Geoff Keighley: Project Scorpio Is $499


Aug 20, 2006
We will be getting the full details on Project Scorpio in less than three hours, but veteran Geoff Keighley has revealed, with full confidence, that Microsoft’s Xbox One follow-up will cost $499. He also confirms that the console will flaunt 6 teraflops of power, 12 gigs of RAM, and UHD Blu-ray support. Is that an acceptable price for what we will be getting?
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$500 will straight up kill the system. Even if MS loses money, they need to price it competitively to the Pro in order for Scorpio to have any chance of success. MS can claim true 4K all they want but they don't have exclusives, they don't have Sony's 1st party powerhouse, they're a very distant second place.
I might go back to console just for madden. I sure as hell not paying $100 more for this crapbox. No real reason to have confidence in ms. This may well be their final console.
Scorpio is expected to deliver a sizable upgrade over what PS4Pro is capable of doing as well as provide a full backwards compatible catalog, both worth the $100 premium. This won't be a Wii, I get the impression the high-end console manufacturers are busy trying to get us to adopt the "so long as we let you play your old games, you'll buy faster hardware every few years, wontcha!" mentality....and it's working. PC guys upgrade their GPU's every few years if they're on the hook, now they're figuring out how to get that mindset to apply to consoles. Bravo, Marketing!
Isn't the PS4 Pro $399? Seems like kind of a misstep.

The alleged specs means that Scorpio will be a lot more powerful than the PS4 Pro. I'm not sold that 6 TFLOPs is enough for true 4k, but we'll have to see what devs can do with the system.

I agree that $449 is probably a better choice, but there's nothing wrong with MS marketing this as an up-market choice compared to the PS4 pro. That said, they do need good exclusives.
I'm not seeing it take off, but if it attracts more developers for better exclusives, it might over time.

XB1S isn't exactly flying off the shelves at $200. Right now, PS4 has double the market share (not quite the same thing as number of consoles) of the XB1, and the Switch has been coming out strong recently.

It's not impossible to do, but it's a really steep uphill climb for Microsoft. Better hardware alone doesn't win the console war - the last generation the Wii dominated both XB360 and PS3, even though no one wants to admit they played one, and it was far and away the inferior hardware.
Scorpio is expected to deliver a sizable upgrade over what PS4Pro is capable of doing as well as provide a full backwards compatible catalog, both worth the $100 premium. This won't be a Wii, I get the impression the high-end console manufacturers are busy trying to get us to adopt the "so long as we let you play your old games, you'll buy faster hardware every few years, wontcha!" mentality....and it's working. PC guys upgrade their GPU's every few years if they're on the hook, now they're figuring out how to get that mindset to apply to consoles. Bravo, Marketing!

I mean spec wise it could be a big upgrade, but specs aren't that important. Games are king and MS is severely lacking in that department. And they can tout true 4K all they want, but there isn't a big difference, visually, between true 4K and the checkerboard approach a lot of Pro titles take. That's without getting into talking about 4K adoption rates. It will take a lot more than that to sell it as worth $100 more than the Pro.
That's a very steep entry point for this. Mid 400's "sounds" better.

$399 sounded even better.

I'm sorry, but $499 for a late 2017, mid-gen refresh console with presumably still Jaguar cores is laughable. All Sony has to do is cut the price of the PS4/PS4 Pro to $249/$349 respectively right before the Scorpio's release to put in the final nail in the coffin.
Isn't the PS4 Pro $399? Seems like kind of a misstep.
pspro isn't anywhere as powerful if specs are to believed also pspro can't even do uhd blu-ray. Ofc how many pspros are actually selling to begin with.
$399 sounded even better.

I'm sorry, but $499 for a late 2017, mid-gen refresh console with presumably still Jaguar cores is laughable. All Sony has to do is cut the price of the PS4/PS4 Pro to $249/$349 respectively right before the Scorpio's release to put in the final nail in the coffin.

