Getting a Xbox 360... and...


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2006
Ok im thinking of picking up a xbox 360. and ive got a View sonic Vx2025wm and just wondering if anybody can post some pics of there Xbox running on a LCd monitor. i would like to get an idea of what it looks like. also, the Xbox 360 specs pretty much every where claim the system can run maximum resolution of 1920/ by something. is this possible? i heard some where else it can only do 1280/ 768.. can some one please clarify how i would have to run the console on my monitor? thanks for all replys!
Check the huge Viewsonic thread, search is your friend. I posted some screens on there with my digi cam and the Xbox360 VGA cable.
XBOX360 can only do 1920x540 (1080i) which you can't really run on any monitor without a line doubler or component inputs. Basicly should have your XBOX connected to the monitor through the VGA cable which will do a maximum 1368x768 (or something like that). I use 1280x720 or 1368x768 on my Dell 20" WS because it has aspect modes which allow 1:1, scaled, or full screen mode, so the image isn't stretched. The problem with the Viewsonic is it will make whatever resolution you give it full screen so the image will be slightly distorted. Not much though and only really noticable on crosshairs in FPS.