Grand Theft Auto V Delayed On PC

This pisses me off. I wouldn't be so pissed if didn't announce 4 days ago that the game wasn't going to be delayed, on top of delaying this game multiple times in the past. I have a large amount of down time coming up due to a surgery and was really hoping to play the game during recovery. Now I don't know if I'll bother picking it up.

I'm the opposite, work just got busy for me again so I have no time to play it. The upside is by the time it's no longer busy I hope to find it on sale at a Steam sale so I don't need to bitch and moan about how it's $50 a launch for a 1.5 year old game :D
Wow, I'm kinda blown away by those specs. They seem really, really light. Not surprised by the 65 GBs requirement, I figured it would need 50+ GBs HDD space.

But a 9800GT and a Q6600 as minimum? Recommended is a 660 2GB and an I5 3470? That's it?

Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it seems this will be an optimized port.
Wow, I'm kinda blown away by those specs. They seem really, really light. Not surprised by the 65 GBs requirement, I figured it would need 50+ GBs HDD space.

But a 9800GT and a Q6600 as minimum? Recommended is a 660 2GB and an I5 3470? That's it?

Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it seems this will be an optimized port.

Over time, downloadable content and programming changes will change the system requirements for this game

For now at least it would appear to be that way, or they have toned it down a bit for initial release.
Gimme my Physical disc, even if I have to buy a Blu Ray drive. Some of us have to deal with ISP data caps and no farking way im gonna suck away 50+ gigs on Steam for this.
I normally applaud delaying a game to be done properly, but does it really take 18 months to do a PC port of an already finished game?
Game developers taking a bit of time to release a properly working product is always a good thing. But regardless I will not buy the game on launch I always to wait a few weeks to see what my *trusted* PC game reviewers have to say about it and other user experiences as well.
Wow, I'm kinda blown away by those specs. They seem really, really light. Not surprised by the 65 GBs requirement, I figured it would need 50+ GBs HDD space.

But a 9800GT and a Q6600 as minimum? Recommended is a 660 2GB and an I5 3470? That's it?

Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it seems this will be an optimized port.
Well the upside is with a PC port you can actually adjust how good it looks, hence the minimum can be quite low. And also the video card is a pretty wide range there, unlike GTA4 which had a 7900 at a minimum, and 8600 as recommended, basically telling you that the CPU was going to do all the dirty work.
I'm curious as to what is so great about Grand Theft Auto.
It's the highest quality, most desirable sandbox game in the sandbox genre. GTA is to sandbox games as Diablo is to isometric action RPGs.

If you're a fan of the genre, it's the game to play. Of course, not all gamers enjoy sandbox-type games.
Wow, I'm kinda blown away by those specs. They seem really, really light. Not surprised by the 65 GBs requirement, I figured it would need 50+ GBs HDD space.

But a 9800GT and a Q6600 as minimum? Recommended is a 660 2GB and an I5 3470? That's it?

Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it seems this will be an optimized port.

Don't forget all the crazy mods that are going to come in the near future after release :p.
It's the highest quality, most desirable sandbox game in the sandbox genre. GTA is to sandbox games as Diablo is to isometric action RPGs.

Back in the GTA3 days, maybe...

Now we have games like Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Watch_Dogs (even though the performance was shit)...all games that arguably do "GTA" better than GTA does. :p
Back in the GTA3 days, maybe...

Now we have games like Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Watch_Dogs (even though the performance was shit)...all games that arguably do "GTA" better than GTA does. :p

Did you seriously just use Watch Dogs as a comparison? You lost all crediblity with that post.

Saints was good up until 2 then it just got retarded and Sleeping is horrendously overrated.
Back in the GTA3 days, maybe...

Now we have games like Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Watch_Dogs (even though the performance was shit)...all games that arguably do "GTA" better than GTA does. :p
None of those games are better than GTA by any measure of comparison. Be they sales numbers, critical reviews or user reviews.

