Gskill TridentZ RGB 3600


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2007
So I think I'm having ram issues. I threw my new system together in a bit of a hurry when my old system died.

Asus Maximus X Formula
Gskill TridentZ RGB 3600 32gb (8 x4)
2 Asus R9 290x's
Samsung 940 pro 500gb as the boot drive
Seasonic 1000 watt psu (older, but voltages seem to check out)

Did a fresh install of windows 10 and had stability issues. Up to this point I didn't even know what the windows 10 blue screen looked like. Ran the newest memtest (v 7.5?) and had 61 errors, all on test 13, the hammer test. Found a newer bios for my motherboard and updated it. There were supposed to be stability fixes and compatibility fixes with memory in it. Last I looked the currently running memtest had over 300 errors and it wasn't done before I left for work. The memory is on the approved vendors list for the motherboard. I'm running the xmp profile on it and double checked that the voltage and timings were set right. Am I missing something or is it time to RMA these sticks?

Any help is appreciated
see if you still get the errors at spd 2133
if thats ok
then try one stick at a time at xmp
if one stick is ok and the other isn't you have a dud stick
if both are stable on there own the memory controller is struggling and you may have to tinker with the v a bit
you may want to check with Asus/Gskill to see how that board/ram is rated when run in 4 stick configs. I have 16gb x 4 dimms, and cannot go over 3000mhz with all 4 populated.

Also, for over pc3200 speed, you need to tweak VCCIO/VCCSA voltages. 1.15-1.2v from what I recall, but please verify first before setting these.
you may want to check with Asus/Gskill to see how that board/ram is rated when run in 4 stick configs. I have 16gb x 4 dimms, and cannot go over 3000mhz with all 4 populated.

Also, for over pc3200 speed, you need to tweak VCCIO/VCCSA voltages. 1.15-1.2v from what I recall, but please verify first before setting these.

I am running 4X16Gb Trident Z RGB 3600 @ XMP on a Rampage VI Extreme and had to set certain setting manually before I was 100% stable.

Voltage: 1.39 and also upped VCCIO/VCCSA to the range you mention but can't remember the exact settings.
what settings did you have to set manually? Other than the voltage/VCCIO/VCCSA? I've messed with those and no joy. I figure it's got to either be a cpu, board or bios limitation then. Maybe I need to find the magic timings for the ram to enter manually?

Also one important tidbit lol. This is GSKIL PC3000 15-15-15-35 rated mem. But it will run at 3200 in 2x16gb config at 16-16-16-38 timings. So maybe that is it too.
You are talking about a different kit then (and different M/B) so you most probably need to try different settings. Mine is the 64GB Kit @3600 CL17.

I did not touch any timings or anything else and the reason I even tuned these was to resolve an occasional mem detect error on boot after slightly overclocking my i9-7940X (no delid yet) . Maybe check any power/amp settings? Lol I am not that experienced with these since I was absent from overclocking for 10 years and I am just scratching the surface again.

The BIOS of the Rampage VI Extreme is overwhelming if you are just starting when it comes to OC settings.

I just got this 64GB RAM kit since it was popular with this board and I could easily find assistance should I need to. It can probably go higher but I can't be bothered right now since for my use case everything seems so fast with this new rig.