of the game to keep it's players drawn in for an extended period of time, and hopefully grow over time to be an even better game and live up to at least most of its potential.
Yeah, there are some nice touches like being able to right-click stuff from bag into bank from anywhere. It's not all bad, of course.

Instead of right clicking each item individually, you can click the gear at the top-right of your inventory and send everything to your collection in one click!
To each his own I guess. I can't put my finger on what exactly draws me to this game so much, but it's just FUN. With the past few MMO's I've tried I literally knew within the first 48 hours that I PROBABLY was not going to resub to the game after my first month. Obviously with GW2 I don't have to worry about the re-subbing part, but I find myself wanting to explore and play more and more. One of the biggest reasons is that I'm not pidgeonholed into doing quests in (1) zone dedicated to each race. There is way more than enough content for each tier, and the zones are huge to the point that it almost feels overwhelming. Overwhelmed is a feeling I rarely get from this kind of game, it's usually the complete opposite, feeling underwhelmed and boxed in. Confined to a certain zone for my faction or race and leveling there fighting amongst my so called allies over resources and mobs. Not at all in this game, and that's plenty enough to make it stand out. Is it perfect? No. There are some glaring flaws just like any other game, but I feel that vs. other recent MMOs GW2 has more than enough good aspects of the game to keep it's players drawn in for an extended period of time, and hopefully grow over time to be an even better game and live up to at least most of its potential.

Dude, everything you said, I agree with. Yes! It's like you read my mind.
damn, a whole new thread for him to troll GW2. somebody is bitter about that lifetime purchase of TSW. I would be salty too 200$ + 50$ = a whole shit ton of money for a game thats dev team just got sliced in half ( hope all of those employees find work, dont misunderstand me ).

anyways. I think to discredit all these reviews is pretty funny. and then to say that they paid for good reviews is pretty great too.

honestly this game is a blast. no agenda, fuck ton to do and it looks amazing. the game is poorly optimized and has some things that are wrong with it just like any game but for the simple reason ive collected 15 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days says a lot :)
Additionally there's no reason to care about the actual fighting seeing as how there's no risk/reward, nothing to be gained, nothing to be lost, just "for the fun of it" for fighting as nothing changes in the world or your character other than a simple cosmetic change or whatnot of your armor, for winning. Like mashing a button in Farmville to feed your cows over and over, it gets boring very quickly with no greater overarching goal.

This is why they needed real world pvp. I would have gotten this game by now if there was meaningful pvp...

Yeah, there are some nice touches like being able to right-click stuff from bag into bank from anywhere. It's not all bad, of course.

This seems very immersion-breaking. I know it's an MMO and immersion is typically for a game like Skyrim, but still...
Yeah, that has NEVER happened in an MMO before :rolleyes:, no one's ever helped someone against an overpull or accidental agro they were going to die from. That's surely worthy of 10/10!

Sure, people have done those things in other games, but it's probably the first TRUE instance where helping someone can actually net you a reward which tends to provide incentive. You gain exp for assisting in killing the mobs, resurrecting players, etc.

Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities. Everyone has a zillion hitpoints so combat lasts forever and a day in PVP, making the fights boring and very drawn-out with no tactics really entering play. Animations felt unresponsive, especially on my Thief.

Two things:

1) Your main ability is autocast, there's no need to spam it

2) The animations/combat are actually the smoothest I've seen in the various MMOs I've played, INCLUDING WoW which surprised me... with one caveat. Server delay & lag during the later BWE's definitely made it feel unresponsive and clunky.
This is why they needed real world pvp. I would have gotten this game by now if there was meaningful pvp...

This seems very immersion-breaking. I know it's an MMO and immersion is typically for a game like Skyrim, but still...

you can only right click and put collectibles in your bank.. collectibles being materials for crafting.
Yeah, that has NEVER happened in an MMO before , no one's ever helped someone against an overpull or accidental agro they were going to die from. That's surely worthy of 10/10!