Everything I've heard mentioned about the CPU talks about Jaguar, so you're probably right. I expect the XBS to be severely CPU bottlenecked, just like the Pro.
Well if true I will take this as the official announcement of MS leaving the console wars. I mean good riddance really. Pricing themselves out of the market gives themselves an out with investors without having to admit that the entire Xbox play has done nothing but loose them $ for years.
I like UHD blu-ray, but, let's be frank, UHD blu-ray will never matter.

You're not wrong. I have a dedicated UHD Blu-ray player and I still watch 90% of my movies through streaming services.

Microsoft killed off any reason for me to get any Xbox One after they introduced Xbox Play Anywhere. The ONLY reason I'd get a Scorpio is if they announced some stellar new exclusives that would only be on Xbox One and not shared with PC. And I mean NEW exclusives, not the redundant Gears of War, Halo, and Forza cycle.
Price might work if it really can best the PS4 Pro (I dunno, secret 5k mode?), but it's not worth that much if you can play the same games comfortably on the Xbone. More pixels and frames alone do not make a better gameplay experience.
watch sony drop an updated 4k pro.

They already advertise the PS4 Pro as a 4K console. Updating it and making "4K" the selling point again would be shooting themselves in the foot.

Sony is in a good position if Scorpio comes out at $499. If it came out at $399 then they'd have to do some work with pricing.
$500 will straight up kill the system. Even if MS loses money, they need to price it competitively to the Pro in order for Scorpio to have any chance of success. MS can claim true 4K all they want but they don't have exclusives, they don't have Sony's 1st party powerhouse, they're a very distant second place.

This echos badly of the PS3 launch. Late, overpriced, and with almost no relevant exclusives.

Microsoft's constant, half hearted dabbling with PC gaming basically neuters any exclusivity the Xbox ever has.
Yeah, they need to price this at least on par with the PS4 Pro. Your average consumer is not going to care or likely tell the difference between the Scorpio and PS4 Pro's graphics. They're going to see it's $100 more and with a weaker game library. I really hope Anthem isn't their killer app, the game will likely be multiplatform.

If they open it up and make it a custom Win10 PC that can also place nice with Steam, Origin, etc - I will make it rain jizz. As it stands now, I'm hoping for Win10/Scorpio 1st party software launch parity.
Well I was expecting $599... So I guess there's that...

I'm interested, but I'll wait for the $399 bundle for Xmas :p
They already advertise the PS4 Pro as a 4K console. Updating it and making "4K" the selling point again would be shooting themselves in the foot.

Sony is in a good position if Scorpio comes out at $499. If it came out at $399 then they'd have to do some work with pricing.

does not mean they couldnt drop another model with 4k uhd playback and an improved chip.
Hmm not bad considering UHD bluray players is still north of $200 bucks and supposedly more powerful than PS4 Pro.
$499 , This thing will still sell like fucking crazy. Supposed to be the best console by a longggggggggg shot. Looking forward to the event at 2pm!

Already own the PS4 Pro and XB1 too.
considering the ps4 pro is inferior and basically the same price, i dont see why people wont buy them? 100 dollars isnt much around that price tier.
considering the ps4 pro is inferior and basically the same price, i dont see why people wont buy them? 100 dollars isnt much around that price tier.

It will come down to the software library, and Sony has been killing it this generation (so far). MS has been pretty quiet on the first party software front, so hopefully they'll be able to show a decent amount of software off for the first time today.
If PS4Pro had UHD Blu-ray I would have bought one.

With a PC, I can't justify buying a console just play console games anymore. My PS3 was my Blu-ray player, and it was nice that it would play a few games. When I heard about the PS4Pro release I thought it would be my next system, but no UHD Blu-ray. I had to switch to XBOS this round.

Wish Sony got on board and added the UHD capability.
"so long as we let you play your old games, you'll buy faster hardware every few years
If they do that from now on, i might consider a console again.

Ms lost me when they said that the xbone was not going to have any backward compatibility when they announced it.
If PS4Pro had UHD Blu-ray I would have bought one.

With a PC, I can't justify buying a console just play console games anymore. My PS3 was my Blu-ray player, and it was nice that it would play a few games. When I heard about the PS4Pro release I thought it would be my next system, but no UHD Blu-ray. I had to switch to XBOS this round.

Wish Sony got on board and added the UHD capability.

Yeah when I found out that PS4 Pro did not support UHD discs I almost took a spit take. Because I was really prepared to buy one for UHD playback and the few exclusives I cannot enjoy on PC and Nintendo. But no... And Xbox does not interest me at all. So no console, again.

Regarding Scorpio's price, I am conflicted. On the other hand this should be a pure next-gen console, and a 4k one at that, so the price is understandable. But on the other hand they advertise it just as Xbox One beefed up, which I think is silly if the performance claims have any truth into them. Make no mistake, Microsoft may be saying that games on Scorpio should support Xbox One too but the moment developers say it cannot be done for the games they have planned that policy gets dropped like toilet paper after wiping, I'm sure of it. Microsoft knows they screwed up XBone with the shitty launch and lower power compared to their competitor. They do want to one-up Sony any way they can so why not fully commit to the next gen right from the start instead of tippytoeing it with xbox one holding its potential back.
People thinking UHD is a selling point is very bad for MS. I'm not sure MS is smart enough to realise people buying them to be mainly used as Blu players isn't a good thing.

Sony didn't include one for good reason. Sony lost millions for a long time on the ps3 on hardware.... as people where buying them as blu players and in many cases never buying software that made them actual profit.

Sonys decision to not include the UHD was strategically very smart. Let all customers looking for a high end blu player that will have long term support buy up the MS consoles. No matter what anyone says there is zero profit best case in the consoles even with cost reductions on mature parts. Sony out maneuvered MS... they are still selling more PS and of the MS UHD blu machines that are selling I would bet as many as 20% are going to customers that never intend to purchase a game, that is a big lo$$ for MS.
I honestly think it's not going to be as doom and gloom as many people here are thinking. Honestly, I see the Scorpio as a PC replacement for many people. With UWP being heavily pushed by Microsoft, and most people using their mobile devices for the internet, it wouldn't surprise me to see an Xbox Office Suite in the very near future. It's basically going to become Microsoft's all in one device, as it moves away from just being a primary gaming device.
considering the ps4 pro is inferior and basically the same price, i dont see why people wont buy them? 100 dollars isnt much around that price tier.

Specs don't matter. 4K doesn't matter. Games matter. Games are king. Microsoft doesn't have them. The XB1 gets inferior versions of games. The XB1 does not get big exclusives or exclusive content. MS' first party lineup is anemic compared to what Sony puts out. Nintendo is the only company on the planet with a consistently better in-house lineup then Sony, and even that is debatable sometimes. MS spent all of last gen closing down and selling off in-house teams and now their 1st party is extremely lacking.
Specs don't matter. 4K doesn't matter. Games matter. Games are king. Microsoft doesn't have them. The XB1 gets inferior versions of games. The XB1 does not get big exclusives or exclusive content. MS' first party lineup is anemic compared to what Sony puts out. Nintendo is the only company on the planet with a consistently better in-house lineup then Sony, and even that is debatable sometimes. MS spent all of last gen closing down and selling off in-house teams and now their 1st party is extremely lacking.
This. Specs dont mattter much to console players. Ps2 was weaker then the competition. The Wii was far weaker then the PS3 and 360. Yet they both dominated their respected generation. In console sells. The Wii was anomaly tho cause they sold way more systems but nothing game wise out side of their own IPs.
*anxiously awaiting E3 footage thats due in about hour....

Honestly, $499 is about what I expected.
Listen, don't be naive .... Sony will have an answer to the Scorpio ... trust me, DEV's are expecting it, consumers would love it and Investors demand it. It's going to happen. In fact, some very serious heavy weights in the know have already chimed in and said this was going to happen.

Sony has the PS4 and the PS4 Pro .... they cut back those product lines and it frees up resources to make the new PS4K .... which is an awesome name. Or, whatever they decide to name it.

The Xbox has one huge disadvantage and that it's an American console.

Many of the best games come out of Japanese studios. America is too American for it's own good. That's why you get a lot of the same regurgitated shit over and over again that does not innovate in the least.

And like many have been saying, it's all about the games. Sony has this on lock-down in spades.
$399 sounded even better.

I'm sorry, but $499 for a late 2017, mid-gen refresh console with presumably still Jaguar cores is laughable. All Sony has to do is cut the price of the PS4/PS4 Pro to $249/$349 respectively right before the Scorpio's release to put in the final nail in the coffin.
I welcome the upcoming PS4 pro price cuts.
People thinking UHD is a selling point is very bad for MS. I'm not sure MS is smart enough to realise people buying them to be mainly used as Blu players isn't a good thing.

Sony didn't include one for good reason. Sony lost millions for a long time on the ps3 on hardware.... as people where buying them as blu players and in many cases never buying software that made them actual profit.

Sonys decision to not include the UHD was strategically very smart. Let all customers looking for a high end blu player that will have long term support buy up the MS consoles. No matter what anyone says there is zero profit best case in the consoles even with cost reductions on mature parts. Sony out maneuvered MS... they are still selling more PS and of the MS UHD blu machines that are selling I would bet as many as 20% are going to customers that never intend to purchase a game, that is a big lo$$ for MS.

Strange, I purchased the Xbox One S as a UHD Blu-ray player but some how ended up buying 15+ games? Seems like it is an easy way into the home, and when you have it, you might as well buy some games to play on it.

Now Sony lost out on all those game sales from me only because they didn't have a complete entertainment system which would have been easy to implement and destroy MS. Also, I have a few more games I am waiting on and will be buying when they released.

Honestly I don't think I'm alone in this situation.
Strange, I purchased the Xbox One S as a UHD Blu-ray player but some how ended up buying 15+ games? Seems like it is an easy way into the home, and when you have it, you might as well buy some games to play on it.

Now Sony lost out on all those game sales from me only because they didn't have a complete entertainment system which would have been easy to implement and destroy MS. Also, I have a few more games I am waiting on and will be buying when they released.

Honestly I don't think I'm alone in this situation.

For every customer like you I am pretty sure you can point to 20 of the other variety. I know I purchased a PS3 I never bought a game for... I can think of at least 3 friends of the top of my head that did the same. On these forums I have also heard from people that claim to own older Xboxone hardware that bought the S to for nothing else but to use as a Blu player.

In theory it sounds great, get in the home then sell them games. I just don't believe that happens often enough to justify selling millions of consoles at cost that are unlikely to return any real profitable sales.

Sony agreed with my thinking this round... I guess the sales numbers will prove them either right or wrong. So far it seems to not be hurting Sony at all... guess we'll have to wait and see if MS actually moves a ton of hardware + software titles.
For every customer like you I am pretty sure you can point to 20 of the other variety. I know I purchased a PS3 I never bought a game for... I can think of at least 3 friends of the top of my head that did the same. On these forums I have also heard from people that claim to own older Xboxone hardware that bought the S to for nothing else but to use as a Blu player.

In theory it sounds great, get in the home then sell them games. I just don't believe that happens often enough to justify selling millions of consoles at cost that are unlikely to return any real profitable sales.

Sony agreed with my thinking this round... I guess the sales numbers will prove them either right or wrong. So far it seems to not be hurting Sony at all... guess we'll have to wait and see if MS actually moves a ton of hardware + software titles.
Same thing for the ps2, it was one if not the cheaper dvd player on those days.
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