Nothing does GTA better than GTA.
Sigh. Not a surprise, but still seriously annoying. However a buggy game would be way more annoying.

So I guess it is full on Elite: Dangerous and some Witcher 3 til then.
Did you seriously just use Watch Dogs as a comparison? You lost all crediblity with that post.

Saints was good up until 2 then it just got retarded and Sleeping is horrendously overrated.

LOL, okay... :rolleyes:

Watch_Dogs had some interesting mechanics with the hacking...more than I can say for GTA V, where once I finished the main storyline I had zero desire to do any of the side missions/activities.

None of those games are better than GTA by any measure of comparison. Be they sales numbers, critical reviews or user reviews.

Nothing does GTA better than GTA.

Agree to disagree. GTA V was a good game but not any better than any of the other competitors, IMO. And I have played all of them.
Back in the GTA3 days, maybe...

Now we have games like Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Watch_Dogs (even though the performance was shit)...all games that arguably do "GTA" better than GTA does. :p
I really enjoy SR, playing 4 now, but it is a different game than gta as are the others I'm sure.
I really enjoy SR, playing 4 now, but it is a different game than gta as are the others I'm sure.

It is a "sandbox game in the sandbox genre", which is what I was basing my reply on. Same with the rest of those titles.
LOL, okay... :rolleyes:

Watch_Dogs had some interesting mechanics with the hacking...more than I can say for GTA V, where once I finished the main storyline I had zero desire to do any of the side missions/activities.

Sounds like a personal problem
None of those games are better than GTA by any measure of comparison. Be they sales numbers, critical reviews or user reviews.

Nothing does GTA better than GTA.

This. The writing in GTA5 is world class. Original lines that would be fitting in a Tarantino movie. Trevor's dialog alone is worth the price of admission.

I got about 20% into the campaign on 360 when it first came out, but I decided its strong enough as a work that I want to savor it on PC without jaggies and everything. No regrets waiting, it will be worth it.
Just remembered this is a Mantle game, should make for one of the more interesting test cases considering the nature of it.
Just remembered this is a Mantle game, should make for one of the more interesting test cases considering the nature of it.
The only sites claiming that are VideoCardz and wccftech, which are the biggest bullshitters on the web. The Wikipedia entry that claims Mantle support offers no cite.

I would be hesitant to label GTA V a Mantle title until it's confirmed by either AMD or Rockstar.
Hasn't there been at least one delay for every single GTA PC release since GTA III? I swear this happens every time, so people should not be surprised.
I could see this going 2 ways:

1. They take the extra time and actually fix bugs and polish.
2. They take the extra time and the shit is still a shitty port.

My money is on 2.

Our money is in their pocket either way. So, I think #2 is them kicking back and having a few drinks until a week before March 24th, when they realize they should probably fix something and the game is released buggy. Yeah, definitely.
Our money is in their pocket either way. So, I think #2 is them kicking back and having a few drinks until a week before March 24th, when they realize they should probably fix something and the game is released buggy. Yeah, definitely.

I've never worked on a game, but I've been in software for 20 years and this is not how projects work. Odds are that even 2 months is too soon, but I can promise you nobody is kicking back. They worked insane hours to make the old date and it became clear that date was unattainable, so they pushed it out to 3/24.
Last I heard is because they're not even working on the PC version very much, trying to get the "heists" addition for the next gen consoles out.

I've never worked on a game, but I've been in software for 20 years and this is not how projects work. Odds are that even 2 months is too soon, but I can promise you nobody is kicking back. They worked insane hours to make the old date and it became clear that date was unattainable, so they pushed it out to 3/24.
[/quote="sfsuphysics"]Last I heard is because they're not even working on the PC version very much, trying to get the "heists" addition for the next gen consoles out. [/quote] Yeah I think he has the right idea. They're working hard alright, just probably not that hard on the PC version for the past 16 months.
Personally, I can't wait for the GTA5 master-race mods, considering what has been done with GTA4 on PC: