Google's Self-Driving Car Has A Few Bugs

funny is funny -- but there's going to be some old coot, or straight up idiot who's going to see this and think it's real and will then spread all sorts of terrible news/rumors about these self driving cars.
funny is funny -- but there's going to be some old coot, or straight up idiot who's going to see this and think it's real and will then spread all sorts of terrible news/rumors about these self driving cars.
No more than those that run around believing these will be perfect. They are even more harmful to adoption by setting the bar too high.
No more than those that run around believing these will be perfect. They are even more harmful to adoption by setting the bar too high.

Rome wasn't built in a day... the "efficient" cars we have today were 100 years in the making.

In the long run these things would eliminate things like road rage, rubbernecking, traffic accidents, and even traffic itself. Because at the end of the day, humans are slow, unpredictable, and just plain stupid.

I'm not saying there won't be bumps along the way, but the odds are in my favor when I say, any mistakes or incidents that involve self driving cars, are likely to be caused by humans themselves doing stupid unpredictable things.
I think its time for a self driving car horror movie to be made. Or hacker movie. Have it take place 20 years from now when self driving is used every where.
I think its time for a self driving car horror movie to be made. Or hacker movie. Have it take place 20 years from now when self driving is used every where.

No, we don't need people to fear them more than they irrationally do!:(
I think its time for a self driving car horror movie to be made. Or hacker movie. Have it take place 20 years from now when self driving is used every where.

Stephen King and John Carpenter already beat you to it 30 years ago.

Rome wasn't built in a day... the "efficient" cars we have today were 100 years in the making.

In the long run these things would eliminate things like road rage, rubbernecking, traffic accidents, and even traffic itself. Because at the end of the day, humans are slow, unpredictable, and just plain stupid.

I'm not saying there won't be bumps along the way, but the odds are in my favor when I say, any mistakes or incidents that involve self driving cars, are likely to be caused by humans themselves doing stupid unpredictable things.

Nope, If anything this thing is going to allow me to really throw myself into my road rage. Right now, I still have to pay attention to my driving. Imagine the rage I can get worked up when my car is automagically staying 5 feet away from the car I am randomly raging at, and I can quite literally stand up and wave my dick at the person without danger of crashing? It is going to be GLORIOUS!
manual cars will be illegal and all sense of adventure on dirt roads will be lost. Want to help pull this guy out of the ditch with a chain behind the truck? nope. The wait in queue for the next available road-service bot is 46 minutes. And of course the authorities will be able to stop or reroute your car at whim. Hacker's field day.
Nope, If anything this thing is going to allow me to really throw myself into my road rage. Right now, I still have to pay attention to my driving. Imagine the rage I can get worked up when my car is automagically staying 5 feet away from the car I am randomly raging at, and I can quite literally stand up and wave my dick at the person without danger of crashing? It is going to be GLORIOUS!

Will the person in the other robot car (also having their destination and activity monitored and mined by Google) need optical enhancement like a telescope, binoculars, or a microscope to see what you're doing? :p
I think these things are going to change stuff for the better. Can you imagine never having a car payment? How often do you actually drive a vehicle? maybe 2 hours a day max? So you are paying for a vehicle that sits parked for 90%+ of the time.
Nope, If anything this thing is going to allow me to really throw myself into my road rage. Right now, I still have to pay attention to my driving. Imagine the rage I can get worked up when my car is automagically staying 5 feet away from the car I am randomly raging at, and I can quite literally stand up and wave my dick at the person without danger of crashing? It is going to be GLORIOUS!

Dude, I wouldn't care. My dream is being able to sleep while "driving" anywhere, I probably wouldn't give a crap about you at all. Where you have your privates isn't something I'm gonna be paying attention to. Take a chill pill. (I know you're not being serious anyway though lol)

I mean to me these self driving cars are like having your own personal driver taking you everywhere. Major hell yes. I hate driving.

Side note:
I know some people are like "but dude this will make it so that we have less control ov--" let me cut you off right there. I think people have less control than they realize on the road. My friend works at a pharmacy and he spoke to an old disabled individual who has to be on something that helps him breath because (iirc) his lungs got crushed in an accident that was beyond his control. Random huge truck just crashed into him. Fact of the matter is there are a hell of a lot of idiots out there, and (if you're on this forum) you driving carefully or not is the least of your concerns when it comes to random things happening.

Heck just yesterday I was in a turn lane that was yielding into two other lanes and I came to a stop because well obviously cars were coming (wasn't super sudden). Lady behind me still drove into me somehow. Barely scratched my bumper (though it felt worse), so I didn't care but still. Trying to say that you have control over your current safety is like saying you can control chaos. People are stupid. And sometimes that "people" may be you. 60 years is a long time for anything even at a 0.005% chance to happen, depending on the time unit. I'd trust computers more than people for this stuff. I can't imagine a world with self-driving cars being more disorderly than what we have now. Take all human emotions out of driving.
Good luck to anyone expecting to go mentally or even physically AFK in one of these vehicles. I suspect for the first few decades, the owner will be expected to be able to assume control at any moment and therefore expected to be supervising what is happening every second. And if that's the case, I'd rather drive.
In the long run these things would eliminate things like road rage, rubbernecking, traffic accidents, and even traffic itself. Because at the end of the day, humans are slow, unpredictable, and just plain stupid.

How exactly are these cars going to work on slippery roads covered in snow and/or ice? All of the testing seems to be done in warm climates with no snow or ice.

Are they going to outlaw manual cars from highways? There are going to be folks driving classic cars for years to come. Many people will still want to drive a $500 junker that is 20 years old instead of shelling out $30,000 for an automated car. There are also issues with people who own motorhomes. Everybody isn't going to run out and buy new $150,000 motorhomes just to get automation.
What happens when these cars start aging? Are we going to be junking perfectly good cars because the computer is no longer compatible with the latest upgrade?
How exactly are these cars going to work on slippery roads covered in snow and/or ice? All of the testing seems to be done in warm climates with no snow or ice.

Are they going to outlaw manual cars from highways? There are going to be folks driving classic cars for years to come. Many people will still want to drive a $500 junker that is 20 years old instead of shelling out $30,000 for an automated car. There are also issues with people who own motorhomes. Everybody isn't going to run out and buy new $150,000 motorhomes just to get automation.

That's easy, just make motorhomes illegal to own except for businesses who have to file for a permit to operate them. There are very few non-recreational uses for such things. They're as large as many other vehicles that require a CDL to operate and private owners don't have to have a special license to drive them. They're dangerous, wasteful, and generally pointless and their time as status symbols and driveway queens should really be over. Oh and ban energy drinks too.