No other MMO that I know of has rewarded everyone equally (whether grouped or not) for cooperative play in PvE scenarios. Typically, the group/player that hits the mob first "tags" it. GW2 does not do this.

Honestly, why was this thread created? What content was in it that couldn't have just gone in the official GW2 thread? Or is it just that trolling that thread with inaccurate bullshit wouldn't garner the attention you wanted?
Sure, people have done those things in other games, but it's probably the first TRUE instance where helping someone can actually net you a reward which tends to provide incentive. You gain exp for assisting in killing the mobs, resurrecting players, etc.

But in am MMO world, I believe that reward should come from the person you helped. It sounds like everyone else in the world doesn't matter... they might as well be bots.

No other MMO that I know of has rewarded everyone equally (whether grouped or not) for cooperative play in PvE scenarios. Typically, the group/player that hits the mob first "tags" it. GW2 does not do this.

Honestly, why was this thread created? What content was in it that couldn't have just gone in the official GW2 thread? Or is it just that trolling that thread with inaccurate bullshit wouldn't garner the attention you wanted?

As someone who always goes to the negative reviews first before purchasing, i enjoyed reading his criticism.
damn, a whole new thread for him to troll GW2. somebody is bitter about that lifetime purchase of TSW. I would be salty too 200$ + 50$ = a whole shit ton of money for a game thats dev team just got sliced in half ( hope all of those employees find work, dont misunderstand me ).

anyways. I think to discredit all these reviews is pretty funny. and then to say that they paid for good reviews is pretty great too.

honestly this game is a blast. no agenda, fuck ton to do and it looks amazing. the game is poorly optimized and has some things that are wrong with it just like any game but for the simple reason ive collected 15 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days says a lot :)

Pretty much man, it's hard to pull me away. Can't say that for any other game.
Pretty much man, it's hard to pull me away. Can't say that for any other game.

Not to mention that I feel interested in almost every class in the game. Having fun on alts is one of the keys to longevity in an MMO. If the classes are extremely similar and feel like they play the same, or half of them are boring to the point that I wouldn't consider playing one up, that takes away a lot of value for me in terms of replayability. I haven't put much time into WvWvW at all yet but I am so engrossed in the PvE experience I'm taking it like "I'll get to it when I get to it." -- I am a longtime EQ/EQ2 player though so PvE has always been first in my book, but I do enjoy the good ole DAoC style RvR combat. I'll be interested to see where it goes and what kind of improvements they make to the system over time.

The only thing I miss from the EQ/EQ2 days is the sheer number of abilities. EQ2 especially with my 4 hotbars completely filled up with buttons I used in combat on a regular basis. GW2 has greatly streamlined it but I don't feel bored with the lack of 30 abilities like I thought I might.
the game has been out for less than a week and just takes giant watery craps all over the other MMO's that I have played, and I don't pay a subscription for this one? Excellent.

Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities. Everyone has a zillion hitpoints so combat lasts forever and a day in PVP, making the fights boring and very drawn-out with no tactics really entering play. Animations felt unresponsive, especially on my Thief.

I swap weapon combos and the most I wait for cooldowns is a few seconds MAX while I dodge/auto attack. You are doing it wrong.

30-40 seconds??................No idea what you are screwing up so badly for this to happen to you. Button-mashing does jack shit for you in this game.
Wow really? Never could a guessed GT didn't like this game. I love TSW but c'mon man! We know you don't like GW2 Golden so why keep posting the same shit over and over again and now to make your own thread damn man GW2 must have really touched you in some private spots.
the game has been out for less than a week and just takes giant watery craps all over the other MMO's that I have played, and I don't pay a subscription for this one? Excellent.

I swap weapon combos and the most I wait for cooldowns is a few seconds MAX while I dodge/auto attack. You are doing it wrong.

30-40 seconds??................No idea what you are screwing up so badly for this to happen to you. Button-mashing does jack shit for you in this game.

Watery craps? Delicious. I like your style.

I love that there's no sub. fee.

I know reviews tend to be pretty damn awful nowadays, but just how much money did ArenaNet pay out on these ones?

Yeah, that has NEVER happened in an MMO before :rolleyes:, no one's ever helped someone against an overpull or accidental agro they were going to die from. That's surely worthy of 10/10!

All I do is fight in no-consequence, no-reward arenas for superficial cosmetics? What's the point? You don't even get XP? Cmon...

So they slammed games like Warhammer, Rift on PVP servers, and The Secret World for that point, yet give it a glowing review for GW2?

I'd already basically paid no attention to critic reviews and many users' reviews, but good lord.

Here is an honest review or two I've seen on various forums:

And here's mine...

Having played Guild Wars 2 during the beta weekend events and stress tests, as well as the last few days to try to see if it was any good thanks to my headstart key not having expired, I found it to have a few good things about it, but WAY more bad things that outweigh them.

Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities. Everyone has a zillion hitpoints so combat lasts forever and a day in PVP, making the fights boring and very drawn-out with no tactics really entering play. Animations felt unresponsive, especially on my Thief.

The chat box can't be moved other than a pair of pre-set spots. You can't move anything, much, actually. Basics like confirmation dialogs on many actions (such as clicking "Leave Guild") simply aren't there. The UI needs lots of love, with poor placement of many things and no modifications possible through add-ons/etc.

World vs. World is horrid. If you can even get in with the queue, you end up running for 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes to get to a fight, die in 30-60 seconds in a zerg battle, and then spend the entire time running back across the map again like a good little zergling for another several minutes. The "Downed" state is ridiculous for 1on1's... I can kill someone, try to finish them off with the finisher but then die of a DOT or they teleport with their "downed" ability, then they come back to life and kill/finish me off despite my having won the battle. TERRIBLE game design. Additionally there's no reason to care about the actual fighting seeing as how there's no risk/reward, nothing to be gained, nothing to be lost, just "for the fun of it" for fighting as nothing changes in the world or your character other than a simple cosmetic change or whatnot of your armor, for winning. Like mashing a button in Farmville to feed your cows over and over, it gets boring very quickly with no greater overarching goal.

The PVE is a pretty bad setup... you run around in a swarm of locusts to do so-called "dynamic" events that actually just are on loop every 5 minutes for the next person to zerg on, and they're pretty much all "click on five of these items while everyone else does the same" or "WOW you became a cow! Oh wait now you're a chicken in this one, how innovative! Run, run, follow that NPC!" for gameplay. No unique things like Warhammer Online had or RIFT where you're attacking/defending multiple points and doing actual dynamic fights, sieges, and needed some tactics, for defeating zone events and Public Quests.

The game makes a big point of trying to tell you "GO EXPLORE!" but you are supposedly getting some exploration and sense of amazement seeing things that everyone's obviously already seen 20 million times before? The game basically holds your hand showing you where to go, what to do, etc.

Even basics like the camera feel off, almost like it's off-center or something and more of an "over the shoulder" view which is clunky and feels weird + unresponsive.

Other EXTREMELY basic things like having a functional mail system, trading window, and auction house that other games got knocked for, are simply glossed over by reviews and forum fans, not to mention having to pay to buy simple things like bank space and bag slots (oh, you thought I meant gold? No, I mean real money! Oh, and did I forget to mention you can buy gold essentially through the in-game store, to get the best gear right away when someone's selling it? Yeah, pay-to-win on the extreme!).

Finally the game just doesn't run well for me, and I'm on a powerful machine. Performance is all over the place and typically runs 25-30fps with occasional spikes to 40, at 2560x1600 with a 2600k, gtx 670, ssd, etc. in my rig. Changing the settings down seems to barely affect anything either.

