Games I may have missed out on in the last couple years.


Dec 28, 2000
Just built a new rig after suffering for to long with a machine capable of playing well, nothing.

I've missed out on a lot of games. I picked up crysis 2, fear 3, witcher 2, just cause 2. Played a bit of bulletstorm. Old PC would play bad company 2 so I played quite a bit of that. Waiting for BF3. Played most of the console games on consoles (Have a PS3 and 360)

I like shooters, I like strats (Love civ, got civ 5 as well) I love RPG's (didn't really care for Dragon Age..) I got Shogan 2 free with my vid card, can't play it as the text is too small (playing on a 42" LCD 720P, don't have space for a desk/monitor..)

Is Metro 2033 worth getting? What about AVP?

AVP no, Metro yes.

Other recommendations I'd give would be the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games (probably grab them cheap on a daily something during this current Steam sale). Also, Singularity is on sale today for $7.49 on Steam. Really fun shooter for that price, IMO.
Ya Metro is a lot of fun. Single player only and pretty linear, but a good story, nice visuals, and so on. I enjoyed it.
If you can get AvP on sale for cheap, and you're a fan of the Aliens/Predator stuff, then it isn't such a bad pickup.

A few strategy games that comes to mind are the Sword of the Stars complete pack, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Hegemony Gold. There's demos out there for all these games.
If you like shooters and RPG,then the STALKER games are definitely worth trying since they're open world games with elements of both. Same with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
Keep an eye on the Steam sales going on right now. Easy way to catch up quick and cheap.
Yeah, I think AvP was going for 75% off on Steam yesterday. But even at $10 I probably wouldn't bother...
Another vote for Metro and Stalker series.

Mass Effect games are good but I'm guessing they're "console games" and you've already played them?
Are you interested in indie games and/or "casual" games? There have been a lot of good ones in those categories. Plants VS. Zombies, Defense Grid, Torchlight, Frozen Synapse, etc.
As others have stated Metro 2033 is an extremely good game and will really test your new rig. I loved that damn game so much, I ended up doing a full-blown walkthrough of it (see sig).

You can also add Starcraft 2 to your list if you like RTS.
Morrowind and Oblivion, modded. Morrowind still lags on my PC since MGE is a hack and is quite hard on the system.
I used those guides for Morrowind and Oblivion and they are great. The Oblivion was is hard on the PC as well but I think its not as bad as the Morrowind mod(As MGE isn't included or doesn't do much). The games look great though, especially Oblivion. Better than Crysis in some spots. Some of the gameplay that is added/changed is also for the better.
BioShock 1 & 2 are my recommendations (in addition to many excellent games others have named) :)
AvP gets a bad rap IMO. I paid about 20€ and I enjoyed my purchase.
They got the feel of the different franchises and creatures/marines just right, and the story is wonderful tribute to the movies and especially the original AvP comics. The single player is also refreshingly oldschoolish.
You can play the multiplayer but its not great. Its too sloppy control wise and theres is a very token progression system. With friends some coop survival or group hunting can be fun though.
Started playing Serious Sam first encounter HD tonight. Never played the original. I'm not sure how good it is regularly but in surround it seriously makes the whole thing an engulfing experience. I'm not sure if you can view this screenshot in its entirely but when this Bull came at me I about shit my pants
You might want to change "Max 3D Rendering MPix" in the GPU performance options. For some reason, even at the highest preset, it's capped at 2.0MPix (~1920x1080) and upscaled on anything bigger.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and both games are awesome. 80% off today on Steam, by the way.
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