Anyway, just some food for thought and temperance of the massive hype that no game could ever hope to live up to surrounding this one, for people thinking/deciding on whether to buy the game. :)
I love reading reviews like this. Always good for a laugh. Critique everything yet make zero suggestions on how or what can be done to improve it. C'mon, let's hear your ideas on how you'd make a clearly superior Guild Wars 2 if you were a designer at ArenaNet.
damn, a whole new thread for him to troll GW2. somebody is bitter about that lifetime purchase of TSW. I would be salty too 200$ + 50$ = a whole shit ton of money for a game thats dev team just got sliced in half ( hope all of those employees find work, dont misunderstand me ).

anyways. I think to discredit all these reviews is pretty funny. and then to say that they paid for good reviews is pretty great too.

No one is trolling here unless you mean yourself? TSW is a great game, and I will be playing it a long time. However unlike video card brands, I can have two different mmo games installed quite happily if they're any good. Guild wars 2 is not good enough for that imo unfortunately. Good reviews are often influenced by marketing nowadays both paid and unpaid, you're naive if you think otherwise when it has been proven time and again.
I love reading reviews like this. Always good for a laugh. Critique everything yet make zero suggestions on how or what can be done to improve it. C'mon, let's hear your ideas on how you'd make a clearly superior Guild Wars 2 if you were a designer at ArenaNet.
You're not Chef Ramsey, right? You can still tell if you're getting food that tastes like crap.
You're not Chef Ramsey, right? You can still tell if you're getting food that tastes like crap.

And your point is?

The whole point of a critique is to explain what you don't like, why you don't like it, and what you'd do differently and/or what you'd do to improve it. All your "review" consists of is "I don't like this, I don't like that, this sucks, this has been done before, etc."

And btw, I'm tasting food that's pretty delicious. Not perfect, but definitely delicious. And I'll be eating lots of it for the foreseeable future.
Two things:

1) Your main ability is autocast, there's no need to spam it

2) The animations/combat are actually the smoothest I've seen in the various MMOs I've played, INCLUDING WoW which surprised me... with one caveat. Server delay & lag during the later BWE's definitely made it feel unresponsive and clunky.

Auto attack switches off on changing targets, and when you use any other ability, rendering it near useless.

I don't know if it is server lag or what but the whole thing feels unpolished and clunky to me.

Please excuse the triple post. . My phone decided to not let me copy and paste this as an edit.....
And your point is?

The whole point of a critique is to explain what you don't like, why you don't like it, and what you'd do differently and/or what you'd do to improve it.

And btw, I'm tasting food that's pretty delicious. Not perfect, but definitely delicious. And I'll be eating lots of it for the foreseeable future.

Marry me. Right now.
I'm not how far along the OP got in this but the whole remark about combat taking forever and being button mashing is completely off.

I played a theif in beta and now on release. I weapon switch like no ones business or else I will die fast; Giant mass of mobs in a group setting I will toss dots on and then GTFO of there or I will get killed fast, if I have a few mobs on me I switch to something with pistol based and drop black powder to cause blindness and not get hit, and even picked traits for that.

Don't forget the combos you can do, toss a poison cloud down and then everyones arrows do poison damage. Put a smoke based cover down and certain attacks will stealth you for a backstab etc. LOTS of team work.

And combat being slow? I can drop someone in under 4 seconds using haste and assasins signet. Only once per minute but that sure isn't slow.

I do hope for the ability to raid worlds in the future or something for more longevity end game wise as all gear is fairly equal no matter what. Perhaps tournaments with prizes for guild combat etc.

But for $60 it's got quite a lot of worthwhile gameplay, unlike that sack of crap D3 I wasted my money on. Part of me does want to see massive 100+ person raids on an epic dragon EQ style, and areas that you cannot go through solo and require an army..I always though that was just a great time in my breif EQ experience; the planes. Expansions could take care of that though have the world vs a large NPC army like a scene out of LOTR spread out of course so no FPS issues and put up most kills etc.

And they could even go the UO/Shadowbane route and have housing/keeps in the WvW area and limited bank storage or what not, sieges in Mortal Online/SB were quite fun despite the glitches etc.
No one is trolling here unless you mean yourself? TSW is a great game, and I will be playing it a long time. However unlike video card brands, I can have two different mmo games installed quite happily if they're any good. Guild wars 2 is not good enough for that imo unfortunately. Good reviews are often influenced by marketing nowadays both paid and unpaid, you're naive if you think otherwise when it has been proven time and again.

these are all opinions you've expressed several times over and over again in the guild wars 2 thread itself. they did not require another post and definitely difdnt require an entire thread.

didnt you say you returned the game after one day? i seem to remember you saying amazon gave you all of your money back. hardly capable of making an assessment at all in a day sorry. Even a game as linear as max payne cant be reviewed properly in one day
Idk, I'm not trying to start a hate war, I don't want to hate anybody on here, but it feels like the list you made (your list specifically) highlights like, 90% bad, 10% good, :( .

Welcome to goldentiger's world. He is at the same crap in the graphic card section.

To anyone thinking about buying the game, do not judge it based on the opening post. Read impartial reviews, ask friends, or go to the guildwars 2 thread on this forum. You would be a fool to base your purchase on the opening post. All I can say is haters gotta hate.

to me this whole thread is a fail troll thread.
didnt you say you returned the game? im confused

I canceled my preorder. The code still works even now, through the five day grace period. I am confused as to why you care?

P s lol at the people who can only cry troll because oh no, I disagree with them about a video game!
I canceled my preorder. The code still works even now, through the five day grace period. I am confused as to why you care?

Well you seem to care a whole lot about getting your opinion out, why can't he care about why YOU care.
I canceled my preorder. The code still works even now, through the five day grace period. I am confused as to why you care?

P s lol at the people who can only cry troll because oh no, I disagree with them about a video game!

Just goes to show how ill informed you are. Beta weekends and closed beta provided all I need.

I am posting about an mmo in an mmo thread. Stop flailing and discuss the topic if you want to? Ps I am out zero dollars, thanks amazon.

for somebody that doesnt own the game you are very concerned about it
No one ever writes a negative reviews? Why are you so riled up to defend the holy Messiah?

9.5 out of 10.

Its a great game, I am enjoying it. I feel better playing it because I don't have an extra bill on my card every month.
Well you seem to care a whole lot about getting your opinion out, why can't he care about why YOU care.

This is more of Goldentiger's world :D Strange place isn't it? Most of what he wrote in the opening post is plain wrong anyway or way over exaggerated so that it sounds way worse than it is.

While this game might not be for everyone, the proof is in the number of people who really are enjoying it. No griefing, no grinding.

And goldentiger, despite having his criticisms answered the main GW2 thread, decides to post his own negative (and mainly wrong) thread saying the same things he has said already.

What if we all decided to do that? I think we should, everyone who is happy with the game start your own thread with a positive review!!

There is a GW2 thread, this thread is trolling.
I canceled my preorder. The code still works even now, through the five day grace period. I am confused as to why you care?

P s lol at the people who can only cry troll because oh no, I disagree with them about a video game!

If you just disagreed, it'd be one thing. But the fact that you found it necessary to create a brand new thread to bash the game and you can't even get your facts right about the game itself...that's a clear indication that your motive may not be entirely honest.
If you just disagreed, it'd be one thing. But the fact that you found it necessary to create a brand new thread to bash the game and you can't even get your facts right about the game itself...that's a clear indication that your motive may not be entirely honest.

What facts am I wrong on, here? Please, I'm curious, since most of what I wrote is opinion regardless and thus is not "wrong" or "right". As far as a new thread, it's not like people don't make threads about games that already have an "official" thread. Are you going to start attacking anyone who makes a new BattleField 3 thread, or Skyrim one too now? Get real.
Welcome to my ignore list GoldenTiger. I should have added you long ago. Now I can't even accidentally read your posts. :